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Chapter One
Page 6

Or perhaps it was something else that drew her to the right. She didn’t know why, but her instinct screamed it was the way to go. And who was she to argue?

Cheyenne glanced once more at the looming forest, visualizing yellow caution tape and an imaginary sign that yelled, “Danger! Do not enter!” Although only a figment of her creative imagination, the message was loud and clear. With an involuntary shudder, she turned on her heels and started toward the stony obstacle course.

After only a few wrong turns, Cheyenne reached the base of the hill. But as the ground sloped upward, forcing her to lean forward and climb, an alarming discovery stopped her dead in her tracks.

“Shit!” she gasped, staring down at her bare legs with horror. She was practically naked!

Gone were her nursing uniform, her shoes, her jacket, and all manner of underclothing. Now she was garbed in a plain, cream-colored gown, which hung off her shoulders with spaghetti-thin straps that looked as though they would snap with the slightest tug. The material was nearly transparent and, she noticed with irritation, the offending garment barely covered her thighs.

“Oh, this is great!” she yelled out to no one in particular and shook an angry fist toward the crystal blue sky as if scolding God himself. “I’m lost in the middle of who knows where, with no clothes, no directions, and—”

A heavy rumble of what sounded like thunder echoed in the distance, momentarily cutting off her tantrum. “And it’s getting ready to rain!” she threw out, determined to get in the last word. “Just wonderful.”

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