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Roots of Disease



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Chronic, misdiagnosed, and undiagnosable illnesses have increased dramatically over the past few decades, especially in younger people.  We are seeing an epidemic of chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, epilepsy, depression, rheumatoid diseases, cancer, asthma, hypoglycemia, ADD/ADHD, allergies, chronic pain, Parkinson's Disease, HIV / AIDS, alcoholism, and many neurological and autoimmune disorders -- more than ever before.  Since many of these conditions have similar symptoms, could they be related?  What is causing them?

Although there certainly may be other factors, including genetic predispositions and susceptibilities, we all eat the same food, drink the same water, and breathe the same air, which contain an increasing number of toxins and impurities that can collectively overload our bodies and trigger disease.

I created this web site after being diagnosed separately with Lyme Disease, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia -- all have similar symptoms.  I've come to the conclusion now that my conditions were all symptoms of the same underlying cause.  For me, the trigger appeared to be primarily aspartame, often found in diet products, which converts to formaldehyde and is a neurotoxin in the body that can cause seizures, dizziness, and memory problems, but there were many other contributing factors.  Further research led me to the belief that my body was being destroyed slowly and silently over time from my own unique combination of exposures to certain toxins that are commonly found in our food supply and deceptively marketed as nutritious, toxins in our environment, prior treatment with unnatural drugs and antibiotics, and the resulting overgrowth in viruses that can more easily attack an immune system weakened by toxins.  I believe the damage, in most cases, can be reversed.  The drugs I was prescribed had no positive effect (see Death by Medicine), but when I started eliminating the intake of these toxins and making simple, permanent dietary and lifestyle changes, my condition improved quickly and dramatically. 

We've all heard over and over again how important diet and exercise are, yet even with our most earnest efforts to improve our health, we are failing miserably.  Why?  Because we're being deceived as to what is nutritious and we're being bombarded at the same time with toxic elements in our foods and polluted environment that our malnourished bodies aren't equipped to combat.  It's like putting sugar in the fuel line of your car or living in a dirty fish tank.  Our body is made up of billons of cells working in miraculous symmetry. But for these cells and our body to stay healthy and disease-free we must supply high quality nutrients and foods. Unfortunately our modern day processed, bleached, refined, adulterated, irradiated and genetically modified foods with added preservatives, antibiotics, steroids, hormones, dyes, and over 10,000 chemicals that have not been tested as to their impact on human health in unpredictable combinations, can 't supply these essential wholesome nutrients.

Jeffrey Koplan, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in 2000 that "American lifestyles, including inactivity and poor nutrition, are having a dramatic influence on our health."  It's difficult to have the energy to be active and exercise when your body is weak from malnourished foods -- it's a vicious cycle.  As simple as it sounds, nutrition is the key -- the one thing you can control in a polluted world.  If your body is full of poisons, which primarily store in fatty tissues, viruses and bacteria that can run rampant in a weakened body, and you are lacking the nutrients necessary to energize your body and help it naturally rid itself of toxins, dis-ease or illness will eventually manifest itself.   Many people also lack necessary oxygen in their bodies at the cellular level due to pollution and depleted foods, which can allow disease to progress.  Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are believed to flourish in low-oxygen environments.  Increase oxygen to your body through moderate aerobic exercise, raw foods, deep breathing, distilled or oxygenated water, and other natural means such as oxygenating supplements like sea silver to speed healing. 

We may not be able to entirely control exposure to pollution and other toxins in our external environment, but we can control what we eat, and that is the first and most important step.  Natural foods can heal the body and maintain your health, while tainted foods, which make up much of our food supply, can kill you.

When you become ill, orthodox physicians, operating within the constraints of their profession, tend to immediately prescribe, and often overprescribe, antibiotics and other synthetic drugs.  Antibiotics kill both bad and good bacteria, causing an imbalance in the body and weakening the immune system for the next attack, and have recently been found to damage mitochondria, as do chemicals and EMFs from radiation, at the cellular level that regulate our nutrients and 90% of our energy level through oxidative processes, producing ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  The only studies I have seen where mitochondria have been able to be rejuvenated was in a university study using rats that were given high doses of essential alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine.  Unnatural synthetic drugs usually only suppress symptoms, and do not address the underlying cause, with frequent damaging side effects.  Your body needs to express symptoms to heal itself.   Orthodox medicine focuses on finding cures, like the cure for cancer, with little success, instead of trying to find and eliminate the causes.  

Ever since I came to the realization that most of what the general public consumes is dangerously contaminated, and began sharing this information, I've found that others who have adopted many of the changes recommended in this web site, such as eliminating toxic exposure and consuming wholesome foods and supplements,  have seen substantial improvement in symptoms, often in a matter of only a few days, and often eliminating the need for medications they thought they would be on for life (always wean yourself gradually off prescription medications, as quitting cold can sometimes cause extreme withdrawal symptoms, such as in the case of statins where many have become suicidal when trying to quit abruptly).  For those who are very ill, it may be a long road to recovery because there is no "magic pill," that will fix overnight what has taken years to break down, but making permanent healthy lifestyle changes can rapidly improve a condition that otherwise would surely only continue to get worse.

We have all been deceived, and the "chain of ignorance" needs to be broken.  Everything your body needs to heal itself is found in nature around us -- even in the "weeds" we trample.  If something is natural, is being used in moderation, and as nature intended -- not abused or in the wrong combination with synthetic drugs -- then it will be beneficial.  There is certainly much more danger in taking unnatural man-made perverted drugs with their multitude of side effects.  I believe that if something isn't natural, it will always be harmful, even if it's not yet proven.  But don't just believe what you read on this web site or what others tell you, regardless of credentials.  Many with "credentials" have been wrong.  Allopathic medicine kills at least 225,000 Americans per year (JAMA), constituting the third leading cause of death in the United States, after deaths from heart disease and cancer. (Read a more recent report about Death by Medicine which shows the number of deaths now to be over 700,000 per year.)  Question everything, think for yourself, take the time to study and fully understand your options, and use common sense.  Remember, "Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic."  The proof of how beneficial a course of action is will be evident in how you feel. 

There are several reasons I created this web site.  First, I wanted to increase public awareness of how malnutrition resulting from our inadequate processed food supply, much of which is virtually devoid of nutrients, and toxins in our food and environment are playing a huge role in disease manifestation.  Secondly, I am hoping this information will offer hope and guidance to those who are suffering from chronic illness or have been told it's "all in their head."  But most importantly, this web site should serve to educate and provide direction to readers on how to take control of their lives and make critical, permanent, and affordable changes in food selection and their environment that will transform their lives, enabling the body and mind to heal naturally.


