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ARCHIVES: April 8-15, 2004


April 15, 2004 - Thursday

Amazon.com has a Search Engine

Just read this on Leoville -- Amazon.com has a search engine which went online today in beta format.  Leo says it is similar to Google except for the light yellow background. Wonder who will come up with a search engine next? It looks good -- my sites come up there at about the same level as they do in Google - because the new search engine is Google-powered.



Helios-Great Free Screen Saver

This was recommended in the Computer Shopper that came today. It's a free psychedelic screen saver. I like it -- a little different from anything else I've seen.


Helios Screen Saver



Alabama is the 7th Fattest State

... So says Jean Brandau in her latest newsletter from About.com. Well, I know the reason for that -- Alabama has the best tasting food in the nation! Our Gibson's has won the BBQ annual cook-off (held in Memphis) for several years running.


It's a proven statistic that 99% of people who lose a significant amount of weight gain it all back within 5 years, no matter what method or program they use. Some people attribute weight gain to emotional problems, others to bad habits taught in youth or boredom, but some folks are just hungrier than others and it doesn't feel "right" until they eat enough to be satisfied or they walk around hungry all day.


Which is better, living long and enjoying it less or living shorter but enjoying it more -- or making millions off of the next weight loss fad? Whatever is believed about eating - at least keep exercising. Exercise does good in a million unimaginable ways, no matter if it is helping with weight loss or not.



April 14, 2004 - Wednesday

The Earth: Cooling Down or Warming Up?

What a surprise to read in last night's paper that the earth receives 10 percent less light than it did in 1958. Maybe that explains the snow flurries we got yesterday -- and this is the time we normally have our last frost before summer. (More likely, it explains why so many of my photographs turn out too dark.)


I am confused. Is the earth cooling down or warming up? I don't think our city even knows since it is hot one day and freezing the next. The joke around here is that Huntsville gets all four seasons in one week.



April 13, 2004 - Tuesday

MoBlogging in the News

Here's a nice little article about blogs made with photos from camera cellphones (or uploaded pictures). Several sites are suggested here. I love the idea and got a camera cellphone (cellcam) just to do this. Unfortunately, the cellcam takes poor quality pictures. I bought a small pocket camera and now upload most of the photos from home. Eventually I want a better cellcam. Once in a while, I upload a "photo of the moment" to my MoBlog with the cellcam. MoBlogging is blogging for those who hate to write. Take a photo, add an optional title and optional text, and send it off. Many people do not bother with any text and just send in their photos. Also, now that the cellcams take movies, the site can show movies complete with sound.



Cats are Aphrodisiacs?

I was browsing the animal news sites found via a link with CatsKittensandFelines.com which led to another link -- which led to half a day shot in an instant (it seemed) following one link or another -- and found this article about how cats "can actually alter the personalities of their human owners, turning women into “sex kittens" and men into 'alley cats.'” Too funny (although it is meant to be a serious article).



April 12, 2004 - Monday

Uses for Leftover Boiled Eggs

Before the world ends (see entry below), I'm going to use up my leftover dyed and boiled Easter eggs. Mentioned on Paul Harvey today is Epicurious.com (cute play on words). In the search box, type "boiled eggs" (no quotes). Ta-da! A kazillion recipes!



If We Don't Have Enough to Worry About, Here's This

Even if its low, I don't like the odds of there being a 10 percent chance of a large devasting asteroid hitting the earth in our lifetime. At least scientists are working on a way to prevent this.



April 11, 2004 - Sunday

It's Hip to Believe in Jesus Now

So says this newspaper article -- amazing the influence a movie can have. Things about Jesus are more popular than ever. For many of us, Jesus has always been "hip." Happy Easter to you and your family.



Easter Eggs

In time for the holiday, C. T. sent this great link to hidden "Easter Eggs" in programs, DVDs, games, etc. For example, in Pirates of the Caribbean and Finding Nemo DVDs are special video segments not listed. You can only see them if you know the secret code to making them show up.


The Easter Egg Archive



April 10, 2004 - Saturday

My Husband's Birthday

Today is my husband's birthday. We usually celebrate by eating out. He hasn't decided where he wants to go, but his idea of a perfect meal is prime rib (a real "steak and potatoes" kind of guy). Then we will probably see a movie. It may be cliché, but dinner and movie is still fun. (To endure the torture, er, hear us singing Happy Birthday, click on the cake. Our cat even chimes in at the end.)


His mother was about 46 when she had him. His next oldest brother is 17 years older than him. He was a real surprise -- and I am glad for it!



April 9, 2004 - Friday

Harvesting Spinach

My husband picked a batch of fresh spinach. I used to hate spinach as a kid. That was when we had the canned variety. I hated peas for the same reason. Eating these things fresh from the garden involves an entirely different taste. They are good food.


This morning, we chopped and sauteed the spinach a bit, then scrambled eggs into it. All of this was put into a large tortilla wrap that had been microwaved for a minute or so with cheese and bacon bits. I look forward to when the green peppers and tomatoes ripen. The wraps and omelets will be great by then! Sometimes we sprinkle chopped green pepper right into the fried eggs.


(This made "Editor's Choice" on TextAmerica.com. Guess it looks pretty gross -- tasted wonderful, though.)



April 8, 2004 - Thursday

Cleaning Up the Creek

The city has posted these signs along Aldridge Creek. I guess that explains the trucks out there. Hopefully, they are really going to clean up the trash and debris  - and especially prevent future flooding to all of the homes they allowed to be built along this creek (and for which they are being sued by homeowners who were flooded out in June 1999). Even right now, we are amazed at homes being built so close to the Tennessee River along the Ditto Marina Parkway. Growing up here, I've seen that land flooded several times. One friend accuses the city of being run by realtors. I like to see progress, but it appears that land developing gets overzealous sometimes.



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