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My Furry Friends

"My Furry Friends"
poetry by Lee

When I was just a little boy, My mom had so many things to do,
As she would go in shopping, We got to go there too.
I remember, the old, A & P, Their coffee smelled so strong,
But it didn't really matter, For we weren't there, very long.
One day at a butcher shop, A little dog was eating scraps,
My mom just asked, who’s little Dog? She surely moves so fast.
The butcher said, She’s just a stray, wanna take her along?
We called a bit, In the car she came, Yay ! Our very own little dog.
She really did surprise herself, & then she looked so scared,
I guess she made the decision, before she was prepared.
We called her Peppy, from her liveliness, In the cold Wisconsin Town.
But as little kids, she played with us, wherever we ran around.
Later we got a Chipmunk, just as cute as he could be,
We had the perfect name for him, We, just called him Chippy.
Watching the little fellow, eat his lunch, Was a wonder to us all,
But he was busy, in his cage, always, having a ball.
My sister, Judy, left her coat, resting upon his house, one day,
Little chippy, ate a whole lot of holes, before she threw it away.
Peppy was a little jealous, And then Chippy made a run,
The next time we found Chippy, His life was already done.
We gave him a proper burial, Twas the first time, that I saw death,
Even though, Chippy is gone to Heaven, My tears were dripping wet.
But life is not forever, At least, not here on Earth,
Heaven’s a much better place, If We Know that, “God is First”.



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