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" Bonfire "
poetry by Lee
Bonfire by Lee & Joyce

There was a time, my life existed,
As Lee, the clean up man,
Cleaning Restaurant every night,
Until the Morning was at Hand,
One day while filtering fryers,
The Biscuit Lady come,
Patience was not her virtue
And she expected me to run.
I let her in that morning,
And forgot to turn it off.
When she passed along the fryer,
Her voice was very wroth.
"The fryer is on fire" !
"Just Look what you have done" !
I'll just pour a little shortening,
And extinguish all the fun.
"The Bonfire you have started,
Was not so very safe" !
But Since you forgot the marshmallows,
My Flame has gone to waste.
So if you see ones, little faults,
Try not to point them out,
You may find your Own Qualities,
May be just as much in doubt.



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