Disease and Medical Industry Statistics

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Find Natural Treatments by Condition Below:


(IMPORTANT: A proper non-toxic diet, a potent Multivitamin, and EPA/GLA fatty acids to aid absorption of nutrients are recommended, and medication and other herb / supplement interactions should be considered, to be most safe and effective.  Also, try to obtain supplements in tincture / extract form or the higher concentration doses, as health supplements are often weak and do not absorb completely in diseased individuals):



Treatment for Abrasions (Tamanu Oil)


Treatment for Acetaminophen Overdose


Treatment for Acidosis  (Organic soybean milk or buttermilk can help acidosis, but still need proper diet overall -- see link above)  


Treatment for Acid Reflux


Treatment for Acne / Pimples


Treatment for Adults with ADHD / ADD / Attention Deficit Disorder


Treatment for Kids with ADHD / ADD / Attention Deficit Disorder


Treatment for Addison's Disease


Treatment for Adrenal Disorders


Treatment for Agent Orange Related Diseases


Treatment for Age Spots / Liver Spots


Treatment for Aging / Longevity (Anti-aging formula. Also see Age Reversal Face Cream)


Treatment for AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) / HIV  (Also Colloidal Silver (in small ppm particle size) is an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal used for infections, and an anti-viral supplement that contains  Bitter Melon (also known as Momordica Charantia) may also help, which has been shown to have anti-HIV effects that inhibit reverse transcriptase activity -- thus selectively inhibits HIV infected cells, yet leaves non-infected cells alone)


Treatment for Alcohol Abuse / Alcoholism    (Acetyl L-carnitine has shown to be useful in treating alcoholism.  Many alcoholics have also been found to be hypoglycemic (click here to read more), and inability to deal with the nervous symptoms of hypoglycemia and the need for a quick sugar may cause many to turn to alcohol or drugs which creates a vicious cycle. Try to keep sugar stable by snacking on small healthy foods throughout the day) 


Treatment to Prevent Damage from Alcohol Consumption


Treatment for Alkali or Acid Imbalance (Coral Calcium)  (Test with pH strips to see if your body is too acidic.  This can lead to aging and many other health problems.  If so, use an alkalizer to boost your pH and follow a pH diet that creates more alkaline ash instead of mostly acidic ash).


Treatment for Allergies    (Also try Curcumin, Black Cumin, or Black Seed Extract -- recently found to alleviate symptoms in over 70% of people who had any type of allergy.  Avoidance of toxins in diet and pure foods are also critical to building the immune system that keeps allergies at bay.) 


Treatment for Alopecia / Hair Loss / Balding / Male Pattern Baldness (Saw Palmetto is believed to block the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT which helps prevent and reverse hair loss. Also helpful is massage with essential oils such as jojoba).


Treatment for Aluminum Toxicity


Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease  (Studies show an abnormally high level of aluminum in Alzheimer's patients.  Aluminum blocks B12 use, which prevents the brain from making acetylcholine, which protects the brain from overproduction of the nerve hardening protein called beta amyloid found in Alzheimer's patients.  You can use Chelation therapy to help remove aluminum and other heavy metals from your body.  Also, there are supplemental Herbs, vitamins, and supplements for Alzheimer's that will help alleviate the symptoms, slow the disease, and improve the condition)


Treatment for Amblyopia / Lazy Eye


Treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's Disease  (Creatine monohydrate is a powerful amino acid believed to be effective in treating ALS and slowing progression)


Treatment for Anal Fissure  (Use a gentle natural laxative with fiber)


Treatment for Angioedema  (Often with allergic and autoimmune symptoms, including welts, hives, and wheals)


Treatment for Anemia


Treatment for Angina


Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa (Blessed Thistle)


Treatment for Anthrax (Colloidal Silver has been documented in medical journals to be effective against numerous pathogenic organisms including Anthrax bacilli. Besides this treatment, in tests garlic was found to be a more potent antibiotic than penicillin, ampicillin, doxycycline, streptomycin and cephalexin, some of the very same antibiotic drugs used in the treatment of anthrax.  High doses of Vitamin C in the buffered alkaline form are also effective (not ascorbic acid, which is the acid form), about 5,000-10,000 mg/day.  Also see this homeopathic remedy.)


Treatment for Anxiety (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions) (Also Bilberry and blueberries can be very helpful for both adults and children - about 1,000 mg twice a day, and it tastes good.  Also, rosemary, Damiana, and lysine can be helpful.  Kiddie Calmer is a homeopathic anti-anxiety formula just for kids.)


Treatment for Appendicitis  (Medical intervention is often necessary in acute cases and can be life-threatening. Always consult an emergency physician first. Once consulted, if treating a mild and non-emergent case (or for prevention) natural treatment may include liver and bowel cooling herbs (click here for colon cleanser and liver cleanser), natural antibacterials, immune stimulators, and anti-toxin supplements).


Treatment for Arrhythmia


Treatment for Arsenic Poisoning


Treatment for Arteriosclerosis / Atherosclerosis  (Also, use distilled water instead of tap water, as the chlorine (and other chemicals and by-products) in tap water is believed to react with cholesterol, creating a gummy substance that sticks to arteries.)


Treatment for Arthritis


Treatment for Aspartame/Artificial Sweetener Poisoning


Treatment for Astigmatism


Treatment for Athlete's Foot


Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)


Treatment for Autism  (L-Glutamine is an amino acid that serves as an important precursor for neurotransmitters, which studies have shown can help with behavior problems and autism in children.


Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases  (DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) has been used to treat immune system dysfunction, among other conditions including osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and heart disease, as well as an anti-aging supplement)


Treatment for Avian Flu / Bird Flu / Swine Flu


Treatment for Backache


Treatment for Bad Breath / Halitosis


Treatment for Baldness / Alopecia / Hair Loss (Saw Palmetto is believed to block the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT which helps prevent and reverse hair loss. Also helpful is massage with essential oils such as jojoba).


