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A popular song, included an many artists CD's, and although the chorus has retained the gaelic, it meaning is not obscured by this. The chorus is rousing and the lyrics of the verses; uplifting. I have given the chorus in my own crude phonetics rather than the proper gaelic spellings.

Air Falalalo

There's lilt in the song I sing, there's laughter and love.
There's tang of the sea, and blue from heaven above.
Of reason there's none, and why should there be, for bye
With the fire in the blood and toes, the light in the eye.

Air falalalo, horo, air falalalay, Air falalalo, horo, air falalalay,
Air falalalo, horo, air falalalay, Falee falo, horo, air falalalay,

There's heather ablaze wi' bloom, the myrtle is sweet,
There's song in the air, the road's a song at our feet.
So step it along as light as the bird on the wing,
And stepping along, let's join our voices and sing.

And whether the blood be highland, lowland or no'
And whether the hue be white, or black as the sloe.
Of kith and of kin, we're one, be it right, be it wrong,
If only our hearts beat true to the lilt of the song.

Music; traditional. Content copyright © 2000 held by the author; Ian Hall.