Don't mind the algae!
Believe it or not, Box turtles raised in shallow water, or a moist environment grow more naturally, and have the normal "Box turtle" shape to the shell as they grow!
I can hardly WAIT!
I am very cruious to see what this one develops into! He came from a nice female, high atop a wooded ridgetop, surrounded by nothing but bright, colorful, mostly-yellow males! His head is starting to develop an interesting pattern, and could easily become one of those totally beautiful spot-headed males!
As a hatchling, his shell was suprisingly dark, without the usual "dot" on each scale, but he did have faded yellow dots along the top keel, and rather than the typical dark head on top, he had a very minute dot (visible with a magnifying glass) on each of his many neck scales, and the head was a tan color, rather than dark.
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