---- Picture-
June 6, 1978
 May 19, 2004

Missy's Team

Join us as we "Light the Night"


One of the last things that Missy and I talked about was a letter from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society asking her to be an Honored Hero. She signed the form that came with the letter, giving her permission for her picture and story to be used by the society. This was on Monday, May 17, 2004. She left us less than 48 hours after she signed the form. Missy had looked forward to participating in the Light the Night walk on September 16, 2004 in Columbia, South Carolina. We looked forward to being there together.

Missy's Team was formed to honor Melissa Sutton and her valiant battle against Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Missy's Team participated in the Light the Night Walk in Columbia, South Carolina on September 16, 2004, to celebrate and commemorate the lives touched by blood related cancers - leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's, and myeloma. Missy's family was there, friends were there, as well as faculty, students, and parents from Alice Drive Middle School.

Missy's Team raised $5,011.67. WE WERE THE TOP fundraising team at the 2004 Columbia, South Carolina, Light the Night Walk. Over $1,300 was raised by Alice Drive Middle School faculty, students, and parents. The rest of the funds were raised or donated by Missy's family and friends.

Missy's sons, Mikey and Christian
and Missy's brother, Sean
at Light the Night in Columbia, SC
September 16, 2004

The mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Why it is important 
More than 670,000 people in the United States have these cancers. This week alone, 2,000 more people will learn that they have one of these cancers—1,200 will die from them.

How funds are used
Since 1949, the Society has invested nearly $360 million in research specifically targeting leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The Society is also the leading resource for patients with these diseases and their families, providing information and services through their Information Resource Center (800) 955-4572, the Web site (www.LLS.org) and 62 chapters across the country, providing support and services at the community level. More than 75 percent of the money the Society spends is used for mission-related activities and services.

If you missed the 2004 Light the Walk, you can look forward to walking with Missy's Team at a 2005 Light the Night Walk.

Columbia - September 16 - Saluda Shoals Park - Missy's Team - Top Fundraisers

Light the Night

Join Missy's Team and help us raise funds to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's mission -
 to find a cure for blood related cancers!

Missy's Team 2004

Even if you can't join us in the Light the Night walk, you can still be part of Missy's Team.

You can help others who are battling a blood related cancer and honor Missy by making a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Just make out your check to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Mail your donation to:
Missy's Team
c/o Cindy Parker
6 Sandalwood Lane
Sumter, S.C. 29154

Join Missy's Team - Contact Cindy Parker

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for updates and messages.



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Lighting the Night for Missy
Columbia, SC 2004
Bruce with Cindy ahead in the pink

Email: cparker2@sc.rr.com

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This page was last updated on December 18, 2004
Sumter, South Carolina