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Chapter One
Page 4

Cheyenne slowly cracked open one eye and then squeezed it shut when light shot through her head like a silver bullet. “Oooh…man,” she groaned, feeling the unwanted effects of a wicked hangover. Funny, she didn’t recall drinking last night. The last thing she remembered was falling to the ground when the wind had thrown her off balance.

Shading her eyes from the sun’s fierce glare, she rolled onto her belly. I must have landed on my head!

Propping herself up on one elbow, she felt for a lump or depression with her other hand. Satisfied that she hadn’t sustained any serious injuries, she turned her attention to her strange surroundings.

“This isn’t right.” She blinked a few more times in bewilderment. She had landed by her car, in the parking lot. But her vehicle was nowhere in sight, and the ground was covered with grass, not broken pavement. Cheyenne tentatively fingered a long, green blade for verification.

Disoriented, she fumbled to her feet. A small twinge of panic began in her belly as she took in her foreign surroundings. “I must be dreaming,” she announced to the air around her, trying to quell her growing alarm.

She pinched herself, yelping when pain shot through her arm. “Ouch!” Cheyenne rubbed her smarting skin. Ok, maybe this isn’t a dream.

There were no buildings, no cars, no streets, no lampposts. She was surrounded by trees and…wildflowers and…hills and…nothing that made any kind of sense!

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