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Husband: Joseph Edward Paulukaitis

Born:                  at:   
Married:                  at:   
   Died:                  at:   
 Father: Adomas Pauliukaitis (Americanized to Adam Paulukaitis), son of Adomas Pauliukaitis and Eve Dzindzilutie
 Mother: Ursule Balcziunaulie  (Possibly Americanized to Julia Balcomas)
        Other Spouses: 

Wife: Rita Catherine Buckley

Born:                  at:   
   Died:                  at:   
        Other Spouses: 


Name: David Edward Paulukaitis
   Born:                  at:   
Married:                  at:   
   Died:                  at:   
Spouses: Deborah Denise Matson  

NOTES (from descendant, Adam Paulukaitis) He writes: 

There are certain  marks on letters in these names; Balcziunaulie was originally spelled without the 'z' and instead had the 'c' with a little v-looking thingy on it that made the "ch" sound.  If you have any Baltic fonts, you can see it there.  Also, with Dzindzilutie, the 'z' is supposed to have a v-thingy over it also; the v over the letter 'z' makes the 'zh' (as in measure) sound.  The combo of 'd' and 'zh' is supposed to make the j sound, like in "Judith".   Yes, I am all nit-picky about the pronunciation and all the little nuances, but I just find it interesting how names are written like that and stuff.

I don’t think Ursule ever became a citizen; I have yet to find her soc security number, but we do have Adam's.  I don’t know if she ended up changing her name or not.  If she did, it wasn’t official. for the parents of Adomas and Eve, I have no idea who the heck they are (yet!).  I may have found the name of at least Ursule's dad.  I read notes from conversation my mom had years ago with Casimir Potack, one of my grandfather's best friends.  Casimir was also called "Uncle Chaluk", and he is/was my dad's godfather.  I think he is still living, but too weak to leave his house or something.  I have been meaning to call him but haven’t yet.  My mom doesn’t remember most of what was talked about but I found the notes she took.  It appears that Ursule's father's name was Jonas, the Lith equivalent of John.  I also think she had an older brother by that name.  Mind you, Jonas and Balciunas are two fairly common Lith names, but this is what Chaluk said.  Jonas had two wives, as we do know definitely that Ursule had a half sister, named Ona.  They were very close; they were only about a year apart in age, they lived on the same street in Philadelphia, and they died one year and one day apart!  I have a whole big layout of Ona's family tree; Chaluk is somehow juxtaposed into the tree as the brother of somebody's wife of some daughter of/or Ona or something, making him sort of a distant in-law to my grandfather also.  Both Ona's and Ursule's have somewhat kept in touch.  My mom talked with my dad's first or second cousin-something-removed-whatever recently (like within the past 2 years or so) and she filled us in on a lot of stuff about Ona's family and the older members of the Paulukaitis family in America.

I have pictures and several funeral mass cards.  I have this one wonderful picture (postcard) of young Adam and Ursule with baby Joseph.




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