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Catrina let out a long sigh, then stood up from the bed. Until she could figure out the best way to contain Nana’s secrets, she supposed keeping them buried in the floor vault would have to suffice.

She started toward the exposed chamber, intent on replacing all the items she’d removed. Scarcely three steps from the bed, she dropped the little black book. It landed on the floor with a firm smack! Of course, dropped was probably an understatement, the book practically leaped from her hand.

“Well that’s strange,” she declared. It was almost as if the book didn’t want to go back in the vault. Normally, that would seem like a strange notion, but at this point, she was willing to accept anything.

Bending over, she reached for the book. Just as her fingers brushed the cover, it raced across the floor away from her. “Hey!” Catrina protested, running after the estranged volume.

It sped toward the door, across the threshold, and into the living room. Catrina hurried after it, praying the darn thing didn’t slip through the gap under the front door—she’d been meaning to have a new piece of weather-stripping placed along the bottom edge—and head down the street. While there were few neighbors in the cul-de-sac, she imagined the ones she did have would think she was nuts, running after a renegade black book.

“Come back—oh!” Catrina stopped dead in her tracks. Standing within her living room, between the coffee table and sofa, and wearing nothing but a carpenter’s tool belt, was the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on.

“Hello, Cat. You looking for this?”

Catrina nearly choked on her own shock. His deep melodious was rich and powerful. It sung through her veins, striking each nerve within her body with an intense chord like the feel of a bow being pulled along the strings of a colossal instrument.

No one called her Cat except her grandmother. “How…how did you get in here?” she choked out, backing toward the bedroom door.

He smiled. And were it not for his human appearance, she would have sworn he was the devil himself. For surely it was a sin for a man to be so appealing.

“Did you not call for me?” he asked with a seductive purr.

The skin on Catrina’s backside tingled in response, like she’d been stroked with a feather along her spine. She shook her head in denial. "I didn’t call anybody," she refuted.

One of his dark brows cocked in amusement. “Oh, but you did.”

I hope you enjoyed this small excerpt.
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