Treatment for Bedsores / Decubitus Ulcers / Pressure Sores (A product with ingredients such as Tamanu Oil or comfrey which contains allantoin that promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage in a natural herbal antibiotic healing ointment)


Treatment for Bedwetting / Enuresis  (In some children control of the bladder may not yet be fully developed. Avoid stimulants with caffeine like pop, processed sugars and white breads, drink pure water frequently during the day and get exercise, but avoid liquids and food after 5 p.m., ensure the child uses the bathroom before bed, and sleeps on the side or stomach which puts less pressure on the bladder.  The bed is usually wet an hour or two after going to bed, or in the middle of the night around 3 a.m. -- make an effort to determine when it occurs and wake the child before each time to train the body to wake itself when the child needs to urinate. Also 1/4 cup of  tea of St. John's Wort and/or plantain sweetened with 1/2 t. raw honey can be taken 2 to 4 times a day to help strengthen the bladder)


Treatment for Bee Stings (Folk remedy: Tape a penny over the bite (preferably a pre-1983 penny with more copper) & leave for a day or two - copper is believed to counteract histamine venom)


Treatment for Bell's Palsy (Vitamin B-12, as well as another nutrient and anti-inflammatory called  acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC), has been found to improve the symptoms of Bell's palsy (Neurol, 1997, 12(1):23-30))


Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) / Enlarged Prostate


Treatment for Bipolar Disorder (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Bird Flu / Avian Flu / Swine Flu


Treatment for Bitot's Spots  (Most likely due to a severe vitamin A deficiency, and known to occur in people with fat and vitamin malabsorption. Bitot's spots are accumulated keratinized epithelial debris and secretions on the conjunctiva of the eye that can cause night blindness, and if untreated eventually can lead to melting of the cornea and irreversible blindness. Besides taking Vitamin A and overall vitamin/mineral supplementation, fatty acids can also help aid absorption of nutrients from food) 


Treatment for Bladder Infection  (Uva Ursi is also excellent as it was used to treat bladder problems and urinary tract infections before the advent of antibiotics)


Treatment for Bladder Stones  (Uva Ursi helps dissolve accumulated uric acid)


Treatment for Bleeding   (Shepherd's Purse helps stop bleeding of all sorts, including hemorrhoidal bleeding and bleeding of lungs, stomach, kidneys, and uterus, nosebleeds, menstrual bleeding, endometriosis, postpartum bleeding, etc. Witch Hazel is great applied generously with pressure to the skin to reduce or stop surface bleeding, and Mullein has been used for bleeding lungs.)


Treatment for Bleeding Gums or Inflamed Gums


Treatment for Blepharitis  (Blepharitis is an inflammation of the outer edges of the eyelids which results in redness, burning, itching, scaly skin around the eye, and a feeling that something is in the eye)


Treatment for Bloating


Treatment for Blood Circulation Problems


Treatment for Blood Clots / Clotting


Treatment for Blood Poisoning


Treatment for Bloodshot Eyes


Treatment for Boils  (Boils are very contagious pus-filled, red, tender, circular bumps on the skin caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection that begins in the root of a hair follicle. They are common in particular in children and teens, and often appear on the scalp, face, buttocks, and underarms.  They will typically resolve on their own (open, drain, and heal) without treatment in 10 to 25 days. Natural treatment may ease pain and speed healing.  Colloidal Silver (in small ppm particle size) is an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal used for infections).


Treatment for Bone Marrow Disorders


Treatment for Bone Spurs


Treatment for Bowel Problems


Treatment for Brain Problems


Treatment for Breast Cancer  (Ojibwa Indian / Essiac Tea has been used successfully to treat breast cancer. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have also had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners). Helpful hint: Electromagnet Frequency (EMF) from computers, microwaves, hair dryers, etc. can inhibit natural melatonin in the body.  Taking Melatonin supplements has been shown to slow breast cancer by 70%.  Also, get a radiation screen and use Hema-Recover to combat the effects of radiation or chemotherapy if you have chosen to undergo them (Read about the dangers of chemotherapy and radiation).  Aulterra and other companies offer polarizers and neutralizers you can wear or attach to radiating EMF devices to neutralize, which work by using rare earth metals to modulate frequencies to be harmonious with natural body frequencies to prevent damage to cells and DNA. They don't stop reception or filter and accumulate, but re-tune so effective and make the radiation less harmful.


Treatment for Breast Pain


Treatment for Bright's Disease  (Uva Ursi has been effectively used as a treatment for Bright's Disease)


Treatment for Brittle Nails


Treatment for Bronchitis


Treatment for Bronchocephalitis


Treatment for Bruising


Treatment for Burns


Treatment for Bursitis  (Ginger with its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties has a long history in Asia as a bursitis treatment)


Treatment for Calcium Deposits


Treatment for Cancer  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had very beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners))


Treatment for Candida Albicans / Candidiasis  (Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Clinical studies showed strong in vitro activity against various other bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.    (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.)  Also avoid any processed sugars or white breads/ white flour/white pasta/white rice that feed bacteria, avoid steroids, oral contraceptives, antibiotics, and other drugs/medications, all of which can upset the normal flora and balance of the body necessary to keep yeast in check.  Replenish good bacteria destroyed after antibiotics with large amounts of plain yogurt or buy concentrated acidophilus)


Treatment for Canker Sores


Treatment for Carcinoma  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmia


Treatment for Cardiomyopathy


Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease


Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (B Complex is often very helpful, as is a potent multivitamin with minerals, incorporating foods with iron as part of your balanced diet, and avoiding salty foods and alcohol that can cause inflammation and aggravate the condition)


Treatment for Cataracts


Treatment for Cavities / Tooth Decay


Treatment for Celiac Disease / Celiac Sprue / Gluten Intolerance or Sensitivity  (Echinacea and Goldenseal  are two immune system boosters, especially when combined with Probiotics and Slippery Elm, geranium, and marshmallow, that can have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing properties that can be helpful by creating a protective layer on digestive tract tissue to improve absorption of nutrients.  Also supplement with a potent multivitamin, eat organic and whole grains/foods as much as possible, and avoid foods that irritate the stomach and overall body, especially those non-organic foods with pesticides, preservatives, colorings, and other toxic chemicals.)


Treatment for Cellulitis  (Chitosan helps absorb fat and may aid in the loss of cellulite.  This process will work faster if saturated fats in the diet are replaced by good fats in moderation, and if light exercise is done  -- not strenuous exercise as light exercise burns fat first, whereas strenuous exercise burns carbs first)


Treatment for Chemical Imbalance


Treatment for Chemotherapy / Radiation - Side Effects  (Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Chest Congestion


Treatment for Chicken Pox (As chicken pox is caused by a virus, use natural antivirals and immune builders)


Treatment for Chlamydia (Transmitted through sexual contact, a common bacterial infection in the urethra in men, or the urethra, cervix, and/or reproductive organs in women, plus can infect the conjunctiva of the eyes or rectum. Can have serious consequences if untreated, and antibiotics are believed to be required, although complementary natural medicine may be able to significantly aid in recovery including antibacterials that treat infections and immune builders such as Colloidal Silver, Garlic, (raw best or as a garlic supplement), Ashwagandha, and goldenrod, among others. Remember to always take probiotics such as acidophilus or live culture plain yogurt after a course of antibiotics to replace the good bacteria that antibiotics destroys along with the bad.)


