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The Romance Studio

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005
Overall Rating:
Sensuality Rating: Mildly Sensual

As Cheyenne leaves work for home, she notices the threatening sky and wishes to be safely snug in her shared apartment, curled up with her cat Milo before the storm lets loose. It's not to be, and when the flashing lightning and whirling maelstrom release her she is in a world flanked on one side by a grassy knoll and on the other a forest. Unbelieving, she stands and looks for her Mustang and the parking lot she'd only moments ago stood in. Not knowing which way to go, but deciding against a forest with unknown wild animals possibly prowling it, she opts to climb the hill.

Atop the hill and breathing heavy, she views and is viewed by a man who will change her life, Lord Darian Andreas, a man who is not used to a woman fleeing from him especially when he orders her to stop.

A chase leads to her capture, in more ways than one. The attraction is instant. Later a welcomed bath in an establishment catering to men's lusts, reveals information about Cheyenne, that will draw her into danger and attract more male attention then she can handle. I enjoyed this romp. It was fun seeing a modern young woman dropped into a world dominated by strong-willed men, more used to solving their problems with fists and swords then words. Pick it up and see what you think.

--Barbara M. Hodges
The Romance Studio

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