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Lee's Story Time

Graphics by Sherrie
Poetry by Lee

Mystic Island

Adrift upon the ocean, a gift of solitude for me,
I rest upon this mystic Island, traveling the great blue Seas.
No One knows from where I come, I know not where I go,
But now, has come this resting spot, this place, I call my home.
God has left these little wonders, for travelers just like me,
He even left us friends of nature, & birds that fly so free.
I watch across the lazy ocean, & see cheerful porpoise play,
Our Lord's fine gift, upon this sailor, a peaceful place to stay.
Tomorrow comes a new adventure, with my lady by my side,
Remembering this Mystic Island, A Heavenly gift of pride.

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= * Index & Resources Page * =
Home: Lee's Story Time
Lee's Story Time 2
Lee's Story Time 3
Lee's Story Time 4
Roadside Edge
Field of Flowers
Country Boy
Junky Old Motorcycle
Dont Stop Daddy
Fairy Angel
Ducky Chick
Dallas Goes to Heaven
Chipmunk Crossing
Heaven's Gift
Easter Sunday
Heavenly Friend
Precious Blessings
Jessie Lee Williams
Moon Lite Magic
Heavenly Dream
Earthly Angel
Grace of Heaven
Silent Sermon
Roses for Mama by Harold & Margaret Plass
Teddy Bear by Rdmnx
Audio Bible
For Reading & Listening Pleasure

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