Treatment for Cholesterol Problems   (Learn the truth about cholesterol - it's not always that you're eating too much cholesterol, but your body may be producing too much to combat oxidation.  Too little cholesterol can also be dangerous. Use distilled water instead of tap water, as the chlorine and other chemicals in tap water are believed to react with cholesterol, causing cholesterol oxidation and creating gummy plaque that sticks to arteries.  Fluoride can also damage nerve tissue  Avoid homogenized milk, as homogenization breaks down fat particles to a size that permeates the intestines and can enter the blood stream. If you are on a statin drug (which is not recommended due to the dangerous side effects, especially if elderly) at least make sure you take coenzyme Q10 at the same time (which statins inhibit the body's synthesis of) to help prevent debilitating muscular and other painful long-term and sometimes permanent damage that has been reported by many former statin users). 


Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea  (Uva Ursi is excellent for diarrhea)


Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (It is believed that antibiotics and other chemicals damage mitochondria in our cells that give us energy through oxidative processes, leading to numerous deficiencies.  Rejuvenation of mitochondria has been successful in rats using Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC), which are believed to be capable of successfully fighting chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and promoting anti-aging, although recovery from chronic fatigue is more difficult for individuals with extreme chemical sensitivities and antibodies to viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, most likely requiring a longer duration of treatment, higher doses, and supplementation with a broad array of potent vitamins and nutrients, such as B-Complex.  Spectracell offers a comprehensive  test that molecularly measures and confirms such deficiencies in the lymphocytes of the blood that can contribute to chronic fatigue, neurotransmitter dysfunction, poor delivery of oxygen to the brain and nervous system, and other abnormalities.  Guaifenesin has also been shown in research to be helpful in stopping the pain from fibromyalgia, as it is believed to heal cell walls to prevent further entry of toxic elements into the cells.  One natural product I have found that contains guaifenesin plus other helpful herbs is called Herbal Expec available from Naturade of Irvine, California.)


Treatment for Circulatory Problems (Learn about Chelation Therapy)


Treatment for Colds


Treatment for Cold Sores


Treatment for Colic (Also for colic in infants try warm catnip (a type of mint) containing formula or catnip tea given in a bottle (do not sweeten, especially with honey which no child under one year old should have due to spores that can cause infant botulism as the baby's body is still developing its immune system)).


Treatment for Colon Cancer  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatments for Colon Problems


Treatments for Color Blindness (Color blindness that is genetic has no known cure, but colorblindness can also result in some instances from malnutrition, cataracts, poisoning, diabetic retinopathy, retinal or optic nerve disease or damage, and from the use of certain medications and drugs.


Treatments for Combat Trauma


Treatment for the Common Cold


Treatment for the Condyloma / Genital Warts


Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure


Treatment for Conjunctivitis


Treatment for Constipation


Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease


Treatment for Cough


Treatment for Cradle Cap / Seborrheic Dermatitis


Treatment for Cramps


Treatment for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease


Treatment for Crohn's Disease


Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis


Treatment for Cysts / Fibroids - Uterine


Treatment for Dandruff (Folk medicine:  crush ten aspirins and mix them in with a handful of shampoo, apply and rub into scalp, wait 10 minutes, massage scalp, and rinse thoroughly.)

Treatment for Deafness (Zinc has also been shown to improve hearing)


Treatment for Decubitus Ulcers / Bed Sores / Pressure Sores (A product with ingredients such as comfrey which contains allantoin that promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage in a natural herbal antibiotic healing ointment)


Treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis


Treatment for Dementia


Treatment for Depression (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions) (Also 5-HTP aids in the production of serotonin to help reduce depressive symptoms.  Learn about "Drugs that cause Depression")


Treatment for Dermatitis


Treatment for Detoxification of the Body / Toxin Removal


Treatment for Diabetes (Also, along with the non-toxic diet, it is suggested that you take Gymnema, which helps normalize blood sugar and promotes regeneration of beta cells in the pancreas, and  Momordica, which has been shown to improve the body's ability to produce insulin and lower blood sugar levels.  If you are taking prescription drugs and use any of these supplements, monitor your sugar readings every day.  Many times the pancreas will start working and you may be able to wean yourself off of, or reduce, chemical prescription medication use.  Never stop prescription medications abruptly.  Also, cinnamon is a natural insulin stimulator and may be helpful in Type 2 diabetes in particular.)


Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy


Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy


Treatment for Diaper Rash


Treatment for Chronic Diarrhea  (Uva Ursi is excellent for diarrhea)


Treatment for Diverticulitis


Treatment for Dizziness


Treatment for Dog Bites


Treatment for Dropsy / Edema


Treatment for Drug Residue


Treatment for Dry Aging Skin


Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome


Treatment for Dry Skin


Treatment for Dysentery  (Uva Ursi is excellent for treating dysentery. Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Dysmenorrhea


Treatment for Dyspepsia


Treatment for Earaches / Ear Problems


Treatment for Ear Wax Buildup


Treatment for Ebola (Some viruses interact with cells to increase the production of glutathione and other selenium-binding proteins that deplete selenium, thus creating a vicious circle of virulence. The more cells that are infected, the more selenium is depleted, which can be fatal. For example, Ebola virus kills 4 out of 10 of its victims. However, in the presence of anti-viral selenium supplementation, the fatality rate drops by over 80 percent.) 

Treatment for Eczema


Treatment for Edema / Dropsy / Water Retention


Treatment for Electrolyte Imbalance / Cellular Imbalance


Treatment for Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) / Radiation Exposure (Click Here) (Combat the effects on your brain and blood of long-term exposure to computers, hair dryers, TVs, cellphones, microwave ovens, high-power lines, etc.  Learn more about harmful electromagnetic fields around youAulterra and other companies offer polarizers and neutralizers you can wear or attach to radiating devices to neutralize, which work by using rare earth metals to re-tune frequencies to be harmonious with natural body frequencies to prevent damage to cells and DNA.  Recent studies have also shown sitting in front of a computer for extensive periods of time or other EMF exposure can inhibit the immune system and cause disruption in the pineal gland of the production of melatonin, which can lead to breast cancer, other cancers, sleep disturbances, and related problems. Also see these specific disease sections to treat.)

