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Dream Castles

Background From: A Time To Believe

Graphics by Sherrie
Poetry by Lee

Dream Castles

From the Depths of Troubled Waters,
My New Lease on Life emerged.
My Precious Joyce, Now walks with Me,
And My Family's Love, has surged.

Kind Dear words of Fellowship,
Has spread throughout the Land,
And all the wars of yesteryear,
Diminished, As New Life Began.

The Little Happy Thoughts Returned,
Of the days when I was Two,
My Most precious Wife & Buddy,
Is Like the Sweetest Honey Dew.

Like the Days, When we were Children,
Making Dream Castles in the Sand,
No Loud Voices, Raged in Anger,
Lovingly We Walk This Land.

And God has Calmed the Rugged Waters,
As He Commanded the Raging Sea,
Until the Last, Red Velvet Sunset
I will hold Her Love Inside of Me.

Graphics by Sherrie



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