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Old People

"Old People"
Poetry by Lee

'Twas the cooling winds, before the rain,
As I was, walking down the street,
I saw an Old Man, on the park bench,
As he was struggling, to his Feet.

So I gave a hand & helped him up,
Strolling down the shady trail,
It worried me, that my time may come,
That I 'll be just as Frail.

The Old Man told me of his fortune,
In the days when he was young,
His lively steps of yesteryear,
The times, he had such fun.

I asked him, how he manages,
Has he anything, to his name?
Yes my Son, I have my family,
They help down Life's Lane.

God gave me Love & Kindness,
And My kids, just down the street,
They give me life's necessities,
And make sure, I always eat.

My Lord has told me in the Bible,
He gives His sparrows, all their needs,
I watch them play so cheerfully,
While wrestling in the Leaves.

He said, I'm so much greater,
And my Life has been so Blessed.
My Faith has always been with Him,
And He gives me all the Rest .

So save your nest egg, for the future,
Live your Life, the Best You Can,
If you need Our Lord, Just call on Him,
And He will understand.

He Loves the Little Fishes of the Ocean,
And His Big Old Shady Trees,
He loves the animals of the forest,
And Old people, Just Like Me.

Graphics by Sherrie



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