Treatment for Emphysema


Treatment for Encephalitis (Melatonin reduced the encephalitis viruses in the blood and rate of death by more than 80% in mice studies.  Rosemary, Gingko, and St. John's Wort may help with symptoms) 

Treatment for Endometriosis


Treatment for Enlarged Prostate (Folk Remedy: Pumpkin seeds are also beneficial for the prostate gland. They are a good source of zinc and also contain a "male-type" component, both of which help treat the enlarged prostate. Eating a handful of seeds per day is the recommended amount, or use a Pumpkin Seed Tincture)


Treatment for Energy Problems


Treatment for Enuresis / Bedwetting  (In some children control of the bladder may not yet be fully developed. Avoid stimulants with caffeine like pop, processed sugars and white breads, drink pure water frequently during the day and get exercise, but avoid liquids and food after 5 p.m., ensure the child uses the bathroom before bed, and sleeps on the side or stomach which puts less pressure on the bladder.  The bed is usually wet an hour or two after going to bed, or in the middle of the night around 3 a.m. -- make an effort to determine when it occurs and wake the child before each time to train the body to wake itself when the child needs to urinate. Also 1/4 cup of  tea of St. John's Wort and/or plantain sweetened with 1/2 t. raw honey can be taken 2 to 4 times a day to help strengthen the bladder)


Treatment for Environmental Toxicity


Treatment for Epilepsy


Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction


Treatment for Excessive Menstruation  (Uva Ursi is an effective treatment for excessive menstrual bleeding)


Treatment for Eye Strain


Treatment for Fainting


Treatment for Fatigue


Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease


Treatment for Female Reproductive and Sexual Problems


Treatment for Fever


Treatment for Fibromyalgia (It is believed that antibiotics and other chemicals damage mitochondria in our cells that give us energy through oxidative processes, leading to numerous deficiencies.  Rejuvenation of mitochondria has been successful in rats using Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC), which are believed to be capable of successfully fighting chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and promoting anti-aging, although recovery from chronic fatigue is more difficult for individuals with extreme chemical sensitivities and antibodies to viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, most likely requiring a longer duration of treatment, higher doses, and supplementation with a broad array of potent vitamins and nutrients, such as B-Complex.  Spectracell offers a comprehensive  test that molecularly measures and confirms such deficiencies in the lymphocytes of the blood that can contribute to chronic fatigue, neurotransmitter dysfunction, poor delivery of oxygen to the brain and nervous system, and other abnormalities. A recent  research breakthrough also shows that fibromyalgia & other chronic illnesses are aggravated by neurotoxins -- not just biological neurotoxins, but also neurotoxins in the air we breathe, in our chemical-tainted tap water, and in our food, such as with MSG and aspartame)


Treatment for Flatulence / Gas


Treatment for Flu


Treatment for Food Allergies


Treatment for Food Poisoning


Treatment for Foot Odor


Treatment for Forgetfulness


Treatment for Fractures


Treatment for Freckles


Treatment for Free Radicals / Oxidation


Treatment for Frigidity


Treatment for Fibroids / Fibroid Cysts


Treatment for Flatulence / Gas (Also, in studies  Turmeric destroyed gas-forming bacteria in the gut that cause flatulence)


Treatment for Fungal Infections  (Colloidal Silver (in small ppm particle size) is an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal used for infections).


Treatment for Gallbladder Problems  


Treatment for Gallstones


Treatment for Gangrene


Treatment for Gas / Flatulence (Also, in studies  Turmeric destroyed gas-forming bacteria in the gut that cause flatulence)


Treatment for Gastritis / Gastrointestinal Problems / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (In studies, Turmeric was found to be very effective against gastritis)


Treatment for Genital Herpes


Treatment for Gingivitis


Treatment for Glandular Fever


Treatment for Glaucoma


Treatment for Glue Ear


Treatment for Gonorrhea


Treatment for Goiter


Treatment for Gout


Treatment for Grave's Disease


Treatment for Grief


Treatment for Gum Disease


Treatment for Hairiness - Excess Hair


Treatment for Hair Loss


Treatment for Halitosis / Bad Breath


Treatment for Hangover


Treatment for Hay Fever


Treatment for a Headache


Treatment for Head Lice


Treatment for Hearing Loss


Treatment for Heartburn


Treatment for Heart Attack (Also see tips under Heart Problems below)


Treatment and Prevention of Heart Disease (Also see tips under Treatments for Heart Problems below)


Treatment for Heart Problems (Use distilled water instead of tap water, as the chlorine and other chemicals in tap water are believed to react with cholesterol, oxidizing cholesterol to create a gummy plaque that sticks to arteries. Also, avoid homogenized milk, as homogenization breaks down fat particles to a size that permeates the intestines and can enter the blood stream.)


Treatment for Heatstroke


Treatment for Heavy Metal Toxicity (Try Chelation Therapy. Cilantro may also be helpful)


Treatment for Heel Spurs


Treatment for Hemorrhoids  (Uva Ursi is excellent for treating hemorrhoids)


Treatment for Hepatitis (If you have taken the drug diclofenac, read this study on how it can cause Hepatitis.)


Treatment for Hernias


Treatment for Herpes Type 1 & Type 2


Treatment for High-Altitude Sickness


Treatment for High Blood Pressure / Hypertension


Treatment for High Cholesterol


Treatment for AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) / HIV  (Also Colloidal Silver (in small ppm particle size) is an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal used for infections, and an anti-viral supplement that contains  Bitter Melon (also known as Momordica Charantia) may also help, which has been shown to have anti-HIV effects that inhibit reverse transcriptase activity -- thus selectively inhibits HIV infected cells, yet leaves non-infected cells alone)

Treatment for Hives


Treatment for Hodgkin's Disease (Besides the Lymphatic Glands Formula, also recommend Samento to build the immune system)




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Treatment for Hormonal Imbalance


Treatment for Hot Flashes


Treatment for Hydrosalpinx (Blocked Fallopian Tube)


Treatment for Hypercoagulation


Treatment for Hyperglycemia


Treatment for Hyperphagia / Excessive Hunger


Treatment for Hypertension / High Blood Pressure


Treatment for Hyperthyroidism


Treatment for Hypoglycemia (Many alcoholics have been found to be hypoglycemic Inability to deal with the nervous symptoms of hypoglycemia and the need for a quick sugar may cause many to turn to alcohol or drugs)


Treatment for Hypothyroidism


Treatment for Hysteria


Treatment for Immune Dysfunction


Treatment for Impetigo


Treatment for Impotence


Treatment for Incontinence


Treatment for Indigestion


Treatment for Infections  (Colloidal Silver (in small ppm particle size) is an excellent antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal used for infections.  Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.)).


