02:19 PM
Logfile from Natasya.
Welcome to PernMUSH!
Igen Weyr Candidates' Barracks(#309RAJL$)
Your location's current time: 13:08 on day 11, month 8, Turn 40, of the Tenth Pass. It is a summer afternoon..
IgenW-LC> V'lien makes a face. "I'm not tired." He sounds almost pouty now. He shifts Tirien to his other knee.
IgenW-LC> One corner of Terrilia's mouth quirks up slightly, though she tries to hide it behind her juice glass. "I'll come nap with you?" she offers. "It's too hot out to do much anyway."
IgenW-LC> Tirien munches on the cheeseroll, looking back and forth between his parents. Something's going on here.
IgenW-LC> V'lien coughs, then sneezes. "I'm not going to take a nap, Terri. The hatching could happen at any moment."
IgenW-LC> "And Jake will let you know instantly," Terrilia says dryly. She reaches for Tirien, frowning in concern. "You're sick--I should know, it's usually me that's sneezing. You should rest. If you don't, it'll only get worse and you might have to miss the hatching anyway."
IgenW-LC> V'lien crosses his arms over his chest as Tirien is taken from his lap. "I am /not/ going to miss the hatching."
IgenW-LC> Tirien comes willingly, though he gives his father a curious backwards glance. "Ick?"
IgenW-LC> V'lien sneezes and wipes his nose on his handkerchief. "I am not sick!"
IgenW-LC> Terrilia settles Tirien on her lap and sighs as she watches V'lien worriedly. "Why don't you just lie down for a little bit? Please? It'd make me feel better..."
IgenW-LC> V'lien grits his teeth and shakes his head. "I've too much to do. We're going to be crawling with weyrlings in a few days, y'know."
Rulyn wends his way out to the Inner Caverns.
Rulyn has left.
You wend your way out to the Inner Caverns.
Igen Weyr Inner Caverns(#310RJ)
Teria comes out from the Candidates' Barracks.
Teria has arrived.
You amble out into the Weyr's Living Caverns.
Igen Weyr Living Cavern(#600RJMQ)
Rulyn ambles out from the inner caverns.
Rulyn has arrived.
Teria ambles out from the inner caverns.
Teria has arrived.
Chayil ambles out from the inner caverns.
Chayil has arrived.
Terrilia sighs and rubs her temple briefly. She lets Tirien squirm down to crawl around, keeping an eye on him. "Val...why not just admit you're sick?" she says gently. "You won't be able to do anything for the weyrlings if it gets worse..." She straighens at the influx of Candidates, blushing.
V'lien draws himself up in his chair, trying not to look too puny. "I'll be fine. This'll pass by morning. With or without a nap."
Free! Tirien takes a few steps to move himself out of reach, then sways gently on his feet and grins at everyone around. He's a little sandy and crumby.
Rulyn walks in slowly. He's bringing Auntie Hana, and she's leaning on his arm. He leads her to a seat by the hearth, but apparently that's the wrong seat, for she gives his ponytail a good and proper yank to accompany her verbal protests. After conference with her, he leads her to a comfortable chair a proper distance from the hearth.
Terrilia sighs and shakes her head gently as she reaches for a dough dot. She mutters to V'lien, " Don't... *between* anywhere today,... Please? "
Chayil walks out of the living caverns, yawning after a midmorning nap.
Oh, blessed day of rest. She looks so refreshed, so happily blurry, as
she shuffles towards the meal table with a wide and contented yawn.
Timothy strolls in. "Hello Weyrleader, Weyrsecond, and all!"
V'lien tosses up his hands. "I don't have time to leave the weyr, Terri.
If I go, those eggs will hatch and I'll have to hightail it back."
Terrilia sighs and nods, though she doesn't look too reassured. "That's good, anyway." She waves a hand distractedly at all of the Candidates.
V'lien gets to his feet, wiping his nose. "I'm going to get some work done. I'll be upstairs if I'm needed."
Rulyn tries to return the wave, but is given another good yank on the ponytail. He laughs, "Yes, Auntie," and then obediently trots off to fill her a plate full of soft but tempting goodies, and a cup full of something just perfect to drink.
Terrilia sighs and nods to V'lien, getting to her own feet quickly. "Mind if I come along? You can show me what you're working on?"
V'lien grumbles, trudging up the stairs. "Sure...come on."
Terrilia smiles faintly and nods. "Be right there--let me just take Tiri to the nursery."
Chayil pours her own glass of juice, drinking half before she really gets her eyes all the way open. Refreshed, however, she looks up at poor, beleaguered Rulyn with a sympathetic eye. "Want some help? I'm on restday, but she'll have your head black and blue, yanking your leash."
V'lien nods and grumbles on his way up.
V'lien climbs the stairs, past the balcony and up to the upper hallway.
V'lien has left.
Tirien glances at his parents once again, then giggles and toddles toward the inner caverns as fast as his little legs will carry him. He's running away! But right toward the nursery, somehow. Oh well.
Terrilia smiles apologetically as she follows Tirien, 'chasing' him toward the nursery.
Tirien strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Tirien has left.
Terrilia strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
Terrilia has left.
Rulyn flashes a grateful grin at Chayil. "You wanna carry these to her?" he offers with a hopeful grin, tucking his ponytail behind him.
Chayil holds out her hands and grandly says, with a big smile, "At your service, and at hers." And so she marches the tray of what one /hopes/ are Auntie Hana's favorite foods over to the insistent old gal. "Auntie Hana, here's your lunch."
Natasya wanders out from the hallway, Uncle Brenyn leaning on her arm, although between the two of them they've managed to make it look like the girl is being escorted by the Uncle. She settles him by the fire, and trots off to fetch him a glass of ale and a bite to eat. It may be her restday, but she'd rather enjoyed listening to Brenyn's stories yesterday, so she didn't mind escorting him out again today.
Teria reaches out as if to tug lightly at Rulyn's hair as she passes him. "Kitchen duties today. Any bets on how many dishes get broken?"
Timothy chuckles. "None. I'm not on a restday, so I'm not going to let you break any."
Aunti Hana was expecting at least one more chance at tugging that appealingly long pony tail. She accepts the food with a grunted thanks, "You're not him," she complains at Chayil. Rulyn jumps skittishly when Teria, too, threatens to tug his hair, and he wrinkles his nose at her. "Livia says that's how you get out of kitchen duty," he reminds Teria. He grandly pours her a cup of juice and hands it to her before she escapes, and then returns to Auntie Hana, to stop her from complaining and check to see if she has any more requests.
