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tran thu ha

poetry by Lee
music by Lee
While on the net, I found tran-thu-ha
The sweetest little woman that I loved
Talked much together on our days & Nights
Like an angel from Our God above
Talked love everlasting, until our death
For life is now getting so short
Had plans to marry, after trip to Vietnam
To do documents, at the tourist resort.
We made many plans, for the twenty years left
There was so much, that I did not understand
I wanted her to be, in this land with me
Then is when my doubts have really took my upper hand
There was very much to spend, to be with my love
And my poverty was a little bit too much
Before I got my passport, & my ticket to my Ha,
My confidence trembled on my love,
And now we both must cry, for I broke our trust,
I had not enough, to care for her needs
I did not trust enough, in Our God above
Like the birds do, as they fly , up in the trees.

Well my romantic adventure is over, with tran-thu-ha, but what great exciting adventure it was. We have shared in Our love so deep, with the concerns of abuse, passion, & patience of a loving husband, the gentleness of a big man, in the presents of a tiny little woman. But as all beautiful dreams must end, I was a dollar short at the end of the trail, & a trip to the passport office, led me to understand that many women of foreign lands, come as fiancee, & become wife & vanish into the crowd of many faces. So the greatest value of the whole experience, is the little Vietnamese woman that lives next door to the passport office, She offered to me, that if i ever need a Vietnamese friend, she has many friends. Me being a lonely sort of guy, I think that next Monday, I may just stop by, and see her once again, To meet such a little woman of warmth & friendliness, It would be the pleasure, that I would never want to miss. Now that I am back to myself, in a calm & joyful mood, tran-thu-ha was a medicine, to cure all ailments of the heart. And now she is off, searching for another husband to be, who has $6000 to pay the tourist resort center, who will help them to fill out the many fiancee forms of marriage & to win the love of just one little Vietnamese woman at a time. And the only knowledge the man must have, is how to get his passport, & flight ticket to the city of Ho Chi Minh at the TanSon Nhat Airprot, with the help of one little woman, who wishes to marry him , and they will do all the rest, until the day they are married. Lee



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