Treatment for Infectious Mononucleosis


Treatment for Infertility - Female


Treatment for Infertility - Male


Treatment for Inflammation


Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)


Treatment for Influenza / Flu


Treatment for Ingrown Toenails


Treatment for Insect Bites / Insect Allergy


Treatment for Insomnia


Treatment for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes


Treatment for Insulin Resistance


Treatment for Intermittent Claudication (Pain in calves due to blockage of blood flow from atherosclerosis. Hints:  Use a circulatory formula to improve circulation and chelation therapy to remove plaque, toxins, and unclog arteries naturally without invasive surgery.  Avoid smoking and excess weight -- follow a proper non-toxic diet)


Treatment for Internal Bleeding


Treatment for Intestinal Problems


Treatment for Iritis


Treatment for Irregular Heartbeat


Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Treatment for Jaundice


Treatment for Jet Lag


Treatment for Jock Itch


Treatment for Joint Pain / Knee Pain


Treatment for Kidney Stones/ Kidney Problems


Treatment for Lactose Intolerance


Treatment for Lazy Eye


Treatment for Leg Cramps


Treatment for Legionnaires' Disease / Legionellosis


Treatment for Leukemia


Treatment for Leukoderma / Vitiligo


Treatment for Lice / Head Lice / Vermin  (Folk remedy: Steep a cup of parsley seed tea covered 20 minutes using 1 tsp. crushed parsley seeds.  When the tea cools to a tolerable temperature, apply to the hair to kill lice.  Do not use parsley if you have a kidney infection.)


Treatment for Liver Disease


Treatment for Lockjaw (or tetanus) besides the vaccination or treatment at the link above, if symptoms occur or persist give a teaspoonful of the strong antibacterial/antiviral Capsicum (cayenne pepper) in a glass of sweetened hot water, poured into the mouth gently; place the sufferer in a vapor bath for fifteen minutes, and then put to bed and apply hot bricks/stones wrapped in wet cloths to the feet, and in less than an hour it typically resolves.  


Treatment for Lou Gehrig's Disease


Treatment for Low Blood Sugar


Treatment for Low Libido


Treatment for Low Sperm Count


Treatment for Lung Cancer  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Lung Disease / Lung Problems


Treatment for Lupus


Treatment for Lyme Disease


Treatment for Lymph Nodes / Swollen Lymph Nodes


Treatment for Lymphoma


Treatment for Macular Degeneration


Treatment for Mad Cow Disease


Treatment for Malabsorption


Treatment for Malnutrition / Malnourishment


Treatment for Measles


Treatment for Melanoma


Treatment for Memory Loss


Treatment for Memory Problems


Treatment for Meniere's Disease


Treatment for Meningitis


Treatment for Menopause / Perimenopause


Treatment for Menstrual Bloating  (Uva Ursi is an effective treatment for menstrual bloating)


Treatment for Menstrual Problems / Menstruation Problems


Treatment for Mercury Toxicity or Mercury Poisoning (Chelation Therapy)( (such as from dental fillings. Cilantro may also be helpful)) 


Treatment for Migraine Headaches


Treatment for Mineral Deficiencies


Treatment and Prevention of Miscarriages


Treatment for Moles


Treatment for Mononucleosis


Treatment for Mood Swings  (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Morgellons Disease WARNING:  A recent study by Dr. Kilani an infectious disease specialist and Prof. Citovsky of Stony Brook confirmed that the fibers are comprised of a form of agrobacterium fungus that is capable of altering cells, and is associated with genetically-modified foods!!!  Natural treatments include salt/peroxide 3% and vinegar/peroxide baths, white vinegar, anti-fungals, colloidal silver, and citric acid powder.  Click Here to purchase anti-fungal and acidic products that help treat Morgellons. 


Treatment for Mosquito Bites


Treatment for Motion Sickness


Treatment for MSG Poisoning / Toxification


Treatment for Mucus and Phlegm


Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)


Treatment for Mumps


Treatment for Muscle Cramps / Muscle Spasms


Treatment for Mustard Gas Poisoning (Mustard gas brings about cell death by depleting cell levels of glutathione.  Melatonin 5-20 mg at night boosts glutathione, as does high doses of Vitamin C 5,000 to 10,000 mg/day in the mineral ascorbate form) 


Treatment for Myocardial Infarction


Treatment for Nail Fungus / Nail Problems (In addition to the treatments found here, and considering the difficulty of getting rid of nail fungus even with the best treatments, if nothing else works, soak the nails in a strong mouthwash for a half hour every day until resolved.  This is often very effective.)


Treatment for Narcolepsy


Treatment for Nausea


Treatment for Nervousness / Nervous Tension / Nervous Disorders (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Nervous Tension


Treatment for Neuralgia


Treatment for Neuritis


Treatment for Night Sweats


Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy (According to recent studies, statin drugs have been tied to peripheral neuropathy because rather than a reduction in cholesterol or fat in arteries, it is often lost under skin of extremities and in myelin sheath around nerves causing wasting and neurological abnormalities in hands and feet.  EMG conduction testing may not reveal this nerve damage.  A new non-invasive medical test called confocal microscopy may reveal the nerve damage in the smaller nerves not detected by EMG condition. Statin drugs also inhibit the body's coenzyme Q10 production which without supplementation can lead to debilitating symptoms including muscle and nerve pain and injury)

Treatment for Nickel Poisoning / Nickel Toxicity (Chelation Therapy) (From cigarette smoke, exposure to automobile exhaust or manufacturing emissions carried in airborne dust, cooking utensils, and skin absorption from prosthetic joints, heart valves, nickel plating, and other nickel items)


Treatment for Nightmares


Treatment for Night Sweats


Treatment for Nosebleeds / Bloody Nose


Treatment for Numb Extremities / Fingers / Toes


Treatment for Obesity (Besides this treatment and a proper non-toxic diet, speed weight loss and prevent obesity by drinking a large glass of herb tea or warm water with fresh lemon squeezed in it and a small amount of raw honey every morning.  This helps reduce fat and check obesity. Also focus primarily on total calories. When inactive limit calories to 1200 to 1300 healthy calories per day, and when moderately active limit to 1600, until reach target weight (adjust as activity increases))


Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


Treatment for Oily Skin


Treatment for Oral Health Problems


Treatment for Osgood-Schlatter Disease


Treatment for Osteoarthritis


Treatment for Osteomalacia / Rickets


Treatment for Osteoporosis


Treatment for Ovarian Cysts


Treatment for Paget's Disease


Treatment for Pain / Treatment for Chronic Pain


Treatment for Palsy


Treatment for Pancreatitis


Treatment for Panic Attacks / Panic Disorder (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Parasites / Worms

(Besides the above treatment, Aloe Vera, Oregano extract/oil, Olive Leaf Grapefruit Seed Extract, Cascara Sagrada, and buckthorn are all good expellers for parasites, which are believed to be present in 85% of our weakened population, interfere with absorption of nutrients, and aggravate disease)


Treatment for Parkinson's Disease (Drugs that cause Parkinsonism) Note: Although it was risky, Michael J. Fox, whose symptoms had become extremely severe, recently successfully underwent an operation called a thalamotomy, in which surgeons bored a hole in his head and located and destroyed damaged or misfiring brain cells.  He is currently free of his worst symptoms.


Treatment for Peptic Ulcers (Note: The use of antacids can cause the multiplication of more harmful bacteria since they alter the acid content of the stomach, creating an atmosphere many pathogens thrive in.  Stomach ulcers are primarily from Helicobacter pylori, and acid is secondary.  Contrary to popular belief, spicy foods are actually good for the stomach, and help it heal, such as cayenne pepper, as acid foods actually produce an alkali ash in the body.)


Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Besides treatments at the link above, there has been good results for some who have taken a new affordable homeopathic formula (typically no side effects or interactions) developed by a podiatrist that is produced in an FDA approved lab called Artalgia. Read more and order at:  


Treatment for Perspiration / Excessive Perspiration


Treatment for Peyronie's Disease (Lumps on penis, curvature of penis) 


Treatment for pH Imbalance (Also read about the pH balancing diet)


Treatment for Phlebitis


Treatment for Phlegm and Mucus


Treatment for Phobias (Also try EMDR Therapy)


Treatment for Photophobia


Treatment for Piles  (Uva Ursi is excellent for treating piles)


Treatment for Pinkeye


Treatment for Pituitary Conditions


Treatment for Plague /Black Plague  (Folk remedy: Drink boiled Clove Root in red wine to help combat the plague)


Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis


Treatment for Pleurisy


Treatment for PMS / Premenstrual Syndrome


Treatment for Pneumonia (Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Poison Ivy / Poison Oak / Poison Sumac


Treatment for Polyps


Treatment for Pontiac Fever


Treatment for Poor Memory


Treatment for Post Nasal Drip


Treatment for Post-Partum Depression (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Also consider  EMDR Therapy


Treatment for Pregnancy Problems/ Prenatal Care  (Herbs to avoid during pregnancy)


Treatment for Premature Ejaculation


Treatment for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome / PMS


Treatment for Pressure Sores / Decubitus Ulcers / Bedsores (A product with ingredients such as comfrey which contains allantoin that promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone, and cartilage in a natural herbal antibiotic healing ointment)


Treatment with Progesterone / Progesterone Treatment


Treatment for Prolapse of the Uterus


Treatment for Prostate Gland Enlargement (benign) (Saw Palmetto has been used effectively).


Treatment for Prostate Problems


Treatment for Psoriasis


Treatment for Psychological Trauma


Treatment for Rabies If bitten by an animal go to the hospital immediately and identify the animal if possible. A vaccine will be administered in the stomach if unsure and a course of medicine is typically given over 30 days.  There is no medically recognized cure once rabies symptoms set in and death typically results.  But there have been a few survivors using natural or alternative treatments. One such treatment is clean the wound thoroughly and apply alcohol, administer a strong antiviral capsicum/cayenne tea (1 teaspoon), take a vapor bath to produce perspiration, then while in the bath take a teaspoon of lobelia seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of more capsicum, 1/2 teaspoon of Valerian root, and half a cup of raspberry leaves as an emetic to produce vomiting. Then continue to take the above stimulating lobelia, capsicum, and valerian in raspberry leaf tea and keep up perspiration for two days while periodically applying tincture of lobelia to the wound.


Treatment for Radiation Sickness (Note:  Far-infrared, which naturally comes from the sun (or you can get more concentrated by purchasing a far-infrared sauna), also helps reverse the blood-brain barrier damaging effects of electromagnetic radiation from computers, TVs, cellphones, and other electronic devices.  It penetrates deep tissue and frequency matching forces out toxins.)


Treatment for Radiation Therapy / Chemotherapy / Cancer


Treatment for Rape Trauma


Treatment for Raynaud's Disease / Raynaud's Phenomenon


Treatment for Receding Gums


Treatment for Renal Failure


Treatment for Reproductive and Sexual Problems (Female)


Treatment for Respiratory Disorders


Treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) Besides treatments at the link above, iron supplementation has been very helpful with many people and there has been good results for some who have taken a new affordable homeopathic formula (typically no side effects or interactions) developed by a podiatrist that is produced in an FDA approved lab called Artalgia. Read more and order at:  


Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa


Treatment for Reye's Syndrome


Treatment for Rhabdomyolysis


Treatment for Rheumatic Fever


Treatment for Rheumatism / Rheumatoid Arthritis


Treatment for Rhinitis


Treatment for Rickets / Osteomalacia


Treatment for Rosacea


Treatment for Sarcoidosis


Treatment for Sarcoma  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for SARS Virus / Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome


Treatment for Scabies


Treatment for Scarlet Fever


Treatment for Scars


Treatment for Sciatica


Treatment for Schizophrenia


Treatment for Scleroderma


Treatment for Scoliosis


Treatment for Scurvy


Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Treatment for Seborrhea


Treatment for Seborrheic Dermatitis / Cradle Cap


Treatment for Senility


Treatment for Septicemia


Treatment for Serotonin Imbalance


Treatment for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Virus


Treatment for Sexual Dysfunction


Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Treatment for Shaking


Treatment for Shingles


Treatment for Shin Splints


Treatment for Shock


Treatment for Shoulder Problems


Treatment for Sick Building Syndrome


Treatment for Sinus Infections


Treatment for Sinusitis


Treatment for Skin Disorders


Treatment for Skin Spots


Treatment for Sleep Apnea


Treatment for Sleep Disturbances / Sleeplessness / Sleep Problems


Treatment for Small Breasts


Smallpox (Yarrow has also been used to combat smallpox)


