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In The Library Reviews

Nana’s Little Black Book
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-441-6
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
Short Paranormal Erotica
October 2005
Rating: 8 Gargoyles

Close your eyes and imagine, your choice of lovers guaranteed to satisfy your every need from mind-blowing orgasms to fixing your front door, all at your beck and call. There's just one itty bitty hitch…

Catrina lost her parents to a car accident when she was very young. Raised by her Nana, she grew up with home-cooked meals, a warm heart and unconditional love. Two weeks ago, Catrina came home only to find her grandmother lying on the floor in her bedroom, passed on due to a heart failure, or so the doctors believe. With no money, no job and still two semesters to go before getting her alternative medicine degree, Catrina is kind of at a loss as to what to do first. For now, giving the house a thorough cleaning will have to suffice because she missed her Nana so much that nothing else really mattered right now.

Finally coming to the decision that she couldn't put it off any longer, Catrina opened her Nana's bedroom door. Finding a hidden vault under the area rug in the center of the room, Cat found out that her grandmother was into more than herbal healing…she was into magick. Finding a veritable treasure trove of old tombs, multi-colored bottles and vials filled with mysterious contents, and a little black book that looked almost new. Opening and investigating the contacts all Cat could think was, "Oh Nana, what dark secrets were you hiding?"

Chasing the little black book with a mind of it's own, Cat came face to face with the most gorgeous man she'd ever laid eyes on…clad in a carpenter's tool belt and nothing else.

Nana's Little Black Book is a fascinating story that really made me think…what if? Cat is a very likeable woman that has been through the tragedy of losing a loved one, yet was given a childhood that has made her strong and gave her the ability to deal with it. The demons are yummy and oh, so, hot! This short story drew me in and had me glued to the monitor…especially after Malthus showed up. What I wouldn't do to have that little black book for my own… Shannon Leigh has brought us a tale that is as hot as Malthus' home, and thoroughly enjoyable. I really wish that it could have been longer, I'd have loved to find out just how good a Grigori demon is.

--Summer Lasaire
In The Library Reviews

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