Weyrling Barracks(#1745RAJL)
This massive cavern is connected to the main bowl of
the Weyr by a short, yet large tunnel. Some weyrlings might complain that
the tunnel lets in too much sand and wind, but never in the presence of
the Weyrlingmaster! The walls of the cavern are patterned with the swirled
sandstone that's unique to this region, and although the cavern provides
some respite from the heat of the desert, the warm yellow and red colours
seem sometimes to enhance the weather. Couches, worn smooth by the hides
of many young dragons, line the eastern wall of the cavern, each accompanied
by a cot. In the eastern corner a study area has been set up, with scrolls,
a few long tables, and benches.
The tunnel leading out opens at the southwestern end
of the cavern.
Teria is singing under her breath as she oils Jazeth. Mercifully under her breath, as it's no secret Teria sounds like a stepped on tunnelsnake when she's singing.
U'yn lying on his back on the floor, and Kismith has his front foot gently on U'yn, who is inspecting the claws and between the claws carefully.
Teria glances over while scooping up more oil. "Hmmm. U'yn, I hate to tell you this, but I think you have a bronze dragon stepping on you."
U'yn lifts the foot, looking underneath, and says, his voice sounding a little different in that position, "You should try it--you'll like it."
Teria groans. "Oh, shards. Please don't give Jazeth ideas. He is /not/ going to step on me."
Kismith and U'yn both shuffle, until the next foot is on U'yn's chest. "Doesn't sound like anyone needs to give Jazeth ideas," he says.
Dragon> Kismith senses that Jazeth cranes his neck, watching with great interest. << Are you going to ride him? I thought it was the other way around. >>
Teria nods ruefully, is quiet a moment. "So... what are you doing anyway? THere a reason?"
K'than finishes smearing Ryeth's hide and gives her a pat with one oily hand, then looks up and over at the others.
Ryeth settles herself into her couch for a nap, and K'than heads off to go do something important, no doubt.
Kismith> Jazeth senses that Kismith is bemused, a rumbling sapphire thread of humour responding, << So fragile, those humans. I don't think they'd last long if we rode them. >>
U'yn wiggles Kismith's claw, and answers, "Not a reason. I just thought I'd get dragonsmooshed today," he says, and goes back to inspecting the claws.
Teria nods, a slightly bemused look on her face. "Okay. You're gaining in normalcy."
U'yn glances up, just for a moment. "I am?" he asks. "I'm pushin' for a promotion, I am." He rolls out from under the claw, then climbs right under Kismith to lie, this time on his stomach, and inspect a hind foot.
Teria nods. "Indeedy! And in record time, too. I should be congratulated!" She drops the paddle back into the oil. "Okay, Jazeth, you're done. And no, I don't want to look at your feet."
U'yn's voice comes from under a bronze dragon, who's resting his chin patiently upon the reeds. "What /is/ my rank, anyhow?"
Teria makes a show of pondering this, even if U'yn is more interested in looking at dragon feet. "Well... I'm afraid I'm going to have to make your a Journeyman of Normalcy."
U'yn's head pops out from under Kismith to peer at Teria, who has a looming though upsidedownish appearance from this angle. "What about that scares you?" he inquires.
Teria predicts, "SOme day, you'll outdo me and I'll have to give up my rank. Then where will I be?"
U'yn grins wolfishly, "Doing what every good crafter does. Waiting upon your Craftmaster." and his head vanishes back under Kismith once again, the voice emerging from there, "Juuuust yoooouuuu waaaaaait."
Teria gulps theatrically. "And then you ask why I'm scared? Jazeth, pack up, we're moving to... Ista. Or maybe Southern, I hear that continent's a nice place to live..."
Jazeth rumbles, peering at his rider curiously. He ducks his head, nudging at U'yn's legs next, where they stick out.
U'yn rolls out from under Kismith, literally rolling, side over side, right into brown muzzle. "Ooops! Scuse me, Jazeth. Southern," he beams up at Jazeth's rider, from his spot still on the floor, "Is a wonderful place to live. And I've got a great place there I want to show you, some day..." he lets that hang wistfully before finishing, "But you, my dear, are an Igen Brownrider, Teria and Jazeth of the desert."
Teria sits down nearby, pushing Jazeth's muzzle up unceremoniously. "Move yourself, you big lug - not you, U'yn. Sorry about that. When we're full riders... there's a tavern in Boll you've just /got/ to see. The drinks defy description."
U'yn pulls himself to a sitting position, too. Kismith peers around the brown, trying to see what's worth looking at or nudging over here, making two growing wedge shaped heads in the general vicinity. "I've heard of it," U'yn says, wrapping one arm over Kismith's head, well, as far as it will go. May as well keep it crowded here. "So--one trip to Boll, one trip to Southern?"
Teria chuckles. "For starters - sounds like a good plan. We can add on more destinations - except I've rarely been out of Igen, so I defer to you."
U'yn says, "You'll be all over the planet, before you
know it. Before you graduate, even, if they do messenger duty here like
they do at Telgar. You'll be so well travelled...." Just then a young greenrider
walks in, and U'yn jumps up, "I told her I'd help her practice her stitching.
Catch you later, Teria!"