
Missy's Story

Her Battle Against Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Transplant Day

    "Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult--once we truly understand and accept it--then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters." M. Scott Peck

    Check off sheet for Missy's transplant.

    Joan Sharon, R.N. and Betsy (A.K.A. "Lightning")

    Cart that was brought in bearing "the stuff.".

    The cooler of stem cells.

    Stem cells being removed from protective packaging.

    The package of stem cells.

    Thawing the stem cells.

    Another view of the stem cells being thawed.

    Close up of the first bag of stem cells. (There were 2 bags.)

    The cells are thawed until they don't feel cold anymore.

    Filling the transplant syringe.

    Joan Sharon, Missy's nurse, getting ready to administer the syringe of stem cells. She has been working with bone marrow transplant patients since 1981. 

    Joan, talking with Missy as the stem cells start to go in.
    Notice that the color pink was the theme for the day.
    Joan is famous for her pink shoes and coordinating outfits. 
    Missy wore a pink nightgown and I wore a pink shirt today.
    Betsy wore purple, a version of Missy's favorite color.

    Betsy and I watch, as Joan continues to time the cell return.
    IV Bunny looks over everything.
    Missy has a lap of hard candy to combat the taste.
    The purple egg on her lap was full of Warheads.

    I went down the hall to the room of Mr. Timmons to invite his wife,
    Mrs. Timmons to see how the transplant was done.
    They have both become our very good friends.
    She and I try to be there for each other when it's not a good day.

    Joan ordered a cake from the hospital kitchen. 
    It was delivered just after the transplant was finished.

    Missy's Progress

    Hodgkin's Disease Info

    Stem Cell Transplants

    Email: cparker2@sc.rr.com

    This page was last updated on May 4, 2004

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