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Paranormal Romance

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

"Fantastic fantasy!" Pulling into her parking space at home after a long day's work, Cheyenne has the feeling her roommate won't be there. Oh well, at least she has her cat for company. Of course, with the storm brewing, the cat will probably hide like always. When she gets out of her car, the wind really picks up and getting across the parking lot to the door suddenly seems an impossible task. The wind becomes so strong, it knocks Cheyenne to her knees. While she's down on all fours attempting to stand up, the sky turns weird colors and looks like it's folding in on itself. The next thing she knows, this weird occurrence picks her up and she ends up facedown in the middle of a field! Even her clothes were replaced with a tiny little shift- like thing which shows more than it hides.

Finding a good sized lump on her head, Cheyenne decides she needs to figure out where she is. On one side of her is a forest, the other side is a mountain. Since she's climbed mountains before, she decided it would be the lesser of two evils and she might be able to see something from the top. When she finally makes it to the top, she looks out and sees a group of men in the distance. One of them in particular stands out. In her eyes, he appears as a Greek god. Tall, strong and handsome. When the men start moving in her direction, Cheyenne immediately starts running. This time, her goal is to reach the forest. Well, we all know the outcome of this race and when the 'god' finally catches Cheyenne, she's full of scratches. Even though he talks funny, Cheyenne can understand every word he says. The Greek god, or Darian, decides to take Cheyenne with them. He wants her for his own and plans on eventually having her.

They eventually arrive at their destination, a whorehouse. The owner takes Cheyenne up to a room so she can get cleaned up and change her clothes. As she's getting ready to get in the tub, the owner notices a mark on Cheyenne's bottom. The mark is a tattoo from a drawing Cheyenne had done years ago, in her rebellious phase. The owner can't believe this! It turns out the tattoo is the mark of the Prophecy! Unfortunately, the owner isn't the only that sees the tattoo. There is another girl, and she plans on using the information to her advantage. And so, the other girl does. She tells Darian's brother, Chris, commonly known as Lord Blood for a reason, of the mark. Now Chris has the chance to once again to take a woman away from his brother and plans to do so that very evening while everyone is asleep.

Exactly what is the Prophecy everyone is talking about? What is this place Cheyenne landed in? Will she be able to escape from Chris' evil clutches and return to the man she loves, Darian? Even though Darian wants her, will he love her?

MORE THAN PROPHECY is a thrilling ride from the very first page right up to the surprising ending! Shannon Leigh has done a wonderful job of bringing her characters to life in this exciting story. The men are all big, bad warriors and the world reminded me of medieval Scotland. The hierarchy is very similar to that time period with Liege- lords and Lords and so on. A time when might was right. Under the prophecy, this is, at heart, a very tender romance. We have Darian, a man, who at one point in time, was engaged to be married to the woman he loved. When it was discovered this woman was sleeping with his brother, he banished the both of them and swore he would never fall in love again. Then we have Chris, Darian's brother, who will stop at nothing in his attempts to steal Cheyenne away from Darian. Then we have Cheyenne, taken from her own world and dropped in this one so very different from her own, feeling like a pawn because of this prophecy. Will any man ever love her and want her for herself, and not because of some prophecy? And of course, she has no idea what this prophecy is all about. This is a wonderful story I highly recommend reading!

--Chere Gruver
Paranormal Romance Reviews

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