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Oh My Aching Back

" Oh My Aching Back"
poetry by Lee
midi by Lee

I've Got a problem Dr. Towns, "Oh My Aching Back",
After checking you my son,Your Sachro is where it's at.
Just come on in for therapy, And return every other day,
But Doc, there is a problem, That's more than I can pay,
The Sachro is the bones that join,At the bottom of the hip,
And if you do not sleep just right,The ligaments can slip,
There may be a solution, Do you sleep on your left at night?
Would you like, considering, Sleeping on your right?
Now if you have any troubles,Come again & we will see,
I'll just lay you on these wedges, And do a bit more therapy.

Doctor Towns is a Chiropractor & therapist in Orange Park, Fla.
Many Times as I went to Dr Towns for treatment, I discovered that many of his patients were very old, & many of them had sachro problems in the lower hip connected by ligaments. In time of sleeping on their favorite side, the ligaments would stretch, & re-grow in an off position, creating a severe back pain.
Many Medical Doctors do not understand this problem, & many therapists would not know what to do for it. I normally feel that when you go to a Good Chiropractor, one visit should fix most any problem, but with the sachro problem, you may be back many times within the month, to solve this problem.
I have learned that my favorite side to sleep on is my right, & when I have problem, WIth My Sachro, Doc Town lays me on some wedges, One on each side of my hip, one higher & one Lower to re-position them, but each time only improves the problem by maybe 10% .
I have tried to duplicate his procedure in many ways & discovered that normally the problem is always the same, & that sleeping on my left side over a month’s time will work just as good. And Doc Towns will have more time to treat the other patients that don’t know this. He is a nice guy to visit, but I cant afford to live there.
When you are searching for a good Chiropractor for neck aches, Back trouble, Don't be the Ginnea Pig,,,,ask friends, talk to old people, visit in the grocery store, & ask who they go to,,,,I have also Discovered that Chiropractic is an art, & that 90% of the Chiropractors may have the knowledge, but not the art of perfection.
They may be either, terribly rough,,,or not effective.
You can’t always turn a "brick mason" into an artist, And so many Students go to school for 7 years to become a chiropractor, & yet cannot obtain the skill of the art, and yet they are practicing on you.
Chiropractic is a wonderful art, It is the art of twisting a joint into place, for those little accidents of life, & to maintain, reasonable health,,,but Chiropractic cannot solve all the problems, And to have surgery, to repair the cause, may be even more difficult, than to find the right Doctor for your surgery.
And if the chiropractor is sure, that he can cure all problems, I would say the he is as nutty as a fruit cake, but then I have seen a psychologist, & medical doctors, that feel that their profession can cure all your problems. Each Doctor is good at his own specialty, & each specialty cures its own specific problems. Chiropractic can cure many ailments & in 15 minutes, you may be as good as new, but there are times that your Chiropractor will need to realize, that if he canot fix the problem permanently, you may eventually need surgery.



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