[behind the music]The King After months of pleading with The King, otherwise known as Chris, his majesty generously decided to grace this page with his bio. As his name suggests, he is patriarch of Mother Courage, and the band would suck without him. Raffe "Big Goldfish" Cataldo Raffe is an Eastern European master of the Pan Flute. He worked as an exotic dancer to put himself through college. He has NO BRACES. Apparently, he is our Lord and Savior. He is superior to everyone in Sam Ash. Tom "Tupac" Karl Tom is a sheepherder from southern New Zealand. He wastes his days fishing for minnows and hiding from his neighbors. He MUST be home by 9:30. He will happily wear skirts if asked. Natalie "Kiss Me You Fool" Smith Natalie is deathly afraid of Suburban Station. Enough said. Lizzie "STD" McCown Lizzie is big pimpin'. She is fluent in Pig Latin. She has been working as a missionary for the past 12 years by the Ganges. Jane "Raffepants Beltertube" Vincent Jane is currently modelling in Milan. She is one of the greatest people I know. [main] . [news] . [bios] . [lyrics] . [photos] . [quotes] . [contact] . [links]