Treatment for Smoking / Nicotine Addiction


Treatment for Snake Bite


Treatment for Snoring


Treatment for Social Anxiety


Treatment for Spider Bite


Treatment for Spinal Meningitis


Treatment for Sore Throat


Treatment for Spasms


Treatment for Spleen Conditions


Treatment for Sports Injury


Treatment for Sprains


Treatment for Stage Fright


Treatment for Stings (Folk remedy: Tape a penny over the bite & leave for a day or two - copper is believed to counteract histamine venom)


Treatment for Stomach Ulcers  (Fiber helps heal and prevent ulcers. Note: The use of antacids can cause the multiplication of more harmful bacteria since they alter the acid content of the stomach, creating an atmosphere many pathogens thrive in, and actually make the situation worse.  Stomach ulcers are primarily from Helicobacter pylori, and acid is secondary.  Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Stomach Tumors


Treatment for Stomatitis


Treatment for Strains


Treatment for Strep Throat (Helpful hint:  Avoid sugars and yeasts which feed and aggravate bacteria)


Treatment for Stress Management


Treatment for Stroke


Treatment for Stuttering


Treatment for Stye


Treatment for Suicidal Ideation / Suicidal Thoughts (Studies have shown depleted pre-frontal cortex levels of Inositol (vitamin B8) in autopsies of patients who had major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Supplementation with inositol has been shown to be beneficial to treating these conditions)


Treatment for Sunstroke


Treatment for Swine Flu / Bird Flu / Avian Flu


Treatment for Swollen Glands


Treatment for Syndrome X


Treatment for Syphilis


Treatment for Teething


Treatment for Tendonitis


Treatment for Tension


Treatment for Tetanus


Treatment for Thrombus


Treatment for Thrush


Treatment for Thyroid Problems


Treatment for Thrombosis


Treatment for Tinnitus / Ringing in the Ears


Treatment for TMJ Syndrome (Temporomandibular Joint) Syndrome


Treatment for Toenail Fungus (In addition to the treatments found here, and considering the difficulty of getting rid of toenail fungus even with the best treatments, if nothing else works, soak the toes in a strong mouthwash for a half hour every day until resolved.  This is often very effective.)


Treatment for Tooth Decay


Treatment for Toxins in Body / Detoxification / Toxin Removal


Treatment for Toxic Shock Syndrome


Treatment for Trauma


Treatment for Tremors


Treatment for Tuberculosis / TB (Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Tumors  (Essiac has been used to treat cancer.  Also (Shark Cartilage is often used as a natural cancer treatment, and Green Tea Ginger Tonic has powerful antioxidant properties. Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have had beneficial effects for cancer victims, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Typhoid Fever


Treatment for Ulcers  (Fiber helps heal and prevent ulcers. Note: The use of antacids can cause the multiplication of more harmful bacteria since they alter the acid content of the stomach, creating an atmosphere many pathogens thrive in, and actually make the situation worse.  Stomach ulcers are primarily from Helicobacter pylori, and acid is secondary.  Also in studies the Pau d'Arco herb has shown strong in vitro activity against various bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.  (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.))


Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis


Treatment for Underweight / Weight Loss


Treatment for Upset Stomach


Treatment for Urinary Incontinence


Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections  (Uva Ursi is also excellent as it was used to treat bladder problems and urinary tract infections before the advent of antibiotics)


Treatment for Vaginitis


Treatment for Varicose Veins (Also for prevention squeeze fresh lemon in distilled water or herb tea and drink regularly to help counter varicose veins, as well as take a Varicose Vein Prevention and Vein Strengthening Formula. A bleeding varicose vein may require a trip to the emergency room, but often the bleeding can be hindered or stopped by applying a large amount of witch hazel on a soaked rag to an elevated leg with firm pressure)


Treatment for Venereal Disease / VD


Treatment for Verrucas


Treatment for Vertigo


Treatment for Vision Problems


Treatment for Vitiligo / Leukoderma


Treatment for Wasting Disease


Treatment for Water Retention


Treatment for Weight Loss Problems


Treatment for Whooping Cough


Treatment for Viruses


Treatment for Vision Problems


Treatment for Von Willebrand's Disease


Treatment for Warts


Treatment for Weakness


Treatment for Weight Gain (Besides this treatment and a proper non-toxic diet, speed weight loss and prevent obesity by drinking a large glass of herb tea or warm water with fresh lemon squeezed in it and a small amount of raw honey every morning.  This helps reduce fat and check obesity.)


Treatment for Worms / Parasites


Treatment for Wounds /Scrapes / Abrasions/ Cuts


Treatment for Wrinkles


Treatment for Yeast Infections  (Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Clinical studies showed strong in vitro activity against various other bacteria, fungi, and yeast too, including: Aspergillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, Bucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.   (Do not give Pau d'Arco to children or infants, take only as directed, and do not use if also regularly taking anticoagulant drugs / aspirin / antiplatelet medication / blood thinners.)  Also avoid any processed sugars or white breads/ white flour/white pasta/white rice that feed bacteria, avoid steroids, oral contraceptives, antibiotics, and other drugs/medications, all of which can upset the normal flora and balance of the body necessary to keep yeast in check.  Replenish good bacteria destroyed after antibiotics with large amounts of plain yogurt or buy concentrated acidophilus)


Treatment for Yellow Fever  (Capsicum / Cayenne / Red Pepper is actually a berry, and one of the few things that help with often fataw Fever.  Take lots of warm baths to work the fever out and eat/drink plenty of distilled water, herbal teas, organic fresh vegetables with garlic and vegetable juices.   No sugar, yeast, or sweet fruits.)



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Required Disclaimer: The information provided within these pages is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment of your healthcare practitioner. Please remember that true health involves addressing all the systems of the body, and not just using one particular product as a "quick fix" -- there is no such thing. Much of the information presented on the NatureGem web site is based on personal research, experience, and resulting opinion.  Products recommended by, or contained in, this web site have not been evaluated by the FDA, and therefore are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Before adhering to any recommendations, especially where you may be combining natural treatments with prescribed synthetic drugs, you may want to consult with your personal health care professional. Understand that you are solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized, and do so at your own risk. In no way will NatureGem, its officers, or affiliates be responsible for any actions taken, injuries, adverse reactions, or other difficulties that might arise due to the use or misuse of this web site or the advice contained within.  IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER

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