Teria chuckles, raising the glass to take a drink. "Shhh! Rulyn! Don't give away all my trade secrets!"
Chayil agrees with the crotchety old bird, smiling as she explains, "No, I'm not, but he's the one who picked out your food. I hope it's what you like. I think Rulyn's getting his own food, too, so you can have lunch together. Is there anything I can get you, in the meantime?" One foot lifts to scratch the back of the other knee as she talks with Auntie Hana, stalling to buy Rulyn a little more time.
Rulyn seems resigned to having his ponytail tugged one more time. "Thanks, Chayil," he says. Auntie Hana does, indeed, seem pleased, now that the ponytail has returned. She gives it a merry tug, and then tells both candidates, "No, this is fine, dears," her sweet tone in a contrast to her insistent tugging.
Teria comes up next to Rulyn, a wry grin on her face. "Got any scissors? That would solve that problem very quickly."
K'gen has connected.
Chayil remains closest to Hana while she can, but the old woman's arms are long and her tugging impulse strong, and she can't save the poor boy. "Auntie Hana," she says by way of distraction, "would you like me to get you anything? A shawl, maybe, or something sweet for dessert?"
Rulyn's head is held at a slanting angle, for her grip is, indeed, strong. "I told you I wanted it cut!" he grumps at Teria. "Did you say Tasya cuts hair?" he's getting a desperate edge to his tone of voice. Auntie Hana is now looking at Chayil, but still holding on. "A shawl. Lovely idea, dear." So sweet, she is.
Timothy chuckles. "Pity K'fen and Kuari are away... Kuari cuts hair nicely."
Chayil gives Hana another winning smile. "I'll get that for you right away. I saw a very pretty one by your cot last time you and I had lunch together. I'll get you that one." She hops up to fetch it, saying quietly over her shoulder to Rulyn as she stands, "If Natasya won't cut it for you, I will. I cut my own, too." Then she's off to fetch the desired garment.
Teria looks around. "Tasya? You have scissors? Auntie, I think you are hurting him. Please let go?"
Natasya receives a slightly painful pinch on the cheek as thanks for bringing Uncle Brenyn his lunch. "You're a sweet girlie, no matter what K'prin says," he clucks. Tasya smiles, patting him on the arm before heading over to her fellow candidates. As she leaves, the old codger gets a gleam in his eye and quickly sends Tasya off with a slap on the backside, sending her all the more speedily over to her friends. "Scissors? Not on me. Who needs scissors?"
Auntie Hana looks suspiciously at the new candidate talking to her. "Nonsense, he's a strong young thing," the auntie assures Teria. Now that she has a promise of a shawl, she's unaccountably chilly, and is waiting impatiently. She inadvertently releases the ponytail so she can rub her arms and shiver dramatically. "Where's my shawl?" Rulyn scoots out of reach. "She'll be here soon, Auntie. I need my own lunch now." And scoots further. "ME," he tells Natasya. "I want it off."
Natasya grins at Rulyn, sizing up his unfortunate situation quickly. "Well, if somebody gets some scissors, I'll take care of it for you, sure. How short d'you want it?" She fingers the runnertail, although not at all the way Auntie Hana did, curling it around her finger gently and playfully.
Chayil returns with the promised shawl, a hand-crocheted thing of faded periwinkle with fringes all down the sides. As well, in her other hand, is a pair of scissors, which she places surreptitiously upon the table near Natasya and Teria, then calls, "Auntie Hana, I found it. I was right, it is pretty. Did you make this yourself?" She makes a big business of helping Hana to arrange the shawl just so, over bony shoulders. The second shawl, slung over her shoulder, is of dark grey, and she takes the time with the inconsiderate auntie to get it situated perfectly over equally bony knees.
Rulyn gives Chayil a grateful smle, then tells Natasya. "Short." He gestures towards his head, somewhere earwards. "Like, short. Not long."
Khai slips as unobtrusively as she can through the regular midday bustle
with an eye towards getting some refreshment. She offers quick nods to
anyone whose gaze might pass her own, but for the most part is focused
on cooling down.
Teria murmurs, "Cut it all off."
Natasya releases Rulyn's runnertail, nodding, and reaches for the scissors that Chayil placed so conveniently. "Okay, D.R., set yourself down and I'll fix things right up." She pulls out a chair from the closest table, settling it directly in front of herself.
Timothy grins. "Hi Khai! How's the new blueflit doing?"
Chayil suggests brightly, as Auntie Hana fusses with the pair of shawls, "Like mine! It's a /very/ becoming style."
Rulyn sits himself down eagerly. And then nearly stands up again, when he realizes what he's doing. He resettles himself. "Wanna braid it?" he suggests, "And then cut off the braid?"
Khai looks over at Timothy and smiles as the blueflit in question pokes his head out of the pocket he's claimed as his own in her jacket. She fills her cup up with juice and heads in his direction. "He's doing fine. Getting bigger every day."
T'asu strides into the living cavern with an odd contraption laying
over his chest. It appears to be a large piece of painted wood, and on
it says:
1 Mark for half a day!
3 marks for 3 days
as he walks through the living cavern, catching smirks, smiles, and a few
interested customers.
Timothy chuckles. "Hi T'asu! 3 Marks, you say? And what priviliges does that give? And since when have you got Joshi to do what you want?"
Chayil sits with Auntie Hana and converses with her as a distractionary effort, but her attention remains at least halfway upon Rulyn's Hair Day. Braiding, cutting..."You'll want to get it wet first," she says while Hana's mushy mouth is filled with a big bite of something chewy. "Otherwise the cut will be uneven.
Natasya chuckles at Rulyn, gently re-seating him with a tug to that poor, beleagered runnertail. She unties the cord and sends her fingers through his hair, ruffling it all the way up to his forehead. "Nonsense. It'd be crooked that way," she murmurs, then looking up as T'asu enters. Blinking, she looks at his sign for a moment before greeting him. "G'day, Sir. Renting Joshi?" Clearly she's puzzled.
Livia whistles cheerfully to herself as she wanders into the cavern, dodging around a harried looking drudge with a cheerful smile and snatches up a redfruit from a basket. Fruit in hand, she meanders over towards the candidate table, pulling a chair out to drop into lazily, calling greetings to various folk.
