Looking for Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Pork Butt?
Your local Walmart Superstore has it all including brisket. The last time I looked it was $1.08 per pound for Excel USDA Choice brisket packed in cryovac. That's a lot cheaper than hamburger! Do not use corned beef brisket for barbecue.
Where to Buy Prime Cuts Seasoning in the New River Valley: Point and Click Here
Need a Barbecue Grill?
Visit your local True Value Hardware Store. True Value Hardware sells Weber grills, and they can order a Weber Bullet Smoker #2820 (True Value item # 000555953). Check out the True Value Hardware web site.
Need a
gas Bar-B-Q cooker/trailer for catering events? Call: Johnny
Parker At: 704-394-2792 Located in
the Charlotte area, Johnny has more than ten
years of experience building Bar-B-Q rigs for folks all along the east coast. He
is now serving the New
River Valley area with delivered cooker/trailers
costing less than $1,000. Drop by and see his shop.