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ARCHIVES: August 1-7, 2004


August 7, 2004 - Saturday

Quiet Computers

My husband has proven to me that computers can be real, real quiet. He bought a new quieter power supply and fan. Now the loudest thing in the room is the chair squeaking -- very nice when listening to music or watching TV with the computer on.


I have an appreciation for quiet, growing up in constant noise with 6 brothers and sisters, going to college and living in dorms or in off-campus houses full of people. Even though the TV or music is on around here for a time every day, most of the day is spent in quiet, listening to the sounds of outside - so peaceful, well, most of the time. We have an active neighborhood. Everyone owns either a dog or a loud car or both. Sometimes you want the music on. Heh.



August 6, 2004 - Friday

Make Your Own Postage Stamp

Thanks to a free About.com newsletter from Jean Brandau, I learned about a site where you can make a genuine postage stamp using your own photo. This is a real stamp that can go on letters. I love it!




The site is easy to navigate and allows for editing choices as you look at the finished product. A photo is uploaded to the site and it goes from there. Cost is about $1 a stamp (a sheet of 20 stamps for $19.99). I could use these on some of my daughter's wedding announcements.


Then again, I always thought my cat's face belonged on a postage stamp.




August 5, 2004 - Thursday

Dancing Letters

Thanks to MAGOD, comes this link to several types of animated GIF letters and names free from ARG! Custom names and paid versions are available, too. H-m-m-m-m, this needs a little music.




Building a House in One Day

Our local news is covering a Habitat for Humanity house that is being built in one day (on a cement foundation previously in place) ...  interesting to watch the hourly progress on this house. I live in a house about the same size. It took two years to finish. Amazing what motivation can do.


The builders told us two months would be all it would take, but one thing led to another and it dragged on. We had already locked in the price so we hung on for two long years. It was worth it, though.



August 4, 2004 - Wednesday

Today's Front Pages from All Over the World

These are photos of newspaper front pages for today. The first one today was an Anniston, Alabama paper. Thanks to w|e|s for this link --> Front Pages. At first glance, it looks like these are mostly from the United States.



Microsoft's New Search Engine

Leoville.com reports about the new search engine that will search the Internet, your hard drive and network all at once. I wish it would search through my house, too. I am always misplacing things. Maybe it could search for teenagers who are out past their curfew. Then again, I wish it could search my brain for the names of people I just met and forget too quickly. Read the news article about this.



August 3, 2004 - Tuesday

In Memory of Buzzy

I created a slideshow of the more recent photos of Buzzy. Other photos of Buzzy are at BamaCats.com. (Muddy has a slideshow, too.)



Swiss Toilet

Thanks to J.C., I got these photos showing a toilet in Switzerland. H-m-m-m, would you go inside? I know I'd avoid it in low-light. You can see into a one-way mirror if the light is dim -- like at dusk or dawn.




August 2, 2004 - Monday

Homeland Security

I've had a discussion with several people about the security alerts we've been getting. Some people feel like they are useless, just someone trying to keep their bases covered, more a political move than anything else. I disagree. I like them because they keep us alert. I like to know when there's an increased possibility of a terrorist attack.


Would I do things differently? Sure. If I was going to New York City or D.C. right now, I'd delay it, if possible. I think the alerts keep everyone else watching for trouble when we'd get lax without them. Issuing the alert because we have an idea of what our enemies are up to may have been a deterrent in itself, too.


We are on a national flood insurance program. That program now runs under Homeland Security. Obviously, this department is doing more than just issuing alerts and dealing with terrorist activities.



The Bourne Identity (Spoiler Here)

Trying to decide if we wanted to see the just-released Bourne Supremacy or not, we watched the first movie, The Bourne Identity. It was action-packed, thrilling, and an edge-of-your-seat kind of movie. I liked the alternate ending in the DVD better than the original ending, by the way. It was even filmed on location, giving viewers a good look at Paris.


I had one complaint. Why was everyone a bad guy? We were confused throughout the movie, trying to figure out the good guys and the bad guys. Turns out, everyone was a bad guy, everyone in the spy business, that is. I was frustrated with it. At least our folks should have been the good guys.


The story left us in a general state of confusion, not knowing who to root for, even the main character. Other than that, it was a great movie. Has anyone seen the Bourne Supremacy? Is it better?



August 1, 2004 - Sunday

The Village - Movie

Quick Movie Review of the Week --> My daughter has good taste in horror movies. She saw "The Village" yesterday. When I asked her if it was any good, she said, "No." Sorry I do not have more details except that it got a "rotten" at RottenTomatoes.com.



Putting Things Out by the Street

My husband put our broken lawnmower out by the street for the city or anyone to pick up. He just set it there, looking normal. I thought he should tip it on its side to let folks know we were throwing it away because it didn't look that bad.


When we left and returned that afternoon, the lawnmower was pushed back into the middle of our yard. I thought some kind-hearted neighbor was trying to save it for us. Then we noticed a note attached. The person left their phone number and stated that he would like to have the mower if we were trying to get rid of it.


I was only too glad to call. I told him about what was wrong with the mower and added that he was welcome to it. He was happy to hear this and came by again. I thought he was kind for leaving a note and trying to the do the right thing. There are still many good people left in this world.