T'asu grins a huge smile, teeth beaming. His hands rest on his hips and he says, "Glad you asked, m'boy! Glad you asked!" He clears his throat and raises his voice so all can hear, "I've made a wager with Joshi that if I win, she's mine to do with as I please for two months! Two full months, and mind you I aim to take advantage of this! Note, as I -wish-, as I -want-, and as I -please- with her!" He grins and winks at Natasya. "Three marks for three days, quite a deal. Half price practically on the full charge of one mark for half a day."
Rulyn protests, "But then you could even it out. Make it shorter. Then I could keep the braid."
Khai perks up at the conversations about hair, "Why cut it at all? I think it looks good."
Teria says "But what if she Impresses?"
Timothy grins. "Hmm... How about 2 and a half marks? Three marks sounds a bit m uch for Joshi... I'd like her for tuber peeling..."
T'asu coughs and waves a dismissive hand, "Let's think positive thoughts here, candidate." He peers at Timothy and taps the wooden sign on his chest with a calloused finger, "Says 3 marks, means three marks. And it is a lot, but you can do with her what you want! Tuber peeling? Why stop there? Have her scrub pots too! Or floors!"
Natasya tilts her head at T'asu, still not quite getting it. "B-but... How'd she ever agree to that?" Looking down at Rulyn's thick hair again, pulling it back and beginning a braid. "Ok, I can to that. P'raps your Moms'll want to keep the braid as a memento?"
Livia leans back comfortably, propping her feet on the next empty chair as she takes a bite from her fruit, absently wiping redfruit juice from her chin as she peers towards Rulyn, as he seems to be quite a subject of interest. She wonders, "Cut it? You're going to cut it? Good for you! Short hair is very nice, after all."
T'asu smiles at Natasya, "It's a bet, my dear. A wager. Each side had to offer something in the event that they lose. She offered her services for two months... I offered the same. But if I win, I want to make sure I get the full benefit of it, so I'm lining up takers and my marks now so that when the time comes I don't waste my time by doing what I'm doing now, understand?"
Timothy nods. "I could. Three marks.. I'll think about it. I'll take her for three days then, and maybe I can get Master Mirala to pay for more... she's a little mad, so she might enjoy having someone to boss around..."
Timothy oopses. "I don't mean mad, I mean... I don't know. She introduces herself as mad sometimes..."
T'asu lets out a guffaw, "Good man, good man..." He scribbles down on a hide Timothy's order, "Payment due upon receipt of the Joshi-drudge."
Rulyn nods his head, wiggling the growing braid in Tasya's hands. "Auntie keeps pulling it," he explains, both to Livia's and Khai's question. "And it's been long for turns. Emlyn used to like it long. I'll bet she'd like the braid," he inserts in agreement to Tasya. "It's time. Time for it to change."
Timothy nods. "OK... Umm... I'll also speak to her about the other way round..."
Khai nods to Rulyn, understanding the desire for change at times. T'asu gets a very appraising look, and a soft grin that is carefully hidden from view behind her hands. Maybe she should have a chat with Joshi herself.
Livia has another bite from her redfruit, nodding her head at that, "Good man! Change is good!" If her normal mood is good, she's somehow managed to be even more cheerful today.
Natasya nods, getting it but still dubious. "So K'lirt wasn't kidding, eh? I thought he'd made that up." She lets out a whistle, adding, "I'll bet she didn't figure she'd be getting herself into so much... if she loses." She looks down at her work as she finished Rulyn's braid, and carefully ties one end of his cord around it. "You're sure, now? No going back, once I start..." She holds the scissors a the spot, ready to cut at the word go.
Chayil's own head bobs; fortunately, Auntie Hana has fallen asleep immediately upon finishing her lunch, and slumps into herself, insensate. "When I was little, Gayil and I cut each other's hair that way. It's easy to even it out, and Dad liked getting the matching tails. Of course, they didn't exactly /match/ since Gayil's hair is black, but they were about the same length. Plus, there's less long hairs to clean up when it's all over."
T'asu grunts, "That's the whole point, Natasya. She didn't know, but we shook on it and she can't go back and by Faranth I plan on getting plenty of work out of that little wherry."
Khai scoots over so she's closer to where the exchange is going on about T'asu and Joshi's bet, "So has she set a going rate for a Bronzerider-drudge yet?" She grins over at Natty, watching the dramatic poise of the scissors. Life is never dull for those who watch.
Cattana walks in from the inner caverns, her eyes gazing along to the rather nice gathering in the Living caverns before making her way to her fellow candidates. "Hello you guys." She says and sits down, a rather arrogant brown atop her shoulder making quite a fuss. "Fine fine. I'm getting something.." Blonde candidate mumbles before moving and grabbing some meatrolls. "Here little lad - stuff ya face." And tiny broken piece of meatroll are inhaled by the firelizard hatchling.
Rulyn grins at both Khai and Livia. And wow, is that a nervous grin! "I'm sure," he says, putting as much gusto into the reassurance as he can, but is his voice wavering? "That sounds cute," he distracts himself. "Matching tails. Yes. Cut it. Cut it." As in, do it before I change my mind.
Livia flips a wave to Cattana cheerfully, from her lounge between the two chairs, "Hey, hey, how are you doing?" Her gaze slides back to Rulyn and Natasya, watching for the final blow to be made.
Natasya grins at T'asu. Much as she pities Joshi, should she lose, she does enjoy this bronzerider's train of thought. Shaking her head a little, she turns her attention to Rulyn's braid, still chuckling to herself as she cuts across. It takes several snips, but the braid comes off! She ties the newly cut end with the other end of the cord and sets it down on the table before heading to work on the clean-up.
Teria pouts, looking on. "Oh....oh, I liked it long!"
T'asu peers at Khai and slowly says, "Nooo.... there isn't, that I know of." One eyebrow lifts and he leans forward, "Who are you? I don't recall seeing you before."
Livia grins as the braid comes off, and calls to Rulyn, "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" She looks around and snitches a cookie from the plate of the candidate in the next chair, tossing it over towards Rulyn, "You deserve a cookie after that, eh?"
Cattana looks up and smiles a bit at Livia, clucking a bit. "A little sleepy, but fine. You sure you don't want an extra firelizard?" She mentions offhandedly to Livia, smirking a bit before turning towards Natasya and RUlyn. "Whats going on... ?" Her stormy eyes trace along the candidates here, as if taking note of everyones disposition.
