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I bet you dream of this all the time

I'm the wierdest thing that you have ever seen

so close your eyes 'cause I'm about to make you dream

I make you do things you can't do

like tighten buckles inside your shoe

there's a yellow sky above your head

and all the grass has turned to red

your hair has turned a shocking pink

and to the boys the girls do wink

men in the kitchen women on benders

the national guard wear suspenders

all the ad's break for movies

all the black suits half the smoothies

hello you welcome to my town

you look silly with your trousers down

women all around you snatching at your undies

run through a wall now your eating sundies

with the one you love eating in a cafe

there's something eerie in her laugh

make for the door get out of this place

your in the last ten meters in the human race

you've won hoorah! but you did come last

and your friend came in at quarter past

sitting on a steeple people look like ants

it's funny in these dreams you always lose your pants

falling from the top spinning around and around

landing feet up with my head below the ground

big red worms passing through your ears

and all the devils angels drinking dirty beers

the barman takes your money then says the drinks are free

forty lagers later I still say I can see

taking five grand and tickets from a man

I've just bought a combat suit I'm standing in Vietnam

I look and see my friends they seem to stare at me

and everyone has machine guns everone 'cept me

your in your home town fighting all the day

but in your tiny mind it's half a globe away

you catch a leader he wears a bra

now your at Woodstock thrashing your guitar

screaming people shouting having a bawl

Elvis lives thank you very much and that's all

silver Cadillacs and green Rolls Royces

your floating in space with robotic voices

ground control to sputnik five

your dead in space but i'm alive

the sea is big but I drink Coke

planes under water choking folk

It's getting late I flag a shark

they don't charge after dark

I've been waiting all day you see

well we stop running after three

take me to Fiji if you please

I want to see cowboys catching the fleas

Ive been up the Mississippi and seen uncle Tom

I've seen the yanks in Japan drop a nuclear bomb

been at mount Everest Ben Nevis and the Rio Grande

I've been in the Arab states I've seen the holy land

everything impossible this that I can do

and everyone can share it even me and you

I've met most people like Bush Thatcher 'n' Gorby

and wont even think about telling you the orgy

if you want to take part in the things I've did and seen

It's quite simple really just close your eyes and dream

Dreaming by Bernie Logue