Hyla crucifer bartramiana. These noisy little songsters are more often heard than seen, as they assemble during the Winter months, usually in shallow woodland marshy wetlands, calling at night, and from a distance a large chorus seems to "jingle" like sleigh bells! They also call during the daytime from scattered (and drier) locations during the Autumn months, long after most leaves have fallen. Scientifically they are trying to change the name from "Hyla" to "Pseudacris" for this species, and after having a lot of experience with both, every aspect about this species resembles in every way a Hyla - so I'll keep the name Hyla on this page :-)

There are some folks out there who say this species doesn't exist...... but here's a whole pageful to show that they do, and these are distinguished from the Northern race by the dark flecks on the underside of certain individuals - often more pronounced in the females.

These were taken near St. Augustine, Florida.

Hyla crucifer bartramiana

Here's a video of Hyla crucifer bartramiana, and here you can both see and hear it!

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