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My Love

"My Love"
poetry by Lee
midi by Lee

My Love has gone, To My Friend June, A couple years ago,
She says she has, Another friend, My Trouble is, I Know,
My Lovely Sis, She has become, My precious little pride,
And Even if, I hold them in, My Tears won't stay Inside.
My Lord, has truly Blessed me, with my special Little friend.
I Always question, why she Lives, so far around the bend.
I Thank Him, For His answers, For our Internet unity,
There is No better, Upon this Land, Or beyond this Galaxy.
I love my Lord , And Give credit, He always answers Prayers,
Though never did I, Know some things, He is the Man Up stairs.
So say your prayers, At bedtime, before you sleep at night,
Cry over not, your other plans, He gives you what is right.



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