Here's a mesmerizing mix of assorted froggage that doesn't fit into the other categories. These were all taken in habitat in different places up and down the East Coast of the U.S, as well as Quebec, assorted by species. This list will continue to grow as I stumble upon different species, Clicking on the images below will open the photo gallery of that particular species.

More will be coming here as the seasons allow.

Rana catesbeiana

Rana grylio

Rana heckscheri

Rana septentrionalis

Rana clamitans clamitans

Rana clamitans melanota

Rana aesopus

Rana pipiens

Rana s. sphenocephala

Rana palustris

Rana sylvatica

Acris gryllus gryllus

Acris gryllus dorsalis

Gastrophryne carolinensis

Eleutherodactylus planirostris

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