Khai looks back at T'asu, suprisingly without flinching. She's been gradually coming back into being social and so she smiles sweetly up at him, "I try to stay out of the way when I can, bronzerider.
Rulyn takes the cookie, looking a little stunned. "Thanks. My head's so light..." he muses. Teria gets an alarmed look. "Why didn't you say so before?"
Livia pulls her feet down from the second chair, and waves Cattana into it, "Pull up a chair! And no, I don't thanks. Can't find the one I have. She's been gone since this morning. But I'm used to that now. She disappears all the time. It used to really worry me, but now, its pretty normal." She takes another bite from her redfruit, and asks around the mouthful, "What's his name, anyhow?"
T'asu grunts and jerks his chin towards her, "Why are you wearing that jacket. You aren't a wingleader, are you?"
Khai looks back at T'asu, suprisingly without flinching. She's been gradually coming back into being social and so she smiles sweetly up at him, "I try to stay out of the way when I can, bronzerider. I'm sure you've had more important things to notice in your days."
Teria snags the braid from the table. "You didn't ask! Should I comment on your light head?"
Cattana takes Livia's invitation and sits down in the nearest chair. "This brown-" Who obviously has put up a hollering again until Catt deftly shoves a meatroll into his maw. "-Is Cimarron." Her legs are curled 'round her chair legs as braid is given a look. "You had that nice 'n long, didnt ya/" She asks braid's former owner, shifting a few stray hairs from her own head, golden strands arrogantly falling back into place.
Rulyn watches Teria steal his braid. That which was on his head moments before. "You could have told me," he mutters.
Chayil watches the entire haircutting process intently but silently, letting Auntie Hana sleep off her lunch. Only one comment escapes her lips. "Don't cut him a bald spot, mind." There, that should help the poor nervous boy through this process.
The harsh words about her jacket cause Khai to shrink backwards in her chair, almost vanishing within the confines of said jacket's hugely oversized folds. "N'one tol' me t' not wear it, bronzerider. 'Tis 'bout all I still have of my da's things. He was a Wingleader, at t'Reaches." Her voice goes shaky and much less happybouncy in the face of the suspicion.
T'asu straightens and his eyes narrow. "Well, good for your father. I'm sure he was a good rider. But wouldn't you like to keep that jacket for as long as you could?"
Livia nods absently, "He's cute, Cattana. I like browns." She thinks for a moment, then nods her head, "Yeah, I do like browns, now that I think about it."
Teria stows the braid away in a handy pouch. "You'll just have to grow it again!”
Timothy sighs. "I should get back to the kitchens. See y'all!"
Cattana chuckles a bit towards Chayil. "But thats the best part!" Tongue is clucked and looks towards the back of Rulyn's head, but can't see if there is a bald spot or not. Her eyes shift towards Livia and she immediatly nods her head. "So do I. Not so - proddy like greens or golds - and not as headstrong as bronzes..." This is just her opinion of the colors, though - not knowing the actual diffrences in colors.
Rulyn watches his braid vanish. "Hey, wait! What're you doing with that?" And then protests, "No bald spots!"
Timothy strolls through to the kitchens.
Teria grins. "We could always hire a harper to paint your head pink."
Khai draws her knees up onto the chair, trying to pull herself as far inside the jacket as she can. "I take good care of it. I'm going to take it with me when I see him again. Y'see... he forgot t' take it wit' him when he n' his blue passed Between." Her response is very soft, almost a whisper as she tries to explain things. "N' if I forget it ever, then who c'n get it t' him?"
Chayil mentions to the one who swiped the braid, "He's going to give that to his mothers, so leave it there again when you're done. It'll be /their/ souvenir of his candidacy."
T'asu nods once, "Then the smartest thing for you to do would be to put it in a press somewhere and only take it out when you miss him the most. Hug it then, and put it away. Wearing it like you are, you're just asking for harm to come to it, and more importantly, trouble to come to you. It wouldn't be right of me to wear a Master Harper's knot just because my Mum was one, would it now?" He doesn't seem to be the least bit sympathetic towards the girl, but at least he's not being as mean as he started off being. "Besides, saying something like that is like saying you expect to die, and no one likes a bum."
Natasya's scissors hover over poor Rulyn's head. She looks back and forth between him and Teria. "Well? Do I finish it, or not?" Rulyn's brand new bangs are swinging freely in his face, now that his braid is gone.
Cattana bursts out laughing at this idea, "A pink head? He would really stick out, then." Her eyes sparkle a darker blue-grey as braid is hidden away.
Rulyn yeeks. "You've cut off the braid! Finish it! Finish it!" The boy finds himself without the long hair he's had since he was 12, and is feeling a little bit unsettled.
F'tan ambles in, idly scratching his temple. His face shows his usual smile as he makes his way to the nearest table. "Afternoon all." He calls.
Chayil gives a wave to the coordinator, busily watching the haircut. "I'll finish it!" she volunteers. "I do mine all the time, and it's even." And it is, too. "It'd be easier if I could actually see what I was doing."
Khai looks up sharply at T'asu's last words. They bring her to herself and she stands up, "And no one likes bullies, either, bronzerider." Her voice is clear again and there is an emphasis on his position. Not using it as an insult, but rather to point out the very marked difference in both their ages and stations. "And don't every accuse me of wanting to die! I'll pass between in my time, and not before. If you have a problem with me honoring my da in my own way, if you're so insulted by me wearing this jacket, then bring it up to the Weyrwoman. If /she/ asks me to not wear it, then I won't. But I'll not listen to advice from someone who tries to sell their friends as hard labor."
Cattana turns towards F'tan and waves a cheerful hand in greeting. "Hello sir." She remarks before turning back to her fellow candidates, glaring a bit a Merrin as he does some whispering with Colin - both candidates. Rulyn is given the slightest glance and she clucks her tongue before turning towards Chayil. "That auntie knock out.. ?" She asks. You can never tell when those old women are asleep, so Catt bends her head slightly to check for opened eyes.
Livia finishes her redfruit absently, and ruffles a hand through her hair absently, as she watches the hair cutting, "Shells, I'm probably over due for a haircut myself..but maybe I'll wait awhile for mine." Her gaze glances aside towards the bronzerider and the girl, brow lifting faintly as she over hears bits and pieces.
Natasya casts one last glance at Teria, then shrugs and follows Rulyn's directions. "Okay, here goes..." She starts from the front, moving around to face Rulyn so she can get it even. Snip. Snip. Snip. Rulyn's hair starts shaping up as she works. "Now, be sure you're careful for a few days... you'll hurt your neck if you don't, now that your head's so much lighter."
