Video Clips

Here you will find Queer as Folk music videos done by me . . . centered around Brian and Justin of course. Here is a short description of the videos:

Tourniquet - Centered around the bashing and its effects on Brian and Justin's relationship leading to their break up in season 2.

Carry on Dancing - Just a pretty collection of some of my favorite Brian and Justin moments.

Bring me to Life - Brian and Justin need each other . . . whether they realize it or not.

Figured You Out - "I like your pants around your feet" . . . :)

Devil's Dance Floor - An Ode to Babylon with Irish music. Yes, Irish music.

When I Grow Up - My favorite out of them all. An ensemble video celebrating the lives of the characters and couples.


Carry on Dancing
Bring me to Life
Figured You Out
Devil's Dance Floor
When I Grow Up