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TCM Reviews

Nana’s Little Black Book
Ebook ISBN: 1-59279-441-6
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
Short Paranormal Erotica
October 2005

It had only been a few weeks since Nana’s death. Catrina was not sure how she was going to survive without Nana and her nurturing presence. She knew she had to face the inevitable and begin to put to order Nana’s personal belongings. Opening an unusual hidden panel that she found set into the wooden floor; she is amazed at the assortment of ancient tomes, oddities, and magical items that her grandmother owned. Her gaze falls to a black address book. She is soon to find that this is no ordinary address book. She is now the book’s new owner or keeper. She has the ability to call forth any demon listed in the book to do her bidding. She runs her fingers lightly over the keypad inside the front cover. The numbers glow ominously and a gorgeous naked male sporting a carpenters tool belt appears in the middle of her living room. He is well endowed and determined to fulfill more of Catrina’s needs than just fixing the front door.

This book is deliciously seductive; the sex is erotic with light bondage themes. The sexual situations are well written and tantalizing. It is definitely the perfect story to put you in the mood. Excellent read.

TCM Reviews

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