Chayil bobs her head at Cattana. "Finished her lunch and she was out like a glow. I should wake her up and take her back, unless she wants to stay out, but I'm not her official companion today. He is." She points at Rulyn. "And he's sort of busy."
Terrilia comes down the stairway.
Terrilia has arrived.
Teria makes a few overdone sobbing noises in the background, just to add atmosphere.
Terrilia comes down the stairs frowning and muttering to herself, fingers tapping rapidly against the stack of hides she's carrying. For those close enough to the stairs to hear, the muttering seems to be something about a certain "sharding stubborn bronzerider."
T'asu smirks at Khai, "And no one likes a fake, either." He shrugs, "You know, you have a very good point. I probably should bring up impersonating a rider to the weyrwoman. It's a very grievous offense." He looks contemplative about this and nods. He then smiles at Khai, "Thanks for the suggestion, kid!" He turns and walks towards the exit but stops when he overhears his wingleader. "Something wrong, Terrilia?”
F'tan blinks several times, lifting his glass to his lips. Scanning everyone, he almost chokes when his gaze falls on Rulyn and the other candidates orbiting around. "Hey!" He coughs and calls. "Don't cut his ears, he'll need them. It's useful, trust me." His smile doesn't fade out but widens.
Rulyn is aware of the tensions between bronzerider and young girl, even if he can't turn his head to look or give it his full attention. He's also mildly aware of the auntie, but yes, he's busy. He's vividly aware of the dramatic sobbing noises. He seems to watch every lock of hair as it tumbles down, those in his line of vision, that is. "Hurt... my neck?" he asks at length, in fragile tones. What has he done????
Cattana smiles a bit at Chayil before turning her eyes rapidly towards some awful muttering - to see Terrilia. "Hello, WeyrSecond." She beams, waving her hand lightly before looking up at her firelizard - who just thunked out into sleep. Snnnoooorrreee. Her curious orbs then flick to F'tan and smirks a bit. "Don't worry - we just took off his braid..." And maybe his marbles too - if he freaks out too badly, which causes her to turn back to the scene.
Terrilia blinks and glances over, hearing her name. "Huh? No, not really. Just a lot of hidework to take care of." She looks around, her frown changing from worried to curious as she takes in the scene, haircuts and all. "How're you doing, T'asu?"
Natasya rolls her eyes, grinning as she nods at Rulyn. "Simmer down, D.R. ...It's just that you'll have to let your neck get adjusted to such a big change, is all. Just don't throw your head around too much for a day or two, so you don't pull a muscle."
F'tan shakes his head a bit, smiling. He lifts his glass up, greeting Terrilia. "Afternoon, Terri." He says calmly before sitting down and looking back at the candidates. "Poor Rulyn..." He whispers.
Chayil explains for poor Rulyn, "Hair's heavy. Don't turn your head really fast, is all, because your neck muscles are used to moving a bigger weight."
Khai's expression suffers a lapse of confidence as T'asu actually sounds like he's going to follow up on her suggestion. She blinks back the tears that are threatening as the bronzerider's attention is turned away to... Terrilia? Oh, shards... what will happen now? For all her shock-induced bluster, she's not very confident in what will happen if a rider openly complains about her. She's just a nanny, no one important, right?
Rulyn is trying to simmer down, but this is just... huge. All his hair. "Oh, shards, that would be fine. I'll miss the hatching because of a pulled neck muscle."
Cattana thinks for a moment before looking around. "Someone want to voleenter to cut off my mass too.. ?" She waits to see if anyone wants to chop their mass off too, looking at her hair, which reaches down to her waist. "I can put it up in a braid, if needed..." Wow. A girl who -isnt- going to freak out from loosing her hair.
Chayil reassures Rulyn, "Oh, it's okay. I know one of the others that's been saying she gives a good neck massage. You'll be in good hands, and anyhow, the hatching won't be for another day. Four days ago, Sarai said it'd be about five days, so it'll be tomorrow. Or maybe even one more day. I heard Sarai's always right about these things."
T'asu mms and shrugs, "Pretty good. Just about to head on my way to talk to the Weyrwoman. Though really, I should probably address it with the headwoman first." He scratches his bristly jaw, "Yes. Address it with the Headwoman and let her know what's going on before I bother the weyrwoman, after all, they both should know."
Livia absently snitches another cookie from the plate of the candidate on the opposite side of her from Cattana. Poor fellow just isn't paying enough attention, so she starts picking what she wants from his plate, brushing crumbs from her lap cheerily enough.
Teria stops with the fake tears, mercifully, moves over to where the cutter and cuttee are. "Wow."
Terrilia smiles faintly as she overhears Rulyn and Chayil. She nods to F'tan and the Candidates who addressed her and moves a little closer to the group. "Oh? What's the problem?" She asks T'asu. Her eyes settle on Khai and she gives the girl a smile, which turns curious as she notes the girl's discomfiture.
Khai can't help but overhear T'asu's words. She doesn't know where she should go, or even if she should go anywhere. Maybe she shouldn't have ever tried to talk to people. This wouldn't be a problem if she'd just stay down in the caverns all the time, would it?
Cattana snickers a bit as Livia snatches off with another candidate's cookies - who is absently watching Rulyn have a nervious breakdown. "Don't let him catch you taking it..." Merrin is watching too - his eyes shifting nerviously as if to make sure the other candidate doesnt see Livia. "That braid was long.." Merrin sqweaks oddly, the other candidate nodding.
Girls who don't mind haircuts? No sweat. Chayil looks over at Livia, then at Cattana. "I'll do yours, if you want. Like mine, or like Livia's? Or wouldn't you rather wait till after the hatching, one way or another? I mean, hatching day, a lot of the times, people's families come to see them. If you're concerned about how you look, you'll want your hair to be what you're used to fixing."
"Ahaaaa massages..." whispers F'tan again, catching words of the nearest conversation.
T'asu shrugs, "Well, You know. Some people are running around masquerading as riders. I'm all one for sentimentality, but I'm not allowed to wear master crafters' knots, or wingleader patches so why should anyone else be allowed to? I mean, it's not like I don't miss my parents," of course, he's rambling on and on about a conversation that Terrilia knows nothing about.
