Norm Hacking is a critically acclaimed thirty-plus-year veteran
of the Canadian folk music scene, who is well respected by both peers
and audiences. Toronto-born and -based, he is also known for the warm
and caring encouragement he so freely gives to aspiring and professional
folk performers of all ages. His open stage series have provided many
opportunities to preview and polish new material, mingle with peers
and create new performer combinations - forming a real community.
SONGS: Norm's songs range from whimsical ("Cats Everywhere")
to humorous looks at modern life ("Once Was Enough", "Video
Love") and being owned by a cat ("Cats Everywhere", "When
Cats Go Wrong") to the emotional ups and downs of relationships
to soul searching and social commentary ("Last Dance with the Bully
God"). Others are tributes (eg "Richer for the Time"
for Steve Goodman) or stories that have the character development of
an biography ("Cara"). Recent (unrecorded) songs include his
anthem tribute to songwriters, "The Songwriters Song."
ALBUMS: An independent recording artist, Norm has released six
albums: Norm Hacking Live (1977), Cut Roses
(1980), Stubborn Ghost (1988), A Day in the Studio
(1993 solo cassette) and Skysongs... A Writer's Collection
(1996). The latter, a "best of," has been remastered and reissued
with lyrics on the Three Flamingos
label. The newest CD (6th album, concert launch December 2002),
Orange Cats Make the Very Best Friends by Norm Hacking
and Kirk Elliott, continues to be very popular: a track on CBC
DiscDrive Jurgen
Gothe's "Hit List of 2002", several months on Festival
Distribution's top titles list and feline tales emailed to Norm.
A portion of sales proceeds support the fine nonprofit Annex
Cat Rescue. A 1999 album, The Ache, completed with
Ontario Arts Council assistance, has sold out of the limited pre-release
copies and will be issued in early 2004. Norm also appears on numerous
benefit and compilation albums, including Concert for the Angels
(2003), Mariposa 2000, Mariposa ‘98, Fast
Folk Underground (1990), a songwriter's CD series out of New
York City, and the lead track, "The Great Depression of ‘92",
on Canada Bittersweet - Songs of the New Depression (1992).
For more on Norm's recordings and others who have recorded his songs,
see Discography.
TRIBUTES: A tribute concert was recorded in June 1999 with ticket
proceeds being used to issue a two volume CD, One Voice, A Tribute
to Norm Hacking with noted Canadian and U.S. folk artists performing
Norm's songs. The concert included Nancy White, Tim Harrison,
Chris Whiteley, Jim Layeux, Ron Nigrini, Jory
Nash, Roger James and many others. Rick Fielding,
who chose Norm's "This One's the Dreamer" as the title track
of his new CD, wrote a tribute song for the occasion. Wayne Marshall,
Three Flamingos Music, Brantford, is the producer. Volume 1,
with performances of 18 of Norm's songs, also includes studio tracks
from Michael Smith, Alan Rhody and others. See more details,
including track list and links to artists websites, at Tribute
Album. The gala launch concert on November 14, 2001, at Hugh's Room
in Toronto ( Coming Up ), featured most
of the artists on the CD. Volume 2 is in progress.
PERFORMANCES / FESTIVALS: Norm has been performing original
songs for more than 30 years and he loves performing for any audience.
His wide-ranging topics fit many workshop themes. He has also taught
songwriting. He connects with audiences in solo, duo or band format.
He has appeared at many festivals, including Summerfolk, Mariposa (Toronto,
Barrie, Cobourg), Eaglewood, Home County, Northern Lights, All Folks',
Blue Skies, Frostbite (Whitehorse), Pickering and Caledon (Artistic
OPEN STAGE / NORM'S LIVING ROOM: Norm established his first
open stage more than ten years ago, and in October 1999 through June
2001 established a popular high-quality open stage with a feature guest
each Tuesday at the Tranzac (292 Brunswick Ave.) in Toronto. "Norm's
Living Room" Saturday series January 2000 through June 2001 gave
audiences the opportunity to hear more of his songs, with special guests
and a shared closing set. "Norm's Living Room" as an open
stage moved to The Silver Dollar Room, 486 Spadina Avenue (just north
of College Street) in Toronto, beginning July 24, 2001, runnning through
March 2002. See Norm's Living Room at Silver Dollar
for details and feature performers.
REVIEWS: Gene Wilburn called Norm's Skysongs CD
"an outstanding example of songwriting craftsmanship"
with an "engaging singing voice and his lyrics flow effortlessly"
(Northern Journey 2). Greg Quill (Toronto Star) called "Stubborn
Ghost" "as fine a piece of songwriting as has ever been
committed to vinyl" and Dave Gillmor (Yukon News) commented,
"Every tune on this album is a winner and the pacing is superb."
For more reviews of all Norm's albums and the One Voice
tribute, check Reviews.
Shirley Gibson, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Send an email to contact Norm or to subscribe to Norm's email newsletter.
This website is
For information on the tribute CD or to order:
Wayne Marshall
Three Flamingos Music
NEW postal address:
5 Cashel Crescent
Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5K9
Distributed through Festival Distribution
1-800-633-8282 (secure web or phone credit card orders) or through stores.
Specific buying/ordering information is also here
Last updated December 10, 2003