More Cool Stuff!

Here's a page of photographic "leftovers" :-). These were taken in Florida, and the pictures on this page didn't really have a place to call "home"..... that is until now! These are many of the odds and ends I captured while I was out walking with my camera, showing some cool stuff in the amazing world of nature!

"Fresh Start" - This is a Cicada molting out of its nymphal husk, and "Lounge Lizard" - A sleeping Anole.

"Buttonbush" - A Cephalanthus flower, and "Don't Tread On Me" - Snake tracks across the sand.

"First Night" - The end of the first day at my new house, and "Four-eyes" - A H. septentrionalis on a H. gratiosa!

"Maced!" - These insects produce a teargas-like mist when disturbed, and "Desert Orange" - A beautiful orange plant of dry sandy areas.

"Starfish" - This is the flower of a Stapelia, and "Rotation", a storm that produced a funnel cloud...... and a lot of rain!

"Tag You're IT!" - A pair of Skippers that paused long enough for a picture, and "Florida Postcard" - taken at St. Augustine Beach.