Livia bahs, waving a hand to Cattana and grins, "He won't care..." Then she catches Chayil's comment and ohs, nodding again, "Yeah, that's true. You might want to wait a few more days before loping it all off. Family, like she said, and all."
Cattana looks over at Chayil and nods her head. "Your porbably right - not that it'll be only my family - but my train crew as well.." She winces a bit as she imagines her train smothering her to death with talk. "Nice people. Big mouthes..." She snickers a bit.
F'tan keeps his eyes on the Cutter Candidates for a moment. "All that cutting makes me somewhat nervous. Try not to hurt yourselves, will you?" He asks, but his question sounds more like an advice. Oooh yeah, the wise Tany spoke.
Terrilia frowns and turns her full attention to T'asu now. "Masquerading as riders? And wingleaders? Who's doing that, and why?" Her fingers tap against her hidework again.
Natasya continues to make progress on Rulyn's hair, cutting the sides and back short, but leaving the top a little longer, since it's turning out nice and wavy in it's shortness. She ruffles the top a bit as she finishes. "There." Turning to Teria, she asks, "Well? Whatd'you think?"
Khai doesn't move from where she's standing, hoping that by just not moving she'll pass under everyone's attention and that folks will pay attention to the much more interesting antics of the Candidates over there. See? Candies with sharp objects, be amazed and frightened. Pay no attention to the girl behind the chair.
Teria sniffles again, then grins wryly. "It's a good job, but it'll take a lot of getting used to. He doesn't look like him anymore."
T'asu shrugs, "Some nanny. She's riding her father's jacket, refuses to take it off, because when she dies, she wants to make sure that when she's taken between, she can take the jacket to her father, as if we go somewhere after we die?" He rolls his eyes and puffs, "Either way, it's got the wingpatches of riders and a wingleaders patch and I'm of the opinion that she shouldn't be wearing it. If she misses her father that much, she should put it away for safe keeping, and ask the headwoman that when she dies, to please take the jacket between with her, but until that point in time, I do NOT think she should be wearing the jacket. Those patches were earned through hard work and privilege, not through being the child of some rider."
Chayil turns away from the fascination of cutting to grin at F'tan. "Where were you with the safety, when we're pounding firestone while our partners are holding the chisels? And when /we're/ the ones holding the chisels for someone else to hammer?"
Rulyn looks about, his face solomn. His hand flies up to his hair, he has to actually touch this shortness. "I look okay?" he asks. He moves his head expirimentally from side to side, experiencing the newfound freedom. "Who do I look like?"
Terrilia listens to T'asu, frowning. About halfway through, her eyes light with a realization as she puts two and two together. She looks from T'asu to Khai and back again. "Her?" She points to Khai.
Some other words reaches F'tan's ears again and his smile disappears. He does perk at Chayil's question though. "Err..." It's not the time to be embarrassed. He takes a deep breath and a smile crosses his face again. "I wasn't far away. I'm very good at being somewhat..." He grimaces a bit, searching for a word. "Furtive..." He grins back at the girl.
T'asu nods.
Cattana looks over at Rulyn and smiles a bit. "You look hansom." Well, she is being truthful! Her fingers play with the ends of her own hair and she smiles a bit. "I wouldent look in any mirrors, though. The diffrence might scare you." Her voice holds and air of teasing before tsking the person with the cutters.
As soon as the Weyrsecond points at her, Khai's first reaction is to
run as far and as fast as she can. But if she remembers anything, she remembers
her da telling her to never run away from things. Even if you're wrong,
especially if you're right. So she just stands very still, swallowing fearfully,
and waits for what's coming.
T'asu doesn't know what Khai is remembering, so he doesn't pick up
on it. He just glares at the girl and continues to nod. "Yeah. -Her-."
Terrilia's expression goes dark and disgusted. "T'asu, haven't you got anything better to do than pick on little girls who miss their fathers?"
T'asu gets equally disgusted with Terrilia, "Then are you saying that I can wear a Master Harper's knot, as well as a Wingleader's patch too?"
Chayil smiles back at F'tan. "So then you know whether Viedka will regain the use of his hand?" After letting it sit for /just/ a second, she reassures him, "He will. I'm the one took him to the healers, and they say he'll be even able to stand for Junni's clutch, but not for ours."
Teria walks over to Rulyn, reaching a hand up to run it over his head. "It looking very much different. Does your head feel cold?"
The lad who was unfortunate enough to be sitting next to Livia finally turns back to his plate, now that all the hair cutting is finished. He blinks down at his practically empty plate, and looks around blankly, "Hey! Who ate my lunch? And where are my cookies?" His suspicious gaze jumps from candidate to candidate.
Terrilia snorts. "It's not a knot, it's an old patch! Do you really think anyone's going to mistake her for a wingleader? It's a High Reaches patch, at that! Jorana had one too--are you going to take hers as well? Kids play dress-up. I'm not worried about it."
Natasya steps back, satisfied, and places the scissors on the table again before heading for the meal table to reward herself with a cookie. She grins at the unfortunate lad who lost his lunch, shaking her head. "I was too busy."
A'deth paces towards the meal table, though he pauses at Terrilia's words. "Mistaking whom for a wingleader?"
Rulyn shivers a little. "It does," he says, still sounding a little stunned. "Cold." That explains the shivers. He looks up at Teria. "Guess I'm stuck with it," he grins. Still sounding fragile.
Terrilia points distractedly toward Khai without really looking at her, or at A'deth much, either. "Her."
Teria scowls, trying to tug and failing. "Until it grows back, at least. And you better let it!" She sounds quite fierce, doesn't she?
Chayil turns back around to see Rulyn's hair. "Oh! You look like a mushroom. It's perfect!"
Khai almost... /almost/ manages to relax as Terrilia's words drift her way. But the attention given the situation by yet another rider keeps her from moving except to just sit back down and slump. The only way this day could get any worse would be for T'asu to be proven right.
T'asu shakes his head, "So you're saying I can't wear the knot, but I can wear the patch?" No, T'asu isn't going to let this drop. "Look, I don't care what you call it, Terrilia, but the fact is that rules are rules. And if any old person can wear the patch, the why the shards have the patches in the first place? They don't mean nothin' at all! It sure isn't there to remind the person wearing it what wing they're part of, because I never forget what wing I'm a part of!" He shakes his head, "I miss my parents to, and I lost mine when I couldn't have been much older than her, but you don't see me being that ignorant of respect. What's the point of wearing anything at all for that matter if anyone can wear it? I mean, I might as well go walking around nude wearing just my knot so people know that I belong here."
