Jester's Panic




This here band started at some point in 2004. i saw their first show(i think) at some stupid coffeeplace in river falls in december of 2004. they are great. Drummer mike benoy is my homey and has been since i also lived in western wisconsin. i have followed him and all of his various bands through the years. when i first met him he was in nanopico with paul and graham. they broke up and got together several times between 98 when i met him and 2001 i think. then in 2000 mike started MY BROTHER ROB as a sidegroup type of thing that eventually became his fulltime thing. that was originally him and paul(they played their first show as a 2 peice on my 17th birthday in a garage with no heat.)they played again with ferd mert that june in hammond. they were a 3 peice poppunk band at that point. somewhere along the way in about 2001 they became a skaband and had a bunch of members and shit. i didnt like them then. i think. im not sure. i dont remember. they played at one of my shows i dont remember. plus i was young and dumb and had problems with pearson for no reason and shit. stupid bullshit really. somewhere in late 2001 or early 2002 mike joined creative negligence from hudson with roby whos a jerkoff and paul macentyre who is also a jerkoff. that lasted for maybe a year before the great hudson/river falls music beef started and that group ended. then it was back to my brother rob til 04 or some shit maybe. i dont recall really when that ended and jesters panic began. at any rate the first time i saw or heard jesters panic was at that show in december. it was good. damn good. at that point they had no bass player. just mike mike katie and brandon. they played some more shows too. and around may or june adam joined on bass. they have recorded some shit and played in saint cloud where people liked them. they have shirts. this band is good check them the fuck out. word. im sorry i suck at writing bios of bands and shit. they should have an ep out sometime and i have heard most of it and its fucking great. check out this band. and go see them and shit like that. go for it. at this juncture,may 07,burdick isnt in the band anymore. not sure why,none of my business anyway. apparently young "iron" fupachez is now a full fledged member of the group. the band is set to released their shit in august. with a tour to follow sometime in the fall. i am moving to kansas here in a couple of weeks,so ill only sporadically be their roadie,but i still got much love. they played the other night in mel's garage for me and 10 or so of my drunken buddies and sounded better than ever,even including a bad GNR cover. fucking right. good band,good people,support them. tell your friends to support them. cause i said so. also just recently they opened for reel big fish and that dude from soul coughing. good show. i videotaped the entire thing for posterity along with will. mike benoy wore a rabbit suit.