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Fallen Angel Reviews

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

Cheyenne had just gotten off work as a nurse at the hospital when she was caught up in a storm of wind and lightning. When the lightning had died down, she discovered that she was no longer in the Southwest U.S. – she was in a grassland of rolling hills that was totally strange to her. At first, the place seems deserted, but then she sees a group of men on horseback riding toward her. As they get closer, Cheyenne realizes that these are not people from Earth, but strangers with swords! Unfortunately, the men have seen her and, although she struggles, they take her captive. Now trapped, Cheyenne must learn how to survive in this strange world, where her presence is considered the answer to a prophecy that is hundreds of years old.

I was quite wrapped up in this novel of alternate worlds and, in spite of its super-size length, I read it in one day. This is a very enjoyable novel about a modern Native American girl being drawn through a rift in ... time? space? ... and coming to the planet of Zandar to face her destiny. The heroine must come to terms with the changes in her life, and with the disparity of what she had thought was her future to what it will actually be. The character of Cheyenne is complex and carefully developed, and matures throughout the book from an untried girl into a woman. The other characters – mostly male – are more simplistic and less complex, and never displace Cheyenne as the center of the novel. The sex scenes are sensual and emotional, but not too graphic or explicit. There are numerous scenes of jeopardy in which the heroine is threatened by violence, but not to worry – she perseveres. I must say that the author has, even taking into account its length, skillfully written an engrossing novel and I recommend it for fans of futuristic romance.

Fallen Angel Reviews

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