Each workday for us, countless kids come into McD's, and thru the eyes of young children (such as my grandson, shown here), we have celebrity status! In the eyes of youngsters there is no difference between management and crew, and it doesn't matter if you've been there for 20 years or just started there yesterday, they see us as EVERYTHING! In their eyes we must surely shake hands with Ronald every day, and he knows all of us on a first name basis, and we all help him by keeping a constant lookout for the Hamburglar, and in their eyes we are some sort of super heroes by being part of McDonald's, and that toy in their Happy Meal is just for THEM, and their little world is just as real to them as ours is to us, and in fact maybe even MORE so, as they see us thru innocent eyes, in a great big world where everything is all exciting and new to them every day........
and with all this in mind, each child that passes thru our doors, or gazes in thru our drive-thru window will be a paying customer themselves someday, so the pleasant memories we help them to build in the days of their youth, will carry them on into the future.
A look behind the scenes (With Sandra in the foreground, wearing the blue), and she was the very first person I made contact with the very first time I ever came to this store! Also this was taken during our construction phase (our "new" and "old" lobby will be seen on the next page!). This is a typical look at our happy kitchen :-)
A look at the REAL McD's page, including "store locator" and other cool stuff! (Not a "Joe Page")
Working with the BEST!
This is Sharon. Her and Denice were there with me my very first day, and have formed a very special bond with them. Here she is making salads.
These two are very special to me.
Here's Denice (below), brewing up some of the best sweet iced tea in the South!
Enter the Zone of un-named McThings!
What is a Series, a Chickenizer Unit, and what are dreaded Robotic metallica Fractoids??
The following link takes you into the world of the strange and bizarre, as it looks with some detail at everyday McThings and McHappenings that as of now remain otherwise un-named...... or a new twist on those that have.
Please click the following -
- for a more BIZARRE look at "Behind-the-scenes" at McD's!
McLingo - A strange and unusual look at the daily events & things happening at a McD's near you! A MUST-SEE page!
A DAY IN THE LIFE (Of a McDonald's employee!). (Not a Joe-site, but something totally McDifferent! Don't get a speeding ticket!)
Some cool new changes are on the next page too, including a photo of my newest (and best) McD's YET!!
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