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Lost in the Parking Lot

"Lost in the Parking Lot"
poetry by Lee

‘Twas a sunny day at the Mall,
Where once, I worked for Sears.
My job was Checking Battery Systems,
And Cars of those four years.
My complimentary job, included,
Stranded cars in the parking lot,
And one day, there was an Old Man,
Confused and terribly Hot.
He was tragically, gone with fear,
He could not find his car,
His energys were exhausted,
For his walk was much too far.
I saw him at a distance,
And asked him what was wrong,
I went to get my Car,
And assured him, It won’t be long.
I calmly asked him questions,
Of what his car was like,
Riding past the line of cars,
While calming his excite.
I finally met the description,
Of what he was looking for,
A lengthy time of considering,
He then opened up the door.
Their sight is slightly limited,
Their energy nearly gone,
He only needed a little help,
Of a friend who came along.


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