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Copy Cat Dentist

" Copy Cat Dentist "
poetry by Lee
* * * * *
In the Town of Orange Park, Florida,
A Dentist, Dilligently Works So Hard,
He Spends his hours, Days & Nights,
Just to buy them fancy Cars.
* * * * *
He Bought a House for his Parents,
But it's Empty, Where it Sat,
His Parents love their Little Apartment,
And so Happy, where they're At.
* * * * *
He gives $2000 to Charity,
He knows not, where it comes,
As He keeps on making payments,
Toiling, beyond the setting sun.
* * * * *
And how do, all his friends out there,
Have time of to run about?
And where do they get their money,
For the time to play their golf ?
* * * * *
You will find their Little Secret,
Toys are bought from Surplus Cash.
The cost of Credit is three times more,
Until the Great Financial crash.
* * * * *
The Credit bills of yesteryear,
May haunt you till the end.
With Cash, Your Shopping Spree is over,
When there's Nothing left to Spend.



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