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Sizzling Romances

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

On the land of Zandar, there is an ancient prophecy that states a woman will come to them from the land of Earth and bear the child that will unite their feuding lands. Cheyenne has no clue how one minute she was climbing out of her car and the next she's in a field and a huge barbarian of a man is chasing her. Lord Andreas knows from the moment he sees Cheyenne appear out of nowhere that they are meant to be together, but proving that to her is another story.

I absolutely loved this book. I was glad it was four hundred odd pages. The author created such a believable and realistic world in Zandar, that I almost believed it was a one-dimensional version of Earth. From the moment Darian walked on the scene, he captured my attention. Big, sexy and courageous, the perfect hero. I think Cheyenne's reaction to being mystically transported strikes true. I began to invest more in her character each time she had a break down. I thought it was cleverly planned that the author didn't let Cheyenne's character discover the prophecy until after her relationship with Darian had somewhat been established. And the way in which Darian himself found out she was the woman from their prophecy was absolutely perfect. I loved his take charge, 'I know what's best for you' personality. And just when I thought the couple could never end up together because there were too many obstacles, hope arises.

I loved how the author didn't just drop the bombshell that in order for the two main characters to be together, there would take a great deal of planning and dedication; she built it up and dropped bits and pieces of information here and there. I had inklings and guessed what could happen, but nothing prepared me for the end. Although, I do think it ended rather abruptly, I think that may be attributed to a possible sequel (I hope). Wonderful read!

Sizzling Romances

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