F'tan nods to Chayil. Of course he knew about Viedka's health. Look at his eyes, they shows no doubt about that. He frowns slightly but fights back a chuckle as he sees Rulyn.
Cattana can't help but make an effort to keep a straight face as the cookie-missing candidate looks around. Merrin on the other hand gives a rather weak sqweak and Catt rolls her eyes before leaning over to him. "Shhhh!" She mumbles before turning towards Rulyn. "It won't be cold on the sands, atleast!" She giggles to the short-haired candidate.
Rani comes in brightly, stepping lightly as she always does. She beams as she sees the full living cavern. . . and the attendant empty platters and trenchers of what used to be food enough for an army. Briskly she begins to clear away the clutter, as befits a baker apprentice.
Livia slyly brushes crumbs out of her lap, shaking her head, "You ate your lunch, silly! About ten minutes ago. Don't you remember? Shells, silly boy, go get some more if you're still hungry! After all, candidacy is hungry work, after all." Oops, she absently brushes some crumbs off her face quickly, hoping the boy didn't notice.
"It's an old patch, she doesn't mean any harm, and it's out of respect for her father, for Faranth's sake," Terrilia says, pressing her lips together. She snorts at the last comment and shakes her head. "You could, but I wouldn't try going *between* that way."
A'deth considers Khai for a moment, and then looks sidelong at T'asu. "It's old, it's too big for her, and it's from 'reaches," he drawls. "It's probably _as old_ as her, by the look of it and she both. No one'll assume a girl her age's a wingleader. Unless you consider a rider's accoutrements - and rank - so sacrosanct that a girl wearing her daddy's jacket qualifies as disrespectful...?"
Rulyn is still a little bewildered. The comments coming at him are a bit overwhelming, in his unsure state of mind. "Mushroom? I look like a mushroom. A cool mushroom. I won't be hot on the sands." Then turns to look back up at Teria. "Growing it out again? I just got it cut, though!"
T'asu shakes his head at Terrilia and takes off his jacket, "Oh good then. Well, here's my jacket." He starts to unbutton his shirt, "And give me a second here and you'll have my shirt, but lemme get my knot off my jacket. And who here has a piece of ribbon? I'll need a piece of ribbon to tie this knot to my arm!"
Teria says "Right! So now you can start growing it out. Unless you like looking like a mushroom? A sunburned one of course."
Khai watches, and listens, and gets enough confidence from the rider's responses and fed up enough with the bronzerider's arrogance that she rises at the call for something to tie on his knot with. She reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out a leather cord, holding it up towards T'asu.
The lunchless boy looks rather dismayed, until he notices that Livia is next to him, as if he hadn't even noticed her there before. "Hey! You! I know you! You ate it, I know you did!" He gives the girl a playful sort of thump in the shoulder and gets up to go get himself some food, again.
A'deth hnhs. "...If you want to get naked for us, you could've just _said_ so, pretty boy." And he resumes his course for the meal table- and the benden white there, of which he pours himself a glass.
Terrilia blinks at T'asu, then snorts and smirks. Some tension goes out of her shoulders and she looks positively amused. She glances toward A'deth, trying to catch his eye. "Didn't the bronzeriders do this once before?"
A'deth smiles faintly at Terrilia. "Yes. Up on a table and dance, now, T'asu..."
Rani catches the words 'naked' and 'bronzerider' and is puzzled for a second, to blush as she takes in the meaning of the current conversation. Curious in spite of herself, she pauses to frankly listen to this most interesting dialouge.
T'asu takes the tie and rips his knot off and ties it to his arm. He mutters to Khai, "... It's... wise... at such... any... life... living..." He then straightens and starts to unbutton his trousers. He looks at A'deth, "Is that an order, Wingsecond. I'll gladly do it if it's an order, or maybe I've forgotten what wing I'm in since I don't have my patch anymore to remind me."
Natasya stands at the meal table, still nibbling her cookie. Her attention is now completely diverted from Rulyn and his hair, and she watches T'asu, her eyebrow arching as a sly smile spreads across her face. A'deth's comment causes her to cough -or, something.
Cattana blinks as from the corner of her eyes she sees T'asu -- taking off his clothing!? She turns away as fast as she can and scolds a female candidate as she turns to oogle. "Hey!" She whispers harshly before young gal huffs and turns away. Livia is given an eye and she snirks a bit. "I think your crumbs gave it away." She then grabs one of her own extra meatrolls up and munches on it.
Rulyn needs nothing more than that cue word, sunburn, to pink up vividly. There he is, a sunburnt mushroom. "I..." he says. "Guess I should see it before I decide, eh?"
A'deth tilts his head at T'asu. "Rider," he says, his voice sharp and cold, "You'll stop this nonsense immediately."
Livia rubs her shoulder absently, about to complain, but the disrobing rider catches her attention and she just blinks in that direction. She erghs and puts a hand up to sheild her eyes as the trousers start to be undone, and offers a cat call of, "Ack! Nobody wants to see that!"
Teria leans in close to Rulyn, and mutters, "What makes you think it's your decision?" She has the grin - you know, /that/ grin, as she straightens again.
F'tan can't help but frowning as all the tension from another corner of the cavern still reaches him. He does keep an eye on the Candidates though. Some more nervousness for the brownrider.
T'asu stands there, shirtless and rather annoyed. He shakes his head at A'deth, "Yes, -sir-." He just shakes his head in obvious and great disgust at the child and says, "I'll take my leave of you now. I can't stand to be in the presence of... " He leaves it hanging and walks out to the bowl.
A'deth murmurs sourly, "Probably lost a flight, or somesuch." And leans against a table, and lifts his wineglass for a sip.
Terrilia presses her lips together as she watches T'asu leave, and sighs. She rubs her temple and nods to A'deth. "My day just keeps getting better..."
Khai looks after the bronzerider as he leaves. As soon as T'asu has left, she shudders inside the jacket that's brought so much contention to her afternoon. She quickly tries to scoot away from everyone to find a quiet corner of the cavern to just disappear into.
Chayil glances over at T'asu and as only a thirteen-turn-old can, watches him with an expression touching on curiosity, puzzlement, and frank evaluation. When he leaves, she turns back around without commentary -- a harper not using words! -- and tells Rulyn, "Well, an attractive mushroom. I like mushrooms. And you can see your face now, and besides, Auntie Hana won't be pulling on it." As if the mention of her name did it, the auntie snorts awake and reaches out for Rulyn's ponytail. He's not there, though Chayil is. "BOY!" she calls to him. "I need my dessert. Come here." Though Chayil volunteers to get it, the old woman insists it must come from Rulyn and Rulyn only.
