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ARCHIVES: August 16-23, 2004



August 23, 2004 - Monday

Local Mayoral Election Tomorrow

Tomorrow we are voting for a new mayor or to keep the older one. There are several contenders, but there are three major ones and I am undecided between all of them. None are perfect, and I suspect any of the three would do a good enough job with Huntsville. I expect that there will have to be a runoff so the choices will come down to two after this. Any Huntsvillians out here? Who do you recommend?



August 22, 2004 - Sunday

Moon's Shadow over Africa

Here's a cool gif. Its from NASA's site and shows the moon's shadow passing over Africa (thanks to MAGOD).




August 21, 2004 - Saturday

Margaret Hoelzer - 5th

That's a good showing. We are proud of our Huntsville swimmer. Margaret was only .82 of a second from the bronze medal -- amazing how close the competition can be -- that is less than a second. Whew!



BamaPhotos.com Comments Now Open

Now anyone can post an anonymous (or other) comment on TextAmerica photo blogs. When you see a login screen, enter personx as the name and enterx as the password. You can be anonymous or leave your name and type your website into the comment box, if desired.


I am glad because it gets tiresome when there are so many sites that sight require registration before they can used.



August 20, 2004 - Friday

T-Mobile's Free Website

I just learned that anyone with a T-Mobile cell camera has a free website and blog (which they call an "album" and a "journal"). It's very easy to send picture to their site, but I have already invested over 3,000 photos in my photo blog at BamaPhotos.com so I don't intend to switch. However, since I can send a photo to several places at once, I will direct a few copies over there just for fun ---> http://www.tmobilepictures.com/BamaBlog.


You can not pick out any special templates, but the site comes up clean and quick. Photos can be enlarged twice - big and bigger. This is fun.



Wrinkle-Free Clothes - More

I was griping about the lack of permanent press clothes when J. C. told me that permanent press clothes do not "breathe" well, even all-cotton permanent press. Perhaps customers prefer to buy the clothes that breathe better. Okay then - maybe we can make the wrinkled look even more popular. Maybe we can do away with ironing all together. I wish.


I also wish my hair did not go immediately and directly flat in humid weather. I'd love to have more wrinkles in it - anything to give it life. (I can not do a perm - my hair won't take one well.)



Olympic Swimmer from Huntsville

Our city has a competitor in the Olympics, Margaret Hoelzer. We're excited for her efforts. Tonight is her big night. She graduated from Huntsville High School and is now a student at Auburn. Here's more information about her. Good luck tonight, Margaret!



August 19, 2004 - Thursday

Watching the Olympics

Talking with several friends, I find everyone has a different reaction to the Olympics. First, on the morning news, they said the ratings were "respectable" but not "fantastic." The TV commentator thought all the reality shows on TV have diluted interest in the Olympics (which is just another reality show).


Two other friends love the Olympics. They like to root for the Americans and want to talk about the performances. Another friend dislikes them. This friend does not have a high opinion of many organized sports programs, saying they are rife with drug and other problems.


One of my sisters and even her children love to watch the Olympics. Her children were on a swimming team and got excited to watch our swimmers compete. I know they could identify with the competitors.


I watch enough of the Olympics or the news broadcasts later to keep involved in the conversations going on. I think they are great. I wish the underdog Iraqi basketball team would do well.


If was funny many years ago when McDonalds had an Olympic contest. We won food when our country won. Fortunately for us and, unfortunately for McDonalds, the U.S. won a lot that year. I wonder if McDonalds lost much money on that one.


Google is doing cute things with their logo every day, too.



August 18, 2004 - Wednesday

Wrinkle-Free Clothes -- Where?

With today's ways to make clothes wrinkle-free, why do so many of them still have to be ironed? We have permanent press blends and even permanent press cotton, but where are they? It's hard to find anything like that. I cringe when I see an all-cotton or all-rayon shirt. They shrink. Even worse, they wrinkle horribly.


I think this is a plot. Clothes-makers know folks hate to iron -- so they make clothes that look terrible after one washing. Enough people, whether subconsciously or not, would prefer to buy new clothes rather than stop to iron older ones -- thus, it makes bucks for the clothing industry. I suppose money is enough motivation to stay away from producing much in the way of permanent press -- darn it.



August 17, 2004 - Tuesday

Tracking Hurricanes

Track the paths of current and recent hurricanes. Charley was a nasty one and Earl is coming up. Poor Florida! They get hit with all of these at once. It seems like feast or famine.


One of my sisters lives near the Georgia/Florida state line. So far, they've been okay -- and I love Florida. When I was in Atlanta last week, the radio station was doing a fund-raiser to help Charley victims. It's good to know that many people care.



August 16, 2004 - Monday

Sweet Tomatoes - Buffet Restaurant

I love visiting my relatives in Atlanta, but it is good to be home, too. One cat was aloof and the other one was his usual loving self.


Atlanta traffic is always heavy, but if you don't mind driving among a kazillion cars, there are nice places to go. I spent a morning at the Discover Mills outlet mall. It's like Opry Mills, but I think Discover Mills is bigger. All of those "Mills" outlets were built by the same company, I'd guess. I remember one in Dallas, too. They have some fine marked down prices, although not every store is an outlet. There are several "regular" mall stores in the place and a big supermall-type foodcourt.


Another place I like is Sweet Tomatoes, a little soup and salad buffet that promotes healthy delicious food. I love their homemade noodles and chicken soup and their shrimp bisque. They have several other unusual types of soup and salad, one salad being a smoky bbq grilled vegetable tossed salad - so good!



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