ARCHIVES:  June 1-7, 2006

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June 7, 2006 - Wednesday

I Voted

Yesterday we had Primary elections plus an amendment item and I voted. While I had some definite wishes for some of the offices, I had no idea for others. I leave some candidate spaces blank when I have no idea who to choose. I think it is better than just voting randomly or because the name sounds good. Alas, not all of my choices won. Oh well. At least we can vote on it.



June 6, 2006 - Tuesday

Six A.M. on 6-6-6

We used to joke about how funny it would be if Ashton were born today - but he was born during the same month as I which is a very good month. Here's my morning walk during the hour of 6 a.m. on 6-6-6. It was a lovely, slightly cool day. I voted in our local elections today, too.




June 5, 2006 - Monday

Many Sign Generators

Thanks to Pat L. for this GREAT link to sign generators. You are right, Pat. I love sign generators. I am having much fun with this.





June 4, 2006 - Sunday

Church was Fun Today

I sure had fun today taking pictures of my grandson to church and showing everyone. They even announced it in a meeting there. I will probably say this a million times, but it sure is fun being a grandparent -- all the glory and only a fraction of the work.




June 3, 2006 - Saturday

Rotting Columns

We have 3 columns on our little one-story house that are decorative as well as holding up the front porch. Every few years we have to replace them. This year, we don't want to do it ourselves.

Who do you call? Thank goodness for our local online newsgroup. It's a useful place to post questions and opinions. I go there with all kinds of queries. There are some very nice people in this city.



June 2, 2006 - Friday Updated

I just updated and added page two for, the site about my grandson and entered a picture taken by his father at I am wondering if I should go with a regular blog format for this or just HTML on my own. There's something to be said for the ease of a regular blog.

On the other hand, if the regular blog program goes down, everything goes down with it. This has happened before (and my photo site is currently down even as I post this). What to do ... what to do....???



June 1, 2006 - Thursday

Which X-Man are You?

I did this with the previous movie and took a different test with the current movie (which was a great, but sad, movie).


Which X-Men Are You??

YOU ARE PROF. X!!!You have the ability to read minds and you are one of the strongest mutants around. You created the X-Men (thats why they're called the the X-Men) and Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, which is the only school for mutants. Your signature is your awsome wheelchair
Take this quiz!

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