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TCM Reviews

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

A lightening storm splits the sky. Cheyenne is fascinated by the oncoming storm as she prepares to enter her car. Its wake creates a vortex that sucks Cheyenne from the modern world into a world dominated by warriors. To her horror she discovers upon waking that she is no longer wearing her nurse’s uniform; instead she is scantily clad in a thin gown that is almost transparent.

Walking up the crest of a nearby hill, she is spotted by a yummy specimen of a man, who is immediately floored by her beauty. He and a band of his men chase her into the Goetic forest, where he captures and subdues her. Unnerved by the haunted woods, he is anxious to leave for camp. He is captivated by her beauty and wants to know more about where she is from.

Cheyenne is overwhelmed by her new surroundings and the feelings that she suddenly has for this warrior stranger who claims that he is Lord Darian of Zandar. Darian has sworn to never love again, after he discovers that his bride to be is sleeping with his brother. Darian banishes his brother who then later connives to steal Cheyenne from him as well.

Cheyenne is supposed to fulfill a prophecy, one that calls her the chosen one. Will Darian be able to claim her for his own or will the prophecy be the one thing that keeps them apart?

This is a beautiful engaging story that is a wonderful read with gorgeous imagery, and I’m not necessarily talking about the scenery, although it is also descriptive and breathtaking.

--Reviewer: Qetesh
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