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My Little Biker

"My Little Biker"
poetry by Lee

He was a little foster child, His name was Jessie Lee,
He was my little angel, as cute as he could be.
It seemed a good idea, to take a little walk,
I went for bottle & diaper, A great idea, that I thought.
After running in the house, to get his little things,
His legs were full of grease, before we could begin.
He wanted to ride the motorcycle, Like one other time before,
So I took him in the house, And washed him up, once more.
We rode around the block, among the shady trees,
His little hands, on handle bars, hair blowing in the breeze.
His smile from ear to ear, a little chuckle, was his laugh,
He loved to hear the engine roar, so I gave it extra gas.
I could hear his happy little voice, At the place they gave him care,
“ Daddy” was the word he called, Knowing that I was there.
We cruised the road together, with Him in front of me,
We both arived at home, Just as happy as could be.
But Jessie went to Heaven, After HRS took him back,
Now Heaven is his home, Upon the clouds, he takes his nap.
So if you hear a little putter, as you look and cannot find,
‘Tis Jessie riding motorcycle, with his angel, on behind.


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