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undefined Logfile from rulyn.
July 3, 2002

Siara comes into the barracks, swinging her arms and whistling. She heads towards her desk, stopping first to spot check a few cots, tossing a mark onto them to see if it bounces.

U'yn is inspecting Kismith's muzzle, lying on the ground beside the bronze head, looking at a spot by his jaw. He looks up to see an upside-down-looking weyrlingmaster and salutes out of habit, though he doesn't jump up, since he's in the barracks.

Siara looks down at U'yn, oddly. "It's not like I'm even wearing a dress," she points out. "You'd see more standing up here." She looks then at Kismith, "How is he today?"

U'yn scrambles to his feet. "Yes ma'am," he says properly. "Kismith is well, but he has a scratch on his muzzle. I was about to find some one to look at it."

Siara nods and crouches down to look at the scratch herself. She greets Kismith politely first and doesn't touch him, simply looks. "It doesn't look like much, but you're right to check anyway," she agrees. "Do you know how it happened?"

U'yn looks at his bronze dragon, then at the weyrlingmaster. Fortunately Kismith doesn't seem to be embarrassed. "He hadn't properly dispatched a wherry when he tried to eat it. I was wondering if wherry clawmarks festered, or anything."

Siara nods, not laughing or even looking remotely amused. "It takes a while to work it out. I still get clawed by wherries if I ever get too close to those pens. "I've never heard of one festering, but A'deth would know better than me. Does Kismith say it bothers him?"

U'yn shakes his head. "No, he's tells me it doesn't exist, that I'm making a big fuss out of nothing, ma'am."

Siara nods, "Well. That's good. But you're still right to see the healer about it." She continues to stand there, looking a little awkward as that topic comes to it's natural end.

U'yn bobs his head. "Yes, ma'am," he says. With the weyrlingmaster still standing there, he throws a momentarily-panicked glance over his shoulder to check if he truly did make his cot this morning, though he always does.

Siara traces a circle on the floor with the toe of her boot and speaks to a point somewhere beyond U'yn's shoulder, "So. How are those push ups going?"

U'yn straightens himself upright to answer smartly. "Much easier, ma'am. I'm getting stronger."

Siara nods. "Good...good," she says vaguely. "I think...maybe I didn't explain too well why you had to do them."

U'yn answers as he thinks a good weyrling should, "Because you said so, ma'am."

Siara nods, "Right..." she says, "I meant more...what exactly I wanted you to do." She looks at the weyrling anxiously to see if he takes her meaning.

As a weyrling, U'yn isn't /supposed/ to get Siara's meaning, much of the time. "You wanted me to be too tired to think anything improper, ma'am," he responds.

Siara nods eagerly, "Right! But just that. Nothing else. See?"

Tethry wanders in with Seroth from the field. She doesn't look happy, actually down right worried. Seroth croons softly.

U'yn is trying to maintain that respectful-good-weyrling face, but he's slipping, and looking a bit like a puzzled-respectful-good-weyrling. "We're supposed to think about nothing but weyrling training. I understand, ma'am."

Siara looks at U'yn grumpily. "No!" It's much like a game of charades. Any minute it seems as if Siara might hold up her fingers to signify "two words." She sighs, "I meant about Teria." She stresses the weyrling's name as if that's supposed to make things clear.

U'yn is speaking with the weyrlingmaster and doesn't see the arrivals. Even Kismith is watching the exchange carefully. "Nothing improper about Teria," he echoes. "Right, ma'am." His attempt at maintaining that good-weyrling face is starting to break down, and he's just getting jumpy aobut the whole conversation.

Speak of the devil, and she will appear... Teria trails after her brown, looking sleepy and with her hair as ever, falling into her eyes. She blinks in Siara's direction, then recollects herself and salutes.

