THE LAW OF SUCCESS of Napoleon Hill


1.   If you do not believe in co-operation, look what a wagon that loses a wheel.

2.   Seek the counsel of men who will tell you the truth about yourself, even if it hurts you to hear it.  Mere commendation will not bring the improvement you need.

3.   If you cannot do great things yourself, remember that you may do small things in a great way.

4.   A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.

5.   One of the most destructive evils is slanderous talk.  It breaks human hearts and ruins reputations with ruthlessness unknown in connection with all other evils.

6.   Success is the development of the power with which to get whatever one wants in life without interfering with the rights of others.

7.   If you can run a losing race without blaming your loss on someone else, you have bright prospectus of success further down the road in life.

8.   No position in life can be secure, and no achievement can be permanent unless built upon truth and justice.

9.   Any one can ‘start’, but only the thoroughbred will ‘finish’.

10.   Remember that when you make an appointment with another person you assume the responsibility of punctuality, and that you have no right to waste others’ time.

11.   You are fortunate if you have learned the truth that the very seed of success is dormant in every failure that you experience.

12.   Is it not strange that we fear most that which never happens, or exists!  And we destroy our initiative by the fear of defeat/failure when, in reality, defeat/failure is the most useful tonic for attaining the success eventually.

13.   A great leader is he who, with maturity, kindness and empathy leads by suggestions and guidance rather than by force.

14.   A home is something that cannot be bought.  You can buy a house but only a woman can make it a real home.

15.   The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything.  Do not be afraid of mistakes provided you do not make the same one twice.

16.   Love, beauty, joy and worship are forever building, tearing down and rebuilding the foundation of each man’s soul.

17.   The supreme mystery of the universe is life!  We come here without our consent, from where we do not know! We go away without our consent, when we do not know!

18.   Careful analyses of all the men who are known to be successful disclosed the fact that all had failed many a time before arriving at success.

19.   Charles Chaplin made a million dollars a year out of a funny, ‘something different but useful to people’; take the hint ‘individualize’ yourself with distinctive and useful ideas.

20.   E.M.Startler became the most successful hotel man in the world by rendering more service and better service than his guests were asked to pay for.

21.   One of the most valuable things any man can learn is the art of using the knowledge and experience of others.

22.   A careful inventory of all your experiences may disclose the startling fact that everything has happened for the best.

23.   Conceit is a fog, which envelops a man’s real character beyond his own recognition.  It weakens his native ability and strengthens all his inconsistencies.

24.   There is a suitable reward for every virtue and appropriate punishment for every sin a man commits; both the reward and the punishment are effects over which no man has control, as they come upon him voluntarily.

25.   Your employer does not control the sort of service you render; you control that, and it is the thing that makes or breaks you.

26.   If you are successful, remember that somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a lift, or an idea, that started you in the right direction; remember, also, that you are indebted to life until you help some less-fortunate person, just as you were helped.

27.   Lazy man is he who has not found the work for which he is best suited.

28.   I like to see a man proud of his country, and I like to see him so live that his country is proud of him.

29.   When you reach that degree of wisdom, which prompts you to see less of the weaknesses of others and more of your own, then you will be walking in the company of the really great.

30.   The great Edison failed ten thousand times before he made the incandescent electric light work; do not become discouraged and quit but try and try again till you succeed.

31.   Any man may become great by doing the common-place things of life in a great spirit with a genuine desire to be helpful service to others.

32.   Defeat, or failure, like a headache, warns us that something has gone wrong.  If we are intelligent, we look for the cause and profit by the experience.

33.   Nothing is impossible for a man with a will to achieve a definite purpose.

34.   It is far better to be associated with a few who are right than with the mob which is wrong, because right is always the winner in the end.

35.   To give pleasure to a single heart by a single kind act is better than a thousand head-bowings in prayer.

36.   Those souls in this world, which have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and of leaving it behind them everywhere they go, are great.

37.   Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life.

38.   If a man has built a sound character, it makes but little difference what people say about him, because he will win in the end.

39.   You have not fulfilled every duty unless you have fulfilled that being pleasant.


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