A'deth eyes Terrilia. "You could've done the same, just now, oh wingleader..."
Terrilia arches an eyebrow. "What, stripped down to my knot?" She sighs and looks out toward the Bowl. "You beat me to it."
Rulyn, the human pink mushroom, can make no further comment to, for Auntie Hana awakens, and even before her eyes are open, there's a list of demands. "Shards," mutters Rulyn, "I forgot to eat my lunch!" he jumps up to hurry over to the auntie, snitching two cheese rolls along the way.
Cattana gives a rather heavy sigh and watches T'asu walk out and looks over at Terrilia. "Looks like we are all getting major surprises today, Weyrsecond, I just fear what will be next!" Her eyes scan over to other semi-shocked candidates - and some girls grumbling that T'asu didnt continue. Which She gives them a more desrving glare.
Terrilia chuckles at A'deth and pours herself a mug of iced klah. She shrugs and smiles wearily to Cattana. "Don't need anything else today."
Chayil reminds Cattana, "Well, you did ask somebody to do your hair, too. D'you still want it?"
F'tan slowly stands up, his glass in his right hand. "The show is over." He says turning to all the Candidates. Yeah, he can be cruel too. He does smile again but comes closer Terri and A'deth. "Is T'asu always like that?"
Livia shakes her head, absently adding her mantra to the conversation, "Boys." And speaking of boys, the boy slides back into his chair next to her and starts eating his lunch this time. Not that this stops the young Seacrafter from snitching a meatroll from his plate, licking it quickly as he starts to protest and offers it back. When he shakes his head in disgust, she shrugs and pulls it apart to eat in peices.
Auntie Hana reaches for the ponytail that isn't there. Poor auntie! She eyes Rulyn suspiciously. "You're not him!" she protests. "Where's that nice boy?"
Natasya sighs quietly, shrugging to herself as T'asu storms out, his show unfinished. She grabs a handful more cookies, and heads out as well, to spend the remainder of her restday looking at the Eggs again, no doubt.
Cattana clucks her tongue and smiles a bit towards Terri still, setting down the meatroll she was nibbling on. "Only one problem. The day isnt over yet - so one must be ready for the unexpected." Her eyes scan over to Livia, inwhich she snickers at her tactic, then over to Auntie Hana. Poor old woman.
You walk out into the Bowl.
IgenW-LC> A'deth shrugs. "Don't know. He's not in our wing. If he was
in my subwing, I'd have him on dawn sweeps for a sevenday."
IgenW-LC> "Not usually that bad," Terrilia says quietly. She takes a drink of her klah and sighs. "How're you doing today?" The question seems to be a general one, directed equally at F'tan, A'deth, and Cattana.
IgenW-LC> Rulyn looks around desperately. How to settle her? "He got called away, auntie," he says gently. "Should we go find your needlework?" Auntie Hana looks at Rulyn in utter confusion. "You /sound/ like him," she complains. But allows herself to be helped up by the strange, ponytailless boy, and shuffles out with him.
IgenW-LC> Rulyn looks over his shoulder as he leaves to wave at his friends, then leads the auntie out.
IgenW-LC> A'deth inquires mildly, "Terrilia, should I put him on dawn sweeps for a sevenday?"
IgenW-LC> Teria calls after Rulyn, "Come back after!"
IgenW-LC> Chayil waves after Auntie Hana, looking a little bit sorry. "She's probably really confused. But she was hurting him, too."
IgenW-LC> Terrilia sighs and shakes her head. "No, not yet anyway. I should probably have a talk with him." Her fingers tap against her klah mug again briefly.
IgenW-LC> Rulyn strides through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.
IgenW-LC> Rulyn has left.
IgenW-LC> "Quite fine." Tany answers. "Manae just broke my back the other day, otherwise, I'm fine." He grins but stays silent at A'deth's question to his wingleader. Wing stuff here, it seems.
IgenW-LC> A'deth shrugs, and considers F'tan. "...Broke your back?"
IgenW-LC> Khai manages to find a safe spot to sit and goes to take a
drink of her juice, panicing slightly when she realizes she left her cup
on the table she was at! A moment later, she's joined by her gold and green
'lizards, who between them are carrying the wood cup, which they drop in
her lap. Of course, all the juice is gone, poured out in the shaky flight,
but she still gives them plenty of loving scritches and some bits of wherry
she'd secreted away in yet another pocket. The cup is clutched quickly
put back safe in its own pocket while Khai eventually manages to forget
that she's not alone in the cavern.
IgenW-LC> Sarai comes down the stairway.
IgenW-LC> Sarai has arrived.
IgenW-LC> F'tan's smile grows wider and he stretches his back. "Yeah. She didn't stop crying until I play the Dragon with her..." He winks. "I just can't say no to my little girl. Just like her mother."
IgenW-LC> Cattana shrugs a bit to Terri, smiling rather tiredly. "I'm ok - got kept up a bit last night due to this little fellow." Brown flizard hatchling is poked. "And got a majority of my chores done. So over-all, pretty good." She shrugs and looks to where Rulyn left, before turning back towards her candidates - not without giving a respectful nod and cheerful wave to Sarai. "Goodday, Weyrwoman." She says before she gets up to grab herself a chilled drink.
IgenW-LC> Rani shakes her head at the lizards, but merely follows along behind them with a wet cloth, mopping. Ah, the fun life of an apprentice baker. Once she gets to the table, though, she sits down and grins at the girl. "Having a rough day, are you?"
IgenW-LC> Sarai walks downstairs with a gaggle of residents and riders. One resident is furiously scribbling on a hide, "I /said/," sighs Sarai, "5 marks have it for /today/. Period. That's my wager. Not changing. Anyone care to match me?" The crowd of voices around the Weyrwoman increase and people place their bets with the bookie in the middle. Finally they're all done, and Sarai beams. "Baby needs a new pair of boots- Oh, afternoon, Candidates."
IgenW-LC> A'deth nods sagely to F'tan. "Oh, children, right."
IgenW-LC> Teria remains quiet and to herself, running Rulyn's shorn off braid through her fingers idly.
*** Disconnected from PernMUSH ***