I learned first, what do they call this condition? Then I went to the internet to learn all about it, then I talked to many people who experienced the same condition. And in four years, I have finnaly learned some worthwhile living answers, that can allow me to live somewhat a normal life.
The internet told me that Artichoke was good for it, they were right, & tumeric 1/2 teaspoon a day will help with the inflamation, but i have not learned to like Artichoke , I have ground it up & it creates intestinal bleeding, like eating wood pulp.
I cooked with tumeric for a while, & it has many good benefits, but now I just use Ibphrophen, since i dont have so much inflamation & swelling.
Then talking to another guy, after trying doctor medicines, he experienced kidney stones. The medicine disolved the sodium, but he didnt drink enough water to wash it through.
My Sis in Law, Lorraine, told me that sugar is real bad, she is right, and them cokes are killing us, with more sugar than our bodies can handle. Once we drink our cokes, our body is full of sugar, and the capability of absorbing anything else is almost impossible. So now I drink no cokes & very little sweet tea, and water has become my favorite drink, and my water deluted coffee, with only powdered milk.
The internet recomends many carbohydrates, which is good . Vegetables also have good carbohydrates.
Too many potatoes & pasta, & sugar, may cause you to become a very large person.
Water flushes all the necessary wastes from the system, & you even may enjoy a normal usage of salt again. But If you drink cokes, the necessary salt that you need, will not be able to wash away, when your body is done with it.
So after four years, I have finally learned to live with a mild gout, that requires me to live on water, green beans & salad/ mayonaise, and a very small amounts of meat & potatoes & pastas.
Vegetables in tomato sauce & some rice is good, & powdered cheese will make it more delightful also. There is no perfect formula, & the amount of potatoes, pasta & rice are dependent on how much energy you can use, It is always good to be a little hungry, water will help you to have a full feeling, and when it does not, you are really hungry & you need to eat.
you can buy cheese powders reasonably & any spice in bulk that you might ever need, without going to the grocery store
This last link, you can search for the cheese or any special spice that you are looking for
Now the big question, Is this a new disease? I must tell you no, Tryonsarus Rex had this problem fifty million years ago, and has died from this condition, with severly worn out ankle bones.
Written by
Lee Geiger