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Friday Mornin'

Forty five pints a heavy

reheated Asian food in the take away early

take it hame an watch the telly

this is good but going to be hell eh!

Friday Night

up in the mornin wi dehli belly

sixty pounds I spent last night

a thought a lost it whit a fright

breath stinks garlic n fags wonderin whit a done

a bet the day drags

in the crowd yer number one

sixteen pints a show ma bum

did a really dae aw that

an awful sight aw that fat

mixing with girls hee! look at me

pints lined up by the three

d'ye fancy cummin hame by the sea

the river Clyde eh! you an me

this is like something oot a book

"aye son but take wan look, ye couldnay raise that wee thing oan a hook"

"look son, it's effin freezin cover it up it might start sneezin

back at the pub worse for wear

ye did so wi that tart o'er there

look jimi yuv hud enough

you'll hifty gaw now aint it tough

a'l stick the bunnet oan ye wait n see

agh awa hame te yer bed afore ye start greetin oan me

Saturday Mornin'

did a really dae aw that gracious me

burpoof! this is aw a need wait n see

oh jeez ma heidz goin in an oot

where's ma claes an ma ither boot

sod the wash am goin oot


ah doon te ra pub away a go

it's the second haulf a ma green giro

awright Jim! sorry aboot last night

can a hae a wee pint a heavy Jim

a promise tae behave while am in

aye, awright but a wid take it easy in your gemme

look at the resty rem their awra same

am really sorry fur whit a done

so ye keep sayin' yer no the only one

Sunday morning

Sunday morning ah well! that's me skint

I'll spend the next fortnight eating pink lint

ye know some people worse do fail

but a keep enough money furra Sunday Mail

another fortnight mouchin' an tappin

no even a rolla arse paper fur aw that crappin

the Sunday Mail 'll be a wrappin

ma maw yoosty say "always remember son, there's always somedy wurs aff than yersel"

well I'll tell ye wan thing if they ur

they must have an effin good hangover!!

Waster by Bernie Logue