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Paranormal Romance Reviews

Nana’s Little Black Book
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-441-6
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
Short Paranormal Erotica
October 2005

"Highly erotic story with a twist!"

Having lost her parents to a car accident at a very young age, Catrina was raised by her Nana. And now, Nana is gone, dead and buried and Catrina is alone in the world. Trying to keep busy in an effort to stay out of Nana's room, Catrina is cleaning Nana's house. Anything to avoid going into Nana's bedroom, where Catrina found her. Finally forcing herself, Catrina takes the broom and dustpan and enters Nana's bedroom.

While she's sweeping, Catrina thinks back about her Nana and how the two of them had planned on Catrina's opening an alternative medicine shop once she graduates college. Of course, Catrina has no idea how she's going to afford anything anymore with Nana gone. With the room finally swept and the bed stripped, Catrina must now clean the rug she found Nana curled up on, dead. When she lifts the rug, Catrina finds a hidden trapdoor in the floor. Of course, Catrina opens it and finds all kinds of things inside. From amulets and scrolls to old books and bottles filled with all kinds of things. When a scarf begins wrapping itself around Catrina's arm, she decides she's had enough and is going to put everything back in the space under the floor. Catrina still can't believe Nana was into all this stuff! Catrina thought all Nana did was use herbs and things for cures, not black magic! When she's picking everything up to put it back, a little black address book falls out of the pile and onto the floor.

What is this little black book? Is it an address book, or something more sinister? Exactly what was Nana into?

NANA'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK is a highly intriguing story. Shannon Leigh once again tells a tale of the paranormal with the heroine totally unsuspecting it. We become pulled into the details of Catrina's life with the very first page of the story and the action just keeps us turning the pages. And exactly what NANA'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK has inside is something totally unexpected! This is one you don't want to miss!

--Chere Gruver
Paranormal Romance Reviews

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