Tethry helps Seroth to her couch and stands on the precipice of hell, if Pern had one. She looks as if she'd prefer to face Fall than the Wyerlingmaster, but here it is. One step and then another, the Weyrling treads. However the sharp No! from Siara, freezes her in her place. Creeping back to her dragons couch, Tethry will wait.

Siara's expression lightens when she sees Teria, "Oh good. You're here too." She beckons the weyrling over to her and U'yn.

Kismith> Jazeth senses that Kismith makes mind-contact with a bemused whiff. << He asks that you tell her: He wishes he'd thought to warn her not to come in right now. >>

Dragon> Kismith senses that Jazeth registers notable alarm. << Is she is trouble again? She is very tired! >>

Teria walks over quietly, one hand gripping her hair back in a temporary runnertail. "Yes, ma'am?"

Siara says earnestly to Teria, "You know that the pushups weren't anything to do with being friends, right?"

U'yn stands straight and tall and so very carefully does not look at Teria. Even when Siara first calls her over, U'yn does not look at her. No improper thoughts here, no ma'am. Then the weyrlingmaster speaks, and her point is a little more clear, and the bronzeling looks at her sharply, with surprise.

Teria nods, jerking her hair free inadvertantly. She sounds almost as if she were reciting. "No, ma'am. It was to channel off energy."

Kismith> I bespoke Jazeth with << He's confused. He doesn't know if it's trouble. >>

Siara nods, looking relieved. "Right! one has to be unhappy now. Okay?" She looks from one to the other to see if everything is all cleared up. "Understood?"

Whether or not everything is cleared up, U'yn is quick to respond, "Understood, ma'am." He's managed to put his good-weyrling face right back on.

Tethry knows a reason to be unhappy, its when your lifemate doesn't listen to you and you end up in trouble cause it wasn't your fault. "Siara will be free soon, Seroth."

Teria nods again, hands slipping to her sides. An excess of energy is the last thing visible about her - the girl looks simply exhausted. "Yes, ma'am."

Siara nods, pleased, "Okay. So go...I don't know...have a swim at the lake together or something. Okay?"

Teria asks plaintively, "May I sleep? And swim later?"

Shifty dark eyes dart suspiciously from the weyrlingmaster to Teria and back to Siara. Is it a trap? "Yes, ma'am," U'yn says, allowing Teria room for her question.

Siara nods, "Okay. So you can go sleep to- no wait." She frowns, going back over her words, "No, you can't do -that-. But after you sleep, just do something together that friends do. That's an order. I want you to do something like that every day. Understood?" she asks again.

U'yn has completely given up on not looking at Teria. "Yes, ma'am," he responds again, his voice sounding as confident as a sailor in a leaky lifeboat. "Thank-you, ma'am."

Tethry shifts from one foot to another and then back again, waiting for Siara to finish.

Teria nods again - she's quite good at it! Then makes a vtol-line for her cot, flopping into it uncereminously. Her still booted feet stick over the side.

Siara still looks a little worried, but lets the pair go. She pauses and then her eyes seek out Seroth, her gaze suddenly sharp as she heads that way. "All right. What happened?" she demands. Weyrlings. If it's not one thing, it's another!

Tethry swallows, "Seroth had her first flight, ma'am!" She says with a sharp salute, "K'fen supervised ma'am." Maybe the more ma'ams she adds the least likely to offend, "She says she's sore now ma'am. K'fen wanted me to have you look at her."

U'yn finally relaxes as Siara's attention goes elsewhere. He eyes Teria cautiously. Now he's supposed to be her friend, and she's sleeping. He goes back to inspecting Kismith's hide. The bronze unfurls a broad wing and U'yn ducks under it to check the wingsails.

Soft, then increasingly louder snores begin drifting from the direction of the boot-decorated cot.

Siara frowns and sits down on the floor, next to Seroth. "Ranth is going to ask some questions, and then you tell me Seroth's answers," she says to Tethry.

Tethry nods, "Yes'm" She hovers behind Siara, her hands clamped tightly behind her back.