
So many times in my life, friends have come to me, in their last desperate glimps of hope, looking for a cure for their cancer, not knowing that most cancers are curable, & requires very little effort to keep it under control.

But before you decide to believe in me, I am not a doctor, experience is my only teacher, and the internet fills in the details, to the answers That I am looking for.

I was married for 23 years, and my wife was then told, that she had only one year to live, this was 20 years ago, she took it real personal, For what would you, do if you knew your time was so limited?

Now, before you break down in tears, I didn’t mention yet, that she is still alive, she is my friend, & sometimes I feel she haunts my dreams, and continues to control my world, even though she has divorced me six years ago. She was healthy enough to remarry, and has loved him 6 years also.

First concern of cancer, is any repeated injury or irritation, will give cancer a place to begin. As in damaging an old injury, bruising the same muscle over & over again.

The cure is much more simple, simply by taking Beta Carrotine, after cancer begins, It will stop cancer from growing. A bottle of Beta Carrotine is only $5 and could be a months supply.. One capsule a day is good, it may require a larger dose, if your cancer becomes serious.

You cannot over dose on Beta Carrotine, (an oil of a carrot ). It washes out of your system every day, & so every day, you need to take more.

Last month Debbie told me that the cancer has spread to her blood, which is considered the last stage of life, before you die of cancer.

She was here to visit, & I bought her a bottle of Beta Carrotine, & told her to take at least two capsules every day, & do not miss a day. She decided to take four a day. A month later she went back to the doctor, he told her that her cancer is in remission, ( it stopped growing ) and she is safe for a while.

She never did tell him what she did.

Vegetables & fruit are soothing to your body, and was the main cure, until we discovered that Beta Carrotine, is more effective, and requires so little change in your diet. Baked fish & Chicken are also recommended. As a safe protein.

The doctor can remove cancer tissue, but any time you experience a call with cancer, I would recommend taking beta carrotine, & learning to eat vegetables as a normal routine.

Forty years ago, My grandmother was told that she was dyeing of cancer of the throat, she was diagnosed that she had two years to live, there was no cure. She could not swallow most foods that were grainy, so she lived on green beans & slimy vegetables, that would slide down without irritation. She lived for ten more years, & died at the old age of ninety, of hardening of the arteries, and there was no trace of cancer then.

Remember, young doctors treat you with only prescription medicines. Beta Carrotine is a vitamin, and therefore a doctor may not have been taught of its benefits.

Another example: A drunk may have seemed to damage his liver, & may have been told by a doctor, that he will die, for his liver is bad.

There is not a prescription product for this, Yet 2000 years ago, in the time of Jesus, people treated this condition with milk thistle seed. The liver is normally not diseased, it is just unable to process all virus us. & toxins, Yet the milk thistle seed over the next 12 days will allow drainage, to the lymph vessels, & the liver problem will be cured for at least another 4 months. Milk thistle is good for any type of hepatitis also, it is available in the grocery store, in convenient capsules. It is not enjoyable to use milk thistle in foods, for it tastes like burned ashes.

So when you go to the doctor, eat what is good for you, & be cautious of too much kimo therapy, or radiation. though it will burn away your cancer, it may also kill the rest of your body.

Written by
Lee Geiger

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