ARCHIVES September 24-30, 2004

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Topics on this Page

AOL in France

Beware of Bloggers

Blog - Redesigned

Blog - a New Design

Google Browser?


Hard to Read?

Is Popcorn a Vegetable?

Microsoft Frontpage

Microsoft Office 2003 Stupidity - Fuzzy

Which Classic Pin-Up Model are You?

Who is Older?

Complete Topic List


September 30, 2004 - Thursday

Microsoft Office 2003 Stupidity

Here's another "Stupid Microsoft Trick." I have Office 2003. I did not install all of the programs that came with it when I first started using it. Now, I find that I want to install another program from it.

Okay, I grab the CD and it comes up with an "update" option. I click on the program that I want to add and away it goes. When all is said and done, I find and test out the program. Everything works fine ... UNTIL ...

I discover that ALL of my previous Office programs such as Word have been UNINSTALLED because I did not select them on the "update" option page. How illogical is Microsoft getting? It seems to grow worse every year.

And I am more determined than ever to abandon FrontPage because of all the extra unneeded codes that it wants to slip in. As simple as this blog page is, I still have to go in and directly code lines that FrontPage should not be including. Argh!



September 29, 2004 - Wednesday

Who is Older?

My husband I went to Barnhill's for lunch. They offer all kinds of American-type food such as chicken and steak. I love their catfish -- it's the best catfish I ever had. When I happened to look at the receipt later, I noticed that we were charged one regular lunch price and one senior discount price.


We are both in our forties so I asked my husband which one of us was supposed to be "the senior." He wisely said, "It must be me." I congratulated him on knowing the right thing to say. He has learned a few things in our 24 years of marriage.



September 28, 2004 - Tuesday

Which Classic Pin-Up Model are You?

I haven't done a Quizilla questionnaire in a while. Here's one going around right now -- which female pin up model are you?


You're Brigitte Bardot!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



Microsoft FrontPage

I use Microsoft Frontpage, I am ashamed to admit. I used to write in straight HTML code, then I used Microsoft Word when it first came with a web page converter. That was funny because it was so slow and buggy and I had to go in and manually change some of the HTML, but it was still faster than straight coding.


Microsoft FrontPage came out so I switched from trying to blunder through Word's web page converter. Unfortunately, FrontPage is buggy and does things to a page that I wish it wouldn't. It's gotten better, but it is still a bit aggravating. (Sometimes, I go into the HTML and write a line or two, after which, FrontPage decides that it isn't logical and changes it right in front of my eyes! Then, I have to go into the Notepad to make the code changes - argh!) Alas, from using FrontPage so often, I am used to it. I know many of the bugs so I resist switching permanently.


I have worked with Macromedia's Dreamweaver. This is a much better program. I'd recommend it. I don't have much experience with it, yet, but I hope to learn it better as I go along. I keep jumping back to FrontPage because I am more familier with that buggy program, though.


I need the self-control to learn something new and better rather than stick with the old familiar program.



September 27, 2004 - Monday

Hard to Read?

I appreciate those who have posted and written to let me know that the font on this restyled page is hard to read and appears extremely tiny on their browsers. I am not sure why since I was using the same font and font size as the older version of this blog.

I am going to try different font and size settings to find one that works for most people. Please let me know if this looks any better now. I also recommend clicking on the word "View" at the top of the screen, then selecting "Text Size" and try making it larger (if using IE).

I am still mystified why the older blog with the same font and size was easier to read than this new one before today. I didn't change the font settings then.

Does this new font scheme seem better to you? Is it too big or too little?



September 26, 2004 - Sunday


Type in a personal or famous first and last name (no quotes) and see what Googlism knows about others with that name. This is cute. I found out that someone with my same first and last name ...


  • is joining the team.

  • is a fellow of the royal academy of engineering and the institute of electrical engineers.

  • is president of morgan insurance agency.

  • is ultimately responsible for managing the problems of customer relations and service.

  • is the former managing director of bae systems.

  • is a senior manager in the southeast consumer business industry practice for deloitte & touche.

  • is a secondary school teacher.

  • is a registered transportation practitioner.

  • is the interim town attorney.

  • is also significant.

  • is an experienced organisation development consultant and executive coach.

  • is returning from running melbourne airport to head baa's growing international division.



Google Browser?

Wouldn't Google have a cool browser if they could come out with one? I'd love to see it since I like GMail so much and Google seems to have a Midas touch these days.



AOL in France

My husband found an interesting article about AOL in France from Ed Foster's GripeLog. France is not going to let AOL get away with several things. France felt that many of AOL's terms of service were unfair to customers and forced them to make numerous changes. Here's a quote.


"Almost all the clauses deemed abusive by the court are ones that you'd find in virtually any American ISP's terms of service. The offending terms included AOL's disclaimer of all liability for service outages, the customer's automatic acceptance of billing changes, AOL's right to terminate the service without warning, and the practice of charging a full minute of service for partial minutes. Also included was that most classic of sneakwrap terms, the right of AOL to unilaterally make changes to the agreement at its discretion."



September 25, 2004 - Saturday

Blog - Redesigned

Thanks go to everyone who posted a comment last night. Because of your encouraging comments, I took the plunge and changed this page. It's refreshing to have a different look and I wanted to try working with a static background.

I plan to change the picture in the bottom corner occasionally -- or decorate it for the seasons. I hope none of you get too tired of seeing my beloved cat here.



September 24, 2004 - Friday

Blog - A New Design

I've been thinking of changing this blog design for no particular reason exceprt that it was fun to make. What do you think? Are you tired of looking at gray? This one is Firefox-Friendly, at least - and has a similar "feel."

Possible New Blog



Is Popcorn a Vegetable?

I subscribe to my old college's e-mail news. Today, they posted an article about how people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and, worse, don't even know how much they are supposed to eat in a day. (The answer is five.) If popcorn counts as a vegetable, then I am doing pretty good.


Americans Not Eating Enough Produce and Related Article


(Could we just stop the article title after the word, "Produce" and say that Americans are not eating enough?)



Beware of Bloggers

Bloggers are a force to be reckoned with, according to Here's an excerpt of their article:


Bloggers are now serving as fact-checking, credibility-screening, gap-filling counterweights to traditional media. We saw this in vivid Technicolor after "CBS Evening News" released documents alleging preferential treatment toward President Bush during the Vietnam War. Bloggers threw the "memo" story back in CBS's face with a flurry of investigatory rebuttals, counterclaims, and testimonials from real and self-proclaimed handwriting or typewriter experts. Within a day of CBS airing its "scoop", bloggers effectively shifted the story from one about presidential perks to one about network credibility. CBS executives were not only caught by surprise, but will probably never think the same way about story "due diligence." - Fuzzy

I haven't entered a photo in a while. Here's my entry for this week's topic of "Fuzzy." There are many pet photo entries this week. I thought of trying to grow fuzzy mold or finding a fuzzy new beard or even a closeup of peach skin ... but naw